Well folks…there ya go…that picture displays Cinderella’s slipper. How do you like them apples? 🤔 My hair-line fracture suspicion was correct. Just peachy. 🙄
I have A LOT OF WORDS to use, so hold onto your seat because this will be LONG. Crystal is a bit battle fatigued in some ways and I think it is making me kind of grumpy. 🤨 Just a tad bit.
A few days ago, I said to Vanessa…I am fixin’ to write a scathing blog post telling people to sit their asses down and shut their f-ing mouths.
Her response…oh boy…I wanna read that one…it is going to be gold. 😂 Later, she said…maybe you might want to wait a few days before you write that one up. 😂 I did…so I am calmed down as I write.
As always…lots of puzzle pieces to this post. Too many to type up here, but I will share a great deal because it is pertinent…and Father wants me to.
Deep-Sea Fishing
For starters, I am sharing pictures of two separate trips I took deep sea fishing with my children…as youth and adults. They are very significant to this post for a number of reasons. I will not be sharing those reasons here because I have other purposes for this post. Let me just say this much…I have been taking my children deep sea fishing since they were young…I will always continue to take my children fishing even as adults. We are called to be fishermen. Fishers of men. I go deep…fishing deep into the soul and spirit of man. I am going deep on this blog post…deep into the spirit realm. Into the unknown. I am taking YOU deep sea fishing with me today.
If you want to join me on this journey…at a later time, I will teach you how to go deep-sea fishing for yourself. Something to think about.
I have quite a few topics I believe I will include in this post. As I am typing this up, I believe I will be covering these topics. I will list them so you can decide if you want to keep reading or not. Hate to have you waste your time on something you don’t want to read about. (Not necessarily in this order.)
- My battle/Cinderella
- The Great Fall
- The Great Deception
- The Last Great Shaking
- The rider on the white horse
- Deliverance
- The wealth transfer
- Strong Remnant rising
- Kingdom Spouses
Those are a few I think I will be talking about. That is the plan right now.
A Dream
I recently had a dream. It was in two parts. It is one piece of the puzzle here.
A group of women were conspiring to kill me. The plan was to shoot me in the back of the head twice to get the job done. It was being done…behind my back. The fact the assassination attempt was by women…was relevant. As I was sitting at a table, a woman came up behind me and shot me point blank in the head…right at my brain stem. It was the first intended shot fired. Before the woman shot the second shot, she felt she needed to consult other women. After firing, she looked at the women in front of me and moved to speak with them. When she did, I went into the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror and was amazed I looked not only normal…but I didn’t have brain damage. It perplexed me because I knew…not only should I be dead…I should have brain damage at the very least.
Then I was in a different space, and I knew I needed to speak to Donald Trump. Also, I knew he was surrounded by people who would make it impossible for me to have access to him. I saw Trump and I saw the crowd of people surrounding him. All of a sudden, the people parted on both sides of him, and I was standing face-to-face with him. I said to him…I didn’t think I would get access to you because of the people. He gave me his personal cell phone number so I could always have access to him at any time.
The Great Deception
For 30-plus years now, I have been battling for the truth. As I have mentioned on repeat, man is swimming in an ocean of lies and deception. Another way I say it…the world is covered in a fog of deception. It is horrendous. I hate it. Many years ago, Father showed me the fog. It was so thick; man could not see his own hand in front of his face. Crazy thick…like a blanket over the eyes.
For me…I HAVE to SEE clearly. No fog. No distortion. Everything has to be Crystal Clear to me. This is why He named me Crystal. We say all the time…Crystal is Clear…Clearly Crystal. It is about clarity. SEEing the truth in both realms we exist in.
I co-labored with His Spirit to blow away the fog of deception that was covering my eyes. We have been slowly removing the veil that has covered my eyes. Opening up the blinders on the windows in my soul and spirit man…both realms.
The Battle for Truth
As I mentioned in my Esther post and also in my Greater Than post, I have been struggling with the prophecies I have been seeing on YouTube. Father has had me studying…reading titles, skimming some videos, and watching some.
