cattails in wetlands

I like cattails…they remind me of homeschooling my children. We did a study on them once. They are fascinating. But…I am fascinated by anything in nature. That is just me. 😜

I loved homeschooling my kids. So many advantages to it…one being…I get to learn new information right alongside my kids. Thrilling for me…learning is SO much fun! When I was in school as a child, I wasn’t really into learning. I always felt the pressure to perform. Perform for my parents. Perform for my teachers. Perform for the tests. To me…it was never about learning but only about doing what I needed to do to get the grade I was supposed to get. Memorize, take the test, and then purge, so I could repeat the process…for years. There was no joy in learning…it was a job. My job was to get the grade.

After I got out from under the government schools…I fell in love with learning. I couldn’t get enough information then. Today, I am still that way…always looking for something to learn. Each day is an opportunity for me to learn something brand-spanking new. Sometimes that is about something regarding the world. Sometimes it is something about me. Some days I get the privilege of learning about both. How cool is that!! 🔥

I was thinking about this morning…the education system doesn’t teach the children HOW to think but instead what to believe and what to think. Indoctrination. What is even more fascinating to me…is the people who scream that religious folk are indoctrinating their children about their religious beliefs…fail to see they are doing the same thing. Educating kids about their own beliefs of whatever religion they have built with their own hands. Hypocrisy and blindness are rampant in society today. Sad to see daily. 😳

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