portrait of daughter

Bobbi is my third unofficially adopted daughter. Father has brought me three girls to add to my family and each one of them is a gem. I call Bobbi…Bobbilicious because to me…she is delicious to consume. I love her heart…gentle, kind, caring, loving, compassionate, tender, and most importantly to me…one who follows Father. Spending time with her is easy. No pressure. No worries. I love being around people who are real and honest. What a blessing honesty and authenticity are. Bobbi wears those clothes well.

Thankful Father gave this young lady to us in our family. She and my son Mitchell are the perfect pair. Their relationship is beautiful, and I am proud of the people they are. It is amazing to see a young couple who are doing life the righteous way. Following His way of living, caring for one another, and supporting each other in daily living. It is kind of a bittersweet thing for me. I wish I would have possessed the maturity they have when I was their age, but I am grateful to see young people who actually have that kind of maturity of heart and mind. At least I had a part in raising a child who started adulthood in a much cleaner healthier state than I did.

Last year, Bobbi allowed me to practice portrait photography with her. I took this at Friedman Park along one of the trails close to sunset. We got that golden hour glow on her back. I was pleased with this shot. She is easy to take pictures of…she seems like a natural model. I plan on taking many more pictures of her over the years…along with the grandbabies from her in the future. 😍

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