LIFE Through The Lens

Painted Desert
LIFE Through The Lens


Years ago, I was frustrated. While talking to Father about the frustration, I felt He was saying I needed a

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woman pointing to cactus
LIFE Through The Lens


I see the value in resistance training in the gym here on Earth in our physical bodies. I really do.

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three plane formation
LIFE Through The Lens


I wasn’t sure if I should title this post Formation or Acceleration. Both feel equally true to me. Actually…many things

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Mojave Desert selfie
LIFE Through The Lens

Moving Out

I felt the need to do a post out of sheer happiness this morning. I AM MOVING OUT of the

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fall weeds
LIFE Through The Lens

Fall of Man

I had an epiphany about the fall of man this morning. Pretty flipping cool if you ask me. Feel led

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selfie valley of fire
LIFE Through The Lens

Valley of Fire

The Valley of Fire was one of my favorite places on my trip out West in 2020. Wow! Breathtaking. The

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woman selfie
LIFE Through The Lens


Here is Father’s definition of humanism…simply put…idolatry of man. Mankind idolizing man. Man elevating man. Man thinking WAY TOO HIGHLY

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LIFE Through The Lens


I like the title stylin’. All about the hair right now. This ole gal was needing a haircut…badly. I couldn’t

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bear in weeds
LIFE Through The Lens


Isn’t that bear cool looking? Man…a beaut, I think. It was one of the first things I saw entering Yellowstone

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duck with potatoes, asparagus, and sauce
LIFE Through The Lens


The featured image is a fancy schmancy duck entree I ate at a restaurant in Silicon Valley a few years

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woman on the beach
LIFE Through The Lens


I am feeling antsy. Like I need to go. To do. To be. I am feeling the need for speed,

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