Triggered! So very triggered. 😳
I have been battling for truth. I have shared…there are definitely truths people are speaking. They are getting words of knowledge from Father, and also words of prophecy. That is undeniable to me. However, their interpretation and/or spin on those words have triggered me…severely at times. At times, I have been madder than a wet hen at Father about the matter.
The other day I was driving home from Hannah’s house while we were discussing what I believe Father has been saying to me versus what the people are interpreting His words to mean.
So let me first say this. I was SUPER angry at the thought that these prophecies actually mean what the people say they mean. If that is true…it affects me in astronomical ways. I believe He has shown me…many of these prophecies are for me and about me. It is my story…the story I have been walking through. Our story…Father and I. If those prophecies meant what the people say they do…then He lied to me…and He has been unfaithful to me…cheated on me. Dishonored me. The thought of that…madder than a hornet! Explosive anger toward Him. I had words to say…a lot of fire escaping from my mouth at Him.
Lose My Shit
It would be safe to say…I lost my shit…all over Him. No joke.
I have repeatedly told Him…if you have treated me like that…you can take my crown and shove it up your backside. The work I have done…priceless in value. Uncommon work. I deserve the honor. I earned it from Him.
He said to me…Crystal…I am telling them your story. I am telling our children about us. Our love story.
I was skeptical.
I said to Him…you want me to believe I am right, and ALL THOSE PEOPLE are wrong? He is super hard to understand. Who is right? What is the truth? Trying to understand His prophetic words…and get them right…super frustrating to me.
Let me share this tidbit…my default setting is changing…but has always been. Crystal is wrong…and everyone else is right. It has been part of my self-destructive mindset. I have been working relentlessly for 30-plus years to clean it up. To renew my mind with His truth instead of my lies about self.
When I asked Him…you want me to believe ALL these people are wrong, and I am right…He reminded me of a situation I was in many years ago.
I mentioned to a group of people that I do not eat pork and shellfish. I do not eat unclean “food.” When I said this, a Christian man pulled me aside to argue with me about my beliefs. He believed I was deceived about what Father says in His word regarding food.
Father had me share the truth with Him. If you eat “food” that He considers NOT food, then it is NOT the food you eat that defiles you and/or makes you unclean…it is the condition of your heart that makes you defiled and unclean. If you disobey His commands…then your heart is in rebellion…disobedience. It is your disobedience of heart that makes you unclean. You take one bite of pork, and you are already unclean. Why? Because you chose death instead of life. You chose to disobey Him rather than obey Him. The principle behind it is very simple to understand.
Clean vs. Unclean
We are to be clean mammals eating clean meats. Man’s bodies were not created to consume animals that consume death and toxicity. We are to consume animals that consume life and health. To eat animals that were designed to eat shit…literally and spiritually…is to put death and disease in your body. It is really a simple concept to understand.
Consume toxicity…be toxic. Eat sickness…be sick. He tells us not to eat animals that feast on death…animals designed to clean up the toxicity in our world, but instead eat animals that feast on life so we can have life and health. He wants us to choose to be healthy like He wants us to be healthy. Eat death…die. Eat life…live.
Standing on Truth
This man didn’t receive the concept. He asked me…so you are willing to stand on that belief despite the fact your belief goes against what every Christian believes? What every Christian theologian teaches and preaches?
In essence, the man thought I was an idiot. Crystal…an uneducated woman will oppose what all these trained, educated, and “intelligent” men and women are teaching. I couldn’t possibly know the truth about what He is saying in His word because I have no degree, no formal training by man…in part, because what I believe…he doesn’t want to hear…because he doesn’t want to give up bacon. 🤷♀️
Crystal couldn’t possibly have a personal, intimate relationship with the Author of the Word and actually care about what the Author means when He speaks.
I am an uneducated idiot. Wrong…and it is my fault. See? 🙄 Story of my life. 🤦♀️
My answer to his question…yes. I am going to stand on that belief because it is the truth.
The truth will remain the truth whether you choose to believe it or not. That is the truth.
Moral relativism is a thing, but moral relativism cannot change absolute truth.
