LIFE Conversations

LIFE Conversations

His Pearl

Yesterday, Father and I were talking about the fact I am His Pearl. His pearl of great price. Quite an

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bloom with thorn
LIFE Conversations

March Gladness

March Gladness is a wordplay on March Madness. Father woke me up this morning…announcing it was March Gladness month for

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new river gorge bridge walk
LIFE Conversations

Nothing Else Matters

One of my favorite songs is Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. I love the tinny-sounding guitar in it. Makes my

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mountain view
LIFE Conversations


In my post on uncertainty yesterday, I mentioned Father has me going down memory lane. Last night, I was drowning

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LIFE Conversations


Going to be brutally honest and transparent…as always. I am writing this post purely out of obedience. Obligation only. My

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travel map
LIFE Conversations


I have traveling on the brain. 😜 I am feeling like Chicago is calling my name. It is calling me

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LIFE Conversations

Prismatic Springs

Prismatic Springs in Yellowstone National Park is a stunner. Hard to believe something so hot can be so stunning in

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LIFE Conversations

Van Life

Monday night Bobbi sent me pictures of my mail. I had some significant documents come in. One of those documents

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LIFE Conversations


Father and I worked through the night last night. A regular occurrence. At about 4 this morning, He began to

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