Christian Nationalism

mother daughter

If you are wondering how a hot air balloon festival would have any connection to Christian Nationalism…you are in good company because I am wondering that same thing. I asked Father…got nothing. 😂🤷‍♀️ After years of training, I just go with the flow. He picks the words, the titles, and the photos. He is hard to understand. Vague and mysterious. Drives me crazy.

Felt led to share some things today.

Saw and heard lots of things this morning when I woke up. Haven’t a clue what most of it means. I told Him a while back…I am done sorting and processing this stuff. If you want me to know…you need to tell me to my face. Make it clear. Over the mysteries.

One vision I saw was of interest to me…became a bit clearer as the morning moved forward. In it, I was in a gym. There was this woman there who wanted to play games with me. Instead, I did triceps curls.

I hopped in the shower. Father started singing Zombies again. Immediately…I knew…I have an issue to WORK through. Always a workout.

Before I went to bed the night before, I had said to Father…if I said something wrong in that post (yesterday’s post) please correct me. I am happy to change anything I said.

Tender Heart

It is like a friend of mine said to me years ago…something about my hard appearance…but inside I was really just a little lovebug.

My first thought was…what hard appearance? 😂

Then…awww…I love that nickname…little lovebug. It suits me. 🥰

Inside…I have a super tender heart. Father says…a heart of gold. Once, He showed me a giant ruby in the shape of a heart. It was fat and beautiful. That was a picture of my heart. He loves my heart.

I say this because my heart is to please those I love. I love Father…so I want to be pleasing to Him. Crystal Ann is happy as long as Father is pleased. It works for us.

It has been hard for me to be harsh with people over the years. Say harsh truths…ya know. I have hated that part as I said yesterday.

This morning…He wanted me to look at this issue I have again.


Vanessa and I discussed it. She reminded me of the prophets in the Bible…and of Christ.

Yep…as they spoke for Father as His messengers…He had them say harsh truths to the people.

Father is tired of the garbage too. He is fed up with the toxicity on this planet as well. I feel Him.

Speaking harsh truths and telling people to humble themselves, repent, change, and grow…is what a prophet does.

Funny too because for quite some time now I have been asking Father to tell me what He defines as a prophet. What does a prophet really do? What is their position? Their role? What are the requirements He has to appoint someone to a prophet? When He looks at a prophet what does He see? What is His definition of a prophet?

We have many people on this planet who have self-righteously and erroneously taken the title of prophet and apostle.

If you actually read the Bible…study the true prophets…their lives were NOT pleasant. He made them do crazy stuff.

I don’t believe a single one of them wanted that position. On repeat, I have said to Father…find somebody else for this. I have zero desire to do this.

Foolish on my part…it is always foolish to fight a losing battle. He wins every single time. 🤦‍♀️

hot air balloons
We got the privilege of watching the balloons be unpacked…rolled out…and sent into the air. So cool!
hot air balloons

On to the Next

Sooo…I worked through my issue of the woman wanting to play with me while I was at the gym. I realized…even though I said harsh things yesterday about a woman…and women…that was Father’s heart. To follow Christ…means doing and saying harsh things at times. Oh joy! 🤨

Once I finished that little workout…on to the next.

Bobbi and I were chatting this morning. At the end of the convo…she says…going to pick up Malia on Sat…and hopefully be in DC on Sunday. She was sharing her plans with me.

I tell her to have a blast and exit out of the convo.

As soon as I did…Father speaks. He asks me…do you want to go to the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC?

My response…yes.

Now He is quiet…I am thinking…ok…are you asking because I am going? Why are you asking me this?

I listen…intently. Then I get this feeling that Hannah needs to go too. My thoughts were…maybe we are supposed to ride together and head to DC.

Then He reminds me of two things. One…a vision I had a few years ago. In it…I had told her to meet me at a certain place. More to it…but gotta keep it short here. The other thing He reminds me of…is something I mentioned in yesterday’s post. Hannah saw some stuff the other morning. It was two stars converging together. She thought one star was maybe her…she wasn’t sure. But it scared her because the star was moving super fast. The speed scared her. However, she felt as if all of it was super positive.


I reminded her…Father told me you would be my star pupil. That includes the Bride of Christ because she is a prophetic picture of the Bride. As a result, I watch her pretty closely…clues there. 😜

Ok…so now I am asking Father…do you want me to mention this to Hannah…about DC?

Yep. I send her a text saying…you need to be asking Father about DC because it is possible He is saying we need to meet in DC for the festival.