He is unchangeable. When He makes His mind up, He thinks He is right. I can’t budge Him. He is a mountain. Immovable. 🤷♀️
Because He is immovable…since I greatly desire intimacy with Him…I have to move my position and/or belief to stand with Him. Since He won’t change…I have to…if I don’t…no intimacy. Crystal can’t go without intimacy with Him. 🤨
Back to the Dream
Part of the assassination attempt…conspiracy…from the group of women has been the Esther movement. All these women claiming they are Esther and/or they have the Esther anointing. Man…there are thousands of women promoting themselves to the position of a queen. Craziness.
But also…the other night, He had me get on YouTube to do my “studies.” He means get me all good and triggered so I get cleaned up. He likes to poke at my weaknesses so I can lean on His strength. Point out the infections, irrigate them, and debride the rotting flesh so He can heal me with His truth spoken to me in love.
Earlier that day, Bobbi and I had been talking about my Cinderella story.
Lo and behold, there on my newsfeed was a Christian woman prophesying she was a Cinderella. Then I look over to the right to all the recommended videos, and I see MANY videos by different women claiming to be Cinderellas.
WTH???!!! 🤬 My panties were in a wad over this! Hot under the collar. 🔥
Then I see a video of a woman claiming Beauty and the Beast. Going to blow my top…mad! 🤯 Think fire shooting out my eyes.
Why…because I had been living in Disney World…a fantasy world for the last six years. I was trapped inside a fairy tale I couldn’t get out of. HORRIFIC! Another layer of the madness of the Twilight Zone I have been living in. I once said on this blog, I saw a vision of The Magic Kingdom falling to the ground…this made me very happy. I knew my fairy tale world was collapsing. SUPER STOKED.
Back to the Great Deception
Father reminded me of a truth He shared in His word.
This is what He shared with me. In the last days, many will be deceived…even the elect.
Wow…that is true. I couldn’t argue with that.
It ties in with an earlier conversation we had. I might have shared it on here somewhere. It is worth repeating.
When I was doubting what Father had told me compared to what an “apostle” had posted on YouTube…Father shared some things about that man. For a bit of back story…I believed that man must have a greater knowledge than me.
Father said…he is lesser than. You are greater than. I asked Him…why is that true to you, He said…the man is arrogant and legalistic. If you had shared with him what I was asking you to do, he would have told you it wasn’t me.
Instantly, I knew that was true. I had already lost Christian friends and mentors because they told me what Father was asking me to do…was not Father. Many in my life disappeared in my fire. They couldn’t take the heat of the flames destroying me.
One trait Cinderella exuded…was humility. She was a humble servant. She didn’t think too highly of herself.
Humility is one very important principle/characteristic/trait/bone/fruit Father’s Kingdom is founded on. It is one of His attributes. He is the definition of humility for He is humble. Despite His greatness, His Son laid His life down to serve humanity. His sacrifice is the epitome of humility.
All these women who are claiming my crown and my glass slipper…have grandiose visions in their heads of what this position looks like. What this title means for them. They think of glamour, instead of death. They think fame instead of being ignored, hidden, overlooked, passed by, looked down on, shunned, rejected, shit on, abused, mocked, persecuted, and humiliated. These women think fortune, instead of poverty and homelessness. They want to be first but don’t realize in Father’s Kingdom…to be first in Heaven…you must first be last on Earth.
To get my Heavenly crown, one small part…I first went through the pain of an infected tooth and a crowned tooth. You can read that story here.
To get my slipper, I had to first break my foot. It is a picture of what must first take place here on Earth.
Both were humbling and painful. Lowly in stature. Do you see that? It is the opposite of man’s perspective. His ways…are not ours. His comes with pain and suffering…not pleasure and entertainment.
Humility is essential.
For Him to elevate you…you must first lower yourself. Put Him above you. Like Cinderella…you become a servant. You serve Father over serving self. Allow others to mistreat you, persecute you, steal from you, abuse you, slander you, destroy your reputation, starve you…crucify you. You follow in the footsteps of Christ who instead of defending Himself to protect Himself, His good name, and His honor by exerting the power He possessed…He loved those who persecuted Him, kept His mouth shut, and walked Himself to His own death.
