LIFE With Family

LIFE With Family

Fried Apple Pancakes

For breakfast this morning, I was thinking about fixin’ myself some cinnamon rolls. Have a hankering for them. Feeling like

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LIFE With Family

The Advocate

One of the visions I saw this morning was of a pregnant woman with many adult children on both sides

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nessa text
LIFE With Family

How Sweet It Is

At 4 am this morning, Father woke me up serenading me with the words by James Taylor…How Sweet It Is

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ice crystals
LIFE With Family

Love Heals

The truth sets us free…and love heals the heart. If you stick around long…you will hear me repeat those two

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walking on Lake Michigan
LIFE With Family


The last few weeks have been a blur. I have been super busy and productively so. Makes me happy. Happiness

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boys at dirt bike race
LIFE With Family

Donovan and Mitchell

Donovan and Mitchell do not read my blog. Today, I am thankful because they strongly dislike this picture of them

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little girl on road portrait
LIFE With Family

Vanessa and Kids

We had planned to do a fall family photo shoot with Donovan, Vanessa, and the kids but then Donovan had

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LIFE With Family


This picture taken in 2011 is one of my favorites for a number of reasons. One reason is that Tammy

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LIFE With Family

Paint Mines

These pictures were taken at the Paint Mines in Colorado while living there last year. This picture and the featured

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