She asked…what are the dates? My response…it starts tomorrow. 😂

I told her…that may be part of that moving fast…scaring you thing. Idk…but you need to ask Father what He wants here.

hot air balloon festival

Family Converging

It makes me wonder if my family is converging on the Capitol. Idk. We shall see how this plays out. It could simply be a spiritual thing and not physical…however, He has been saying to me…MARCHing to Washington. Leads me to suspect I am going to put feet on the ground again in the month of March.

I told Hannah…I haven’t a clue how I would even get to DC. I have NO money and NO vehicle. BUT…this has NEVER stopped Him before. 😂

In addition, I have no clue what I would even do when I got into town…except look at those blossoms this time. 😜 As always, I live in the Twilight Zone for real. Crazy existence in every way.


We talked off and on all day. She was stressed about some of the things Father is doing in her life. I was telling her…one step at a time. You are looking at the whole mess when you need to focus on moving one foot in front of the other one right now. One step. You got this. Easy peasy for you.

I told her…listen…I am packed and ready to go. You need to pick up the pace here girl…get on the stick.

I haven’t a clue if my motivational speeches helped her any. 😂 Crystal Ann tried.

One of the things I am feeling also…I think I need to see Esme in person again. She is missing Grandma…tugging at my heartstrings. I think it is Father preparing me to be with Esme again. Feels true.

Since I crossed over the other night…I am excited to see what He is going to do. Life is good. Life is positive now. He has good things in store for me. I believe that. He wants good for me. The old has been washed away…the new is here. Woohoo!!!

Christian Nationalism

On to something I had thought I was going to mention yesterday…but did not.

Just like we have Christian humanists and feminists…we also have nationalists.

Let me cut to the chase here…they are people who claim Christ is their Lord…yet they idolize the nation. Specifically, America.

Let’s go a little wider here…many of them also idolize Trump.

Since Father made me study Christianity via mostly YouTube…I had to watch…read…see…a lot of garbage put out by that religion.

Let me be clear about my own thoughts and beliefs here.

I love America. Also…I love Donald Trump.

However, I am not going to bow down, worship, idolize…anything or anyone but Father/Christ/Holy Spirit.

Never once in the Bible does He tell man to pledge their allegiance to a flag and/or a country. He requires man to pledge allegiance to Him and Him alone.

To put anyone and anything above Him…is idolatry. This is disobedience and you will owe Him payment for that. If you are guilty…you need to apologize to Him for that and stop it.


Let me be clear to the people who are idolizing Trump. He is NOT your savior.

If you want freedom…that can only come through Christ alone…not Donald Trump.

I do believe Father is using Trump. We have talked much about him. Father has a heart for Trump…as do I. But…I am not going to put any man, woman, or child on a pedestal that belongs to Deity.

The Nationalists

Through my studies, I saw three popular nationalists. Hank Kunneman, Tim Sheets, and Dutch Sheets. Hard to watch the idolatry in these men and how they lead the people into idolatry as well.

I once asked Father…when you look at Hank…what do you see? It is almost a constant question I ask. I don’t know people…He knows their hearts…so I ask Him. He said…filthy and defiled. Ok…well there ya go. He needs cleaned up. As does the rest of the population. 🤷‍♀️

What is irritating to me about the Christian Nationalists is this…their focus is on America. All about politics. Government. Man’s laws. Etc. AND…they profess to be speaking from Father’s heart about the nation. There is some truth from Holy Spirit in small portions of the words they get.

However, they obsess over Earthly matters. Government oppression. NOT intimacy with HIM.

I don’t see servants’ hearts in any of the nationalists. What I see is men who want to take take take from Father. Give me, give me, give me what I want…not Father what do you want from me? It is always about decreeing, declaring, and manifesting some big production from god above for them.

Their prayers are centered on…Father what are you saying about this country. Always wanting justice against the wicked evildoers who they deem to be the pagans.


Here is the kicker for me.

They aren’t humbly looking in the mirror and asking Father to expose their own wickedness. Clean my heart up Father. Show me where I am displeasing to you. Show me what I need to work on. Set ME free Father from MY own flesh. Help me be a better man and more pleasing to you Lord.

Instead…they are leading the people by prophesying against the wicked. Asking for justice against the wicked. Always pointing the finger at the evildoers out there…forgetting they have planks in their own eyes. DANGEROUS BEHAVIOR! Dangerous belief system.

A Secret

I am going to share a little secret with you. One I learned MANY years ago. SUPER cool if you ask me.

When someone wrongs me…I take them to court in Heaven. Father judges my case for me…and hands down a judgment.

For me…this is a very pleasurable experience. Here is why.

When the unrepentant person who has wronged me is guilty of sin against me…and I am coming to the courtroom with a pure and clean heart and mind…I get whatever I ask for. Justice will be served up for me. Cuz…they are guilty…and I am not. Sweetness like you can’t imagine.