He lowered Himself to serve those He loved…instead of elevating Himself to serve Himself.
Man puts man above Him. They lower Father…elevate self. Humanism…the elevation of man.
Pride and Arrogance
One thing I truly hate about the charismatic side of the Christian Religious System is all the hype. I call it hype, marketing, and drama. Always selling something fantastical. They puff up and inflate things. Overdramatize them. Salesmen selling. I loathe it. When Father had me inside of that part of the system…that toxicity made me sick.
It is disingenuous. Always a performance. Spiritual bling to make things seem bigger than they are. Loud and boisterous. Make a show of it. Use big words so we seem smarter and more powerful than we really are. All about the appearance of man. We gotta manifest something spectacular because we are so powerful. 🤮
Prideful. Arrogant.
He is the still…small…quiet voice.
Near the end of my stint in the Christian Religious System, I got to the place I hated the “worship” music. I could barely hear Him speaking to me. It agitated my spirit.
I asked Him why…He said this. He reminded me of a conversation we had many times…Satan is the prince of this world and operates all the systems. In the Christian Religious System, he wants the music up loud so Father’s children can’t hear Him speaking. In addition, he uses it as a distraction to the people. He works up their emotions, so they are deceived into thinking they are in His presence because they FEEL good. In some ways, Satan is a brilliant strategist…other ways…dumb as they come. Who fights a losing battle??? Only a fool. 🤷♀️🤦♀️
Do Not be Moved
During this discussion…plus the other things I will share…Father said to me…do not be moved.
He was saying…even though you have doubts…stand your ground. Do not be moved. Stay in the position I have placed you in.
Don’t let the hype and the lack of understanding take you down.
One problem many have…they don’t search for the truth because they arrogantly believe they already know the truth.
My position is lowly. I keep asking until Holy Spirit convinces me 100%. It is His work…faith…convictions of truth…not a work of my arrogant flesh.
There is so much bickering in the Christian Religious System because of the arrogance of man. They quarrel and fight…why? Because they think they are right.
Instead of coming to Father like a little child…humbly saying…Father what does this mean…they decide for themselves what His words mean.
That is like reading an email and not knowing the intent of the heart behind it…then wrongly assuming someone felt something or meant something they did not. Jumping to conclusions and reading something into what is said…that isn’t there. Taking something completely out of context because of your lie-based belief system. It is immature and arrogant. Prideful.
I see so much sibling rivalry in the Christian Religious System that should not be. All because of arrogance. People thinking they are right and setting out to prove they are right. To prove their superiority of intellect. Christians have gotten way too big for their breeches. Think WAY too highly of themselves.
No wonder most people don’t want anything to do with Christ. Taking His name in vain, they proclaim they are in a relationship with Him…yet they don’t look a thing like Him in their lives. They don’t follow Him. Why? Because the church…the Christian Religious System is the counterfeit bride. It is why I am repulsed by her. She is an imposter. A fake.
The Church
Let me add another puzzle piece to the story.
A word about Kim Clement. Although man has appointed him as a prophet of God…Father did NOT appoint him to the office of prophet. He is merely a man to whom Father gave the gift of prophecy. Kim had ears to hear and the gift of prophecy. He was not a prophet. Kim got some things right. Kim got some things wrong.
Through Kim, Father spoke an important tidbit of truth about the times we are getting ready to enter into in 5784. If you want to watch the short, go here.
What he says for those who may not watch it…is this. There are many in the church who are anti-Israel, but there are many more who are anti-America and anti-what Father is going to do in America.
Keep those two pieces of truth in mind as we will put those puzzle pieces in the bigger picture, so you understand as we go along.
The Great Fall
Let’s go back over what Father says in His word about pride and arrogance.
Pride goes before a FALL.
Yep…see where I am going here???
Ok…so if you are seeing the prophecies being spoken about a fall…the Great Fall…is NOT what they are saying it is.
So, let’s talk about judgment. In His word, where does He say that judgment will start?
Yep…in His body.
OUCH! If you are part of the Bride of Christ…then you are part of His body. His body…is HIS Temple. He does not reside in a house built by the hands of man. He is going to reside in His own body. We are fixin’ to start REbuilding that body.
