LIFE With Family

German Shepherd dog
LIFE With Family

Tonto’s Return

I titled this Tonto’s Return because he left me…but then came back. Somewhere on this blog, I did a post

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cinnamon rolls
LIFE With Family

Cinnamon Rolls

The picture above is a shot of cinnamon rolls that Bobbi recently made. I heard they were delicious…they sure smelled

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mom and daughter
LIFE With Family

Adoption Day

We had our adoption day in court earlier this week. Thankfully, it was a super easy process. No fuss when

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mother and son at lavender
LIFE With Family

Family Color

The other day in my core post, I spoke about how the fam has just about decided lavender is our

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man with pinata
LIFE With Family

Number Five

Ahnalaya Ann recently celebrated birthday number five. I am constantly amazed by how time seems to fly. Crazy how fast

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family photo
LIFE With Family

Alpaca Trip

I recently returned from this summer’s second trip to Michigan. While there, the fam took a field trip to an

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LIFE With Family


After Father woke me this morning, I saw a vision of me saying goodbye to Pharaoh. I have been arguing

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sunset selfie
LIFE With Family

Weekend Work

I feel led to do a post on our weekend work. Hannah and I worked hard and accomplished much over

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family summer photo
LIFE With Family

Emerald City

This little Dorothy is ready to click the heels of my ruby red shoes together and go home. ❤️ It

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man starting fire
LIFE With Family

Feed My Sheep

Many years ago…on three separate occasions…out of the blue…Father said to me…Feed My Sheep. By the third time He said

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family pose
LIFE With Family

Restoration Begins

This morning, Father said to me…restoration begins. It is time for restoration. Couldn’t be happier. Truly! In my previous post

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