LIFE With Family

selfie of two women
LIFE With Family


Not sure why Father chose the title sisterhood and this photo with this post. At this point, it is still

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toddler on trike
LIFE With Family

Family Bonding

We did a little family bonding yesterday afternoon and into the evening. Malia celebrated another birthday…so we all had to

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LIFE With Family

Weird Post

I feel like this is a weird post, so I titled it as such. It is weird because I have

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toddler with toy gun and skateboard
LIFE With Family


I am a woman with many convictions. It is how I live my life. My convictions of Father’s truths guide

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dragon cake
LIFE With Family

Birthday Girl

We recently celebrated our birthday girl…Miss Ahnalaya Ann. She turned six. She had quite the celebration. I thought I would

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mother daughter selfie
LIFE With Family


I feel like this post about honor is a powerful post for reasons I fail to see at this moment.

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man grilling pancakes
LIFE With Family

Sunday Brunch

What an incredible weekend!!! So many levels and layers of incredible! I thought I would share some photos of our

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woman cutting cherries
LIFE With Family


I have so much to say about being moldable…shapeable…changeable. SO much! Super stoked about this post…well…just stoked about life right

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mother daughter selfie
LIFE With Family


This week has been entwined with much wonderfulness!! 😍 SO…Hannah and I went out last night to celebrate. I feel

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woman in kayak
LIFE With Family


Today, I decided I was ready to Rumble. 😜 Adding a new streaming platform into the mix here. Father says

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Women on a bus
LIFE With Family

Wound Care

It seems odd to title this post wound care when I am using these particular photos. Many would say there

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