He is the head of His body. When He marries His Bride and they become one…She becomes His body. The two will become one…unified through His truth…which is His head. His truth is the leadership the Bride must submit to…obey. His thoughts…in His head…the truth. NOT your my truths. See?
One of my tasks is to rebuild His Temple. Give birth to His Seed and raise that body up to maturity so She can live in the promises He has given Her.
The Last Great Shaking
Let’s move on to what Father calls the Last Great Shaking. I see people are hearing about it although they don’t understand what it is. We are going to discuss this a bit.
To be clear, I too get things wrong. I dislike prophecy most of the time. It frustrates me beyond belief because I rarely understand what He is saying…that is how I feel anyway. The language of the Spirit realm is completely different than the language of the natural realm. Holy Spirit is our translator. At times, I feel like giving up because I don’t understand…but He won’t let me quit. I am going to share what I believe He has shown me…with the knowledge some of it may be off. This is why we ask Father for confirmation. I am waiting on confirmation myself…while standing on what I believe He is saying today. Seek Him to confirm or deny what you read below.
Close to ten years ago, I saw a vision of a large bowl. The bowl was shaking…violently. The bowl was shallow and had small holes in the bottom of it. It was filled with wheat grains. It was a great vibration as He shook the wheat, and the wind began to blow the chaff away. At that time, He told me…it was the Last Great Shaking. It went along with other visions I was seeing about this time.
Let’s look at this again…the contents of the bowl were wheat grains. The body of Christ is supposed to be the wheat as He is the wheat. The tares or weeds are what will be thrown in the fire and burned up. That would be the enemy. Christ as the wheat was shaken. Think Wilderness where He fasted for 40 days and was tempted by the enemy. Think Garden…where He asked for Father to take this cup from Him…sweating drops of blood. The man…became ALL the Old Testament offerings in one crucifixion. He was the Red Heifer that was slaughtered to cleanse and heal the masses. The WHOLE burnt offering that covers ALL of us…for ALL our needs. He was threshed and then ground down into flour and baked into the Bread Offering…to feed us life.
The wheat…the body of Christ…must be shaken to remove the chaff. Then they must also be ground into flour, kneaded, and baked into the Bread Offering of Life…so others can feed too.
The shaking…while very painful…is a necessary part of the process. If you are a member of the body of Christ…you must be shaken, pressed down, crushed, and many other extremely painful things…including crucified. To become one with Him…Him as His body…you must also drink from His cup of pain.
I saw one preacher talking about the Last Great Shaking. In the video, he was telling the people Father said…don’t be shaken.
🔥 🤯 I was instantly inflamed. What in the Hell is the point of the Shaking if you are not shaken????
We are to be the salt of the Earth. You SHAKE the salt out of the salt SHAKER. It is part of the salt covenant!!!
I feel like I could write volumes of books on the Last Great Shaking all by itself. This could be a separate blog post…but I feel like keeping this super short here.
Look at the definitions from my Merriam-Webster Dictionary screenshots. These give such great insight into what the Last Great Shaking is about. To give you many different levels of understanding of some purposes of the Great Shaking, I wrote some notes for you along with the definitions. This will give you some understanding of why this shaking is so necessary for the Bride of Christ. I know it is super small…bigamize it. I wanted to give you tidbits to help you see.
Let me briefly touch on it using these definitions.
What Father and Satan are going to put the Bride of Christ…the body of Christ through…will make you feel like you are being moved back and forth, turned off and on, lifted up and then slammed down, shoved back and forth all while being vibrated in all three of your bodies…plus the fourth body…His. You will tremble…shake…with fear. Experience instability. You will be chewed up and spit back out…time and time again. During this time, you must choose to shake hands with Christ…agree with Him. Welcome Him into your inner circle. Your heart. Your mind. Clasp hands with Him…a firm handshake of agreement…even though at times, you will be quaking and shaking with fear…and you will be shaking your fists at Him pissed as Hell because of the pain He is putting your through.
