Blue Angels

blue angels

The Blue Angels…wowser…LOVE their air shows!!!

Years ago, we did a vacation in Destin. The day before we left, I had a medical treatment that left me feeling rather unwell. 😆 It was a vacation I truly did very little on. The fam decided to go parasailing. Goodness…I wanted to fly up there with them. I chose to stay in the boat and take pictures instead. My body wasn’t up for the adrenaline rush.

Parasailing is on my bucket list. Going someday.

Since I didn’t get to enjoy parasailing…I decided we were going to head over to Pensacola and watch the Blue Angels on their home turf. We did.

blue angels
blue angels


I have a philosophy about vacation. Everyone in the fam should get to see and/or do something that makes them happy. Something that interests them.

For example…when the kids were younger…we did a trip along the east coast. My oldest daughter, Mara, is a major early American history buff. We toured the battlefields of Gettysburg and Valley Forge. We got to see Plymouth Rock and took a tour of Plymouth Plantation. Checked out Salem, Massachusetts where the Salem Witch Trials were held also. With all of the history field trips, I thought the male gender of the family would need something manly to see. 🤣 We took a tour of a nuclear submarine in Connecticut.

BUT…for this woman…I wanted to go whale watching for my little adventure. So…we did. We drove to Gloucester and did a whale-watching tour. Wow…that was fantastic. Got to see three different types of whales that day. A couple of other parts of that trip I thought were pretty incredible…taking the train from Gloucester to Boston to watch the fireworks on the 4th…and visiting Ground Zero. A local I was talking to in Providence, Rhode Island convinced me to stop there. He had just returned from it that day. He was adamant…I HAD to go. So, I did. Glad I did. The memorials that I see now…are a stark contrast to what I saw before.

blue angels
blue angels

Top Gun

Father always has me studying various topics and various people. Always a student…learning from life and the people in it. Off and on for years, He has had me study Tom Cruise. We have been back on Tom again since Top Gun came out. Fascinating study. Tom is a super interesting man.

I recently learned on the Top Gun set…some of the long cameras to shoot the jets, they mounted rifle scopes so they could track the jets. ISN’T THAT SO COOL???? Brilliant. The whole production fascinates me in this movie. Love behind-the-scenes stuff. 😍

blue angels

Since I have been studying jets, Navy, Tom, Top Gun…I have the Blue Angels on my mind. Felt led to share some photos of my time watching them in Pensacola. They bring up warm fuzzy feelings and memories of my dad and I watching them fly over our heads. I loved my air show dates with my dad.

I am so ready to skyrocket out of this place. Can hardly wait for my ride. It is going to be GREAT!

Loving LIFE. Every day is better than the next.

Hope you enjoy the pics…and get inspired to fly. Take a risk. LIVE LIFE with Father…it will be an adventure you will never forget. Guaranteed. 💙

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