Captain Fantastic Concert

friends at concert

This is my sweet friend Tammy. I call her my happy hugger as she is always hugging me. Just one of the reasons why I love her. Physical touch is one of my dominant love languages so to me hugs are wonderful. Hence HAPPY hugger. Hugs make me smile…make me feel happy inside. Because I wasn’t hugged or touched much as a child, as an adult I appreciate them greatly.

Last year, we attended the Captain Fantastic concert at Lincoln State Park’s amphitheater. Such a great time for us both. I have always been a fan of Elton John, so I was 100% in when she invited me to go along with her. The amphitheater was nice…had not been there before this concert. Our entertainer did a fantastic job of playing and singing a lot of Elton’s most popular songs over the years. Tammy and I sang and danced…such a fun night with my happy hugger friend. We always have a great time whatever we do together.

While running this morning, Father’s playlist for me was a collection of Elton John songs. One of the interesting things about Him is how He weaves themes into your life so tightly they are impossible to unravel. The song Circle of Life by Elton is one piece of that tapestry. A beautiful song especially when tied to the story of the Lion King. Each year is a new circle in our lives…the four seasons roll around…rotating into a new year and moving forward at the same time. Giving us the ability to start over as we grow into the new year.

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