If you wonder why I tell Him to f-k off at times…by the end of your Wilderness training journey…you will get me. Trust me. You will understand if you make it through the Last Great Shaking. You will be tough as nails and over putting up with an ounce of abuse. No joke. He will toughen you up to become His warrior Bride.
White Horse
I have the mouth of a strong warrior and I am not going to change that to suit the legalists or appease the masses. Nor am I going to apologize. It is a sign of what I have endured. If you don’t like the cuss words…don’t read what I write or listen to what I say. Sometimes…they need to be expressed.
I believe during the Fall…a great many will fall away. They won’t be able to stand the fire the body of Christ/Bride of Christ is going to endure. Not only will the prideful fall…but those who can’t handle the heat of the purification fire…will fall away.
I am the white horse in Revelation 19. As the clean and pure horse, I get the privilege of carrying Christ’s message of truth to the world. His truth is the sharp sword coming out of His mouth. Father is opening the door (truth) to Heaven…Christ is the door.
Think of Noah’s Ark. The door was only opened for a time to bring the animals onto the Ark for safety. Father is the one who will shut the door in His time. All who enter in…will be safe. Those who do not…will perish in the eternal fires of Hell.
He is bringing justice through His judgment. Remember in the shaking definitions we see the words equilibrium and balance. Father/Christ/Holy Spirit will bring restoration to the body…America…and the world. He is going to balance the scales. The balance and equilibrium within the body must be healed and restored. The body needs therapy to rehab the injuries. We are going to do some physical therapy, emotional therapy, and spiritual therapy…to all three bodies which will bring healing and restoration to His body. It will all work in tandem.
Courts of Heaven
During my fury, I asked Father why I was so enraged. I was ready to breathe fire on the Earth and wipe everyone out. Let them all go to Hell. I also asked Him…tell me what to do to get rid of the rage. Crystal hates anger. I loathe it. I am a very chill person and all about peace.
His response…take them to court.
Ok…I liked that response. So…I did. I felt a whole lot better when I was done. One of the great things about being in my position is having the knowledge of how He works, how His Kingdom is run, and how the courts work. As a result, I take my cases to court…botta bing…botta boom…I get what I want. Super simple concepts. NOT a pain-free process to have gotten to this place but I gotta say…when people piss me off now…I go to court…it is done. I have peace again. He takes it from there. 🤷♀️
While the Judge and I were discussing this matter, I asked Him…why am I so angry about these prophecies? Why is it I keep saying on repeat…I want them to sit their asses down and shut their f-ing mouths? Then I changed it and said…no…I don’t want them to just sit down…I want them to get on their knees and bow. Nose in the ground. I want them all silenced. Mouths shut…ears open in a posture of humility. I am tired of the arrogancy.
His Response
He quoted a scripture from 1 Corinthians 13 to me. Man…it all made so much sense then.
Christ is coming in the form of truth. He is complete and perfect. You don’t need to add or take away anything from the Truth. The Truth is perfect.
When His truth is here…you don’t need prophecies. They will cease. All these wagging tongues will be silenced for only ONE voice needs to be heard. His. The truth spoken from His mouth, the River of Life that flows out of His mouth. Man’s flesh-based knowledge will pass away. Die.
His children will be raised up from immature…to maturity. They will no longer see in part…but see the truth…face to face…for what it really is. TO KNOW the truth. The whole truth. Nothing BUT the truth. How cool is that! 🤩
Another important vision I got was of a coming tsunami.
I have spoken repeatedly of a certain cliff Father and I use in our conversations. It is always the same cliff. In this vision, I was standing on the top of the cliff. I was looking out at the sea. In the distance, I could see the tidal wave. I saw the tsunami was coming. Down below me…was the beach…the sand. It was full of people who did not see the wave coming.
I started shouting at the people to come up the cliff to get out of the danger zone.
I was sitting with Father on the cliff when I saw the water lapping the edge of the cliff. The water had risen to that height.
I want to speak for a few moments on fear. I have seen some “prophets” saying do not fear. You have no reason to fear.
Let me just call this out for what it is.
This babble irritates me. Come on…let’s be real here. Stop with the religion bullshit and let’s be HONEST. I am tired of religiosity.
