LIFE Conversations

portrait of a woman
LIFE Conversations


I have a very strange feeling this evening. I feel as if I have shifted into neutral and I am

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woman golfing
LIFE Conversations


I felt like Father wanted me to share my heart about a conversation He and I have been having today

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grandmother rocking granddaughter
LIFE Conversations

Greater Than

I have a lot of words to use this evening on the topic of greater than. This post has been

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mother daughter
LIFE Conversations


I have had a love-hate relationship with the whole “Esther” saga/drama. The pain of it all for the last 30+

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daisy stem
LIFE Conversations


This photo is the core or center of a daisy. When I was in Michigan last month, Ahnalaya Ann took

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picture of a necklace
LIFE Conversations


The other morning, Father woke me up serenading me with a song. This is a regular occurrence for us. Many

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Gettysburg canons
LIFE Conversations


The other day, Father woke me up singing to me…Unstoppable by Sia. I felt it. Loved it. The feeling of

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tarot cards, crystals, Bible
LIFE Conversations

Journal Entry

I feel like this is kind of what a journal entry would be if I was someone who journaled. I

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woman on a rock
LIFE Conversations

Warrior Queen

Goodness!!!!!!!!! I am out of my mind excited this morning. Sporting my tiara…and my sword…in full armor. I AM the

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LIFE Conversations


I wasn’t sure what to title this post. I actually began preparing for it on April 2. Father had the

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white house
LIFE Conversations

His House

Our nation’s White House is a picture of Father’s House in His Kingdom. There are reasons He chose the color

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female guard
LIFE Conversations

Changing of the Guard

Yesterday, I spent several hours at Arlington National Cemetery. It is my third trip to Arlington. Father seems to work

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