I stay cleaned up…in part…cuz I want true justice.

He has taken lives for me. I KNOW justice His way.

When you understand this concept/principle the Courts of Heaven are built upon…you will now see…these people who are asking Father to bring justice and judgment down onto the evildoers’ heads…yep…they too…are guilty. They are included in the judgment when the gavel comes down.

These Christians who are unclean before Father…yet continually speak judgment against the pagans…are heaping coals upon their own heads.

You should NEVER ask Father for justice when you are guilty. N.E.V.E.R.

Humble Yourself

Humility pays. Arrogance costs you.

I can’t stress to the world enough…HUMBLE YOURSELF. Bow down low…stay there.

During our conversation this morning…I said to Father…what the world needs…is silence. Everybody needs to shut up…and listen to ONE voice. His.

We need all these talking heads to shut their mouths, sit down, learn to listen and listen to learn.


We just need to shut everything down…and have silence so His voice can be heard.

Tired of the noise pollution and most of it comes from the mouths of man. Blah blah blah…espousing how smart they are.

Always makes me think of Dad and I when someone wants to tell us how smart they are. We always had the same reaction when they walked away…they don’t know what in the Hell they are talking about.

As I have said on this blog before, many years ago…Father said to me…ONE VOICE. You listen to ONE voice. My voice. Seared in my memory He said it on repeat. I got it.

His voice is the only one worth listening to really. He speaks the truth. Powerful.

These men that think they speak with His authority…deluded.

One Last Thing

I am going to share one last thing before I turn on my latest audiobook on cybercrimes. Mr. Mitchell Man was right…I like it.

I may have shared this story previously on the blog, can’t remember.

Years ago, when Obama was reelected…I was laying in bed late that night. I KNEW he was going to be reelected and I couldn’t watch it. Finally, I turned the TV on just long enough to see the election results. Indeed, he had been reelected.

I laid in that bed and wept for our country. The grief I felt was heavy. Hard to experience. Even today…I remember.

Through that night, I asked Father…what has happened to our nation.

He responded with this…”judgment is coming for America…and she deserves every bit of it she gets.” I will never forget those words and the tone of His voice when He said them.

It changed me. My tears dried up…and I had understanding about this nation I never had before. I will share a tiny bit of that.

I knew then…He was bringing our nation to a place in time…for His purposes. He was in charge…not man.

Radical Change

This brought about a radical change in how I viewed elections from that moment forward. Prior to this, I would research each candidate. Find out what they stood for, etc. I voted by my own flesh. I voted who I thought would be best in that position. Crystal Ann was following man’s ways of voting.

The change I made moving forward was this. I sought Father’s direction.

I would ask…do you want me to vote today? If He said no…I didn’t vote.

If He said yes…I went to the polls. When I got in the booth…I would ask Him for each position…who do you want me to vote for here? He would say the name or point to the person and I would vote for them.

Then I would walk out and not think another thought about it. My job is to follow HIS lead and obey Him…not follow man’s lead which includes myself.


This is another reason I knew Jenny Donnelly was not following Christ in how she is leading the women. That is in yesterday’s post where I speak about the business she started called Her Voice. She claims women need to get to the polls, councils, capitols, etc. Research the candidates and vote according to how the Christian leaders teach you to vote.

Christians don’t like to hear this…but sometimes Father puts people in leadership who are evil. People who blatantly oppose Him and His commands. If you don’t believe that…read your Bible.

He has multiple purposes in every single thing He does.

For any man to think He knows what is best for this nation…is arrogant. To research candidates and vote what YOU believe is best for this country…is arrogant. I know that personally…cuz I used to be guilty of that myself.

He changed me through understanding His truth.

He is in charge of America…no matter what happens to this nation.

What people should be MORE concerned about…is the condition of their own hearts. Father will take care of America.

Best Attitude

The best attitude…mindset you can have…look in the mirror and deal with your own dirty self. Every day…do the body/soul/spiritual hygiene routine you need to clean up your act. Stop looking at everyone else’s issues and focus on yours. Deal with your bad self.

My S.O.P. is this…I first look at my own issues before I point out others. My issues have to come first. They have to be cleaned up first. The pollution and toxicity in me…has to go. Every day…I have had to take out my own garbage and trash.

The world would be a much better place if mankind would focus on taking a healthy shit and flushing that down the toilet every single day.

Make your own internal health be the priority…not others.

If you want change in this nation…it has to start in the hearts and minds of man. This will lead to governmental change…in every area of life.

Man has to change.

hot air balloon
hot air balloon

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