You are going to fear. You have reasons to be afraid.
For starters…Father can annihilate you in a nanosecond. He created you…He can take you out. You BETTER have a healthy fear of the Creator of the Universe. You BETTER tremble in fear because of who He is compared to you. BETTER bow in humble submission because you are GUILTY of offenses against Him. Those are truths you better keep in the forefront of your mind. You are not without rebellion in your heart. Get that in your head and keep it there. Just bow and plead guilty. It will save you a lot of trouble.
Another thing you need to understand…Satan is smarter than you.
When I started this battle with him six years ago, Father gave me a vision right up front to warn me of the coming fury against me from Hell. He said to me…you can’t outrun him. You can’t outsmart him. You can’t outwit him.
He began to teach me about Satan. One thing He said to me was this…He can see in both realms. Satan can see things I cannot see. This makes him cunning and a brilliant strategist. I am limited in my knowledge of the spirit realm and how it interacts with the physical realm. Satan is not limited in his understanding. He understands things I do not.
The analogy He used, in part, was of a crocodile. It operates underwater…the spirit realm…and on the land…the natural realm. He can destroy prey in both places.
I understood that as long as I stayed glued to Father…and obedient in every move I made…I was under Father’s protection. This meant although Satan could not destroy me…it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to do everything in his power to try. He did. 24/7 for several of those years, I wanted to blow my brains out. I wanted out of Hell. The suffering was unbelievable. The torment…mind scrambling.
I made it through it. I am the Phoenix who has risen out of the ashes…not even smelling like smoke.
But…I became a whole burnt offering. It ALL was burned in the fire.
I went through this shaking. The fear was unimaginable. Terror does not describe what I endured at the hands of Satan and his minions. Don’t forget…they DO have power. If you get prideful and arrogant…he WILL take you down. The only way to survive it…is to be low. Lowly…humble…obedient…dependent on Christ. Reliance on Him alone is how I made it through. Christ fought the battle with me. I had to co-labor with Him.
For several years, I was terrified to close my eyes. Especially at night for I knew they would come. The terror was always the worst at night. Sleep was elusive. Not restful. Sleep was night terrors.
For people to preach do not fear…is foolish, immature, and unrealistic. Don’t listen to these fools who act like and arrogantly think they are strong, mature, and have it all figured out. They are full of themselves. 🚽 💩 Flush that shit down the toilet where it belongs. Say good riddance!!!!
The purification is painful. People will do and do do…anything and everything to avoid and/or get out of pain.
Father would not let me use and abuse to get out of pain. Holy Spirit was my only comforter. That is how He designed it to be. That is His job.
During this journey, He will burn away all the drugs you use and abuse to masturbate with. No more masturbation. No self-comforting. He is going to strip all the idols away from you. The solutions. The distractions. Your drug addictions.
In this, you will be forced…driven by His Spirit to deal with your shit. Take your shit and dump it in the toilet…and flush it. All garbage will go. Purity is what He requires and expects. His Bride must be purified for she is a filthy prostitute. He can’t marry an unclean woman. Be yoked with that which is unclean. He wants a clean body so you will be taking daily spiritual showers. Among a lot of other cleansing activities.
Father is going to use Satan and Christ’s truth…to push you into a place of submission. To NOT fear this…is NOT being realistic. We are human and fear is a legitimate emotion…so don’t listen to those who act so f-ing holy…like they are better than you. They are not. They can shit their pants just like you can. Allow yourself to feel the fear and work through it. That is what I did. Emotions are a powerful tool I have used for 30-plus years to get to this place of purification and maturity. Embrace it. Deal with it. But don’t act like it isn’t real. That is deception. Stop buying into the lies and deception these people puke out their mouths. Some of these people open their mouths and it is nothing but diarrhea and vomit. They are sick and toxic. Stay away from them.
I want to talk about deliverance for a bit. Deliverance for the people is coming in the form of truth (sword of His Spirit) from a LIFE partnership…Christ as the rider and me the white horse. Father is opening the door to Heaven…for the Marriage Feast. I will be hosting and catering this Feast by feeding His Sheep with His Truth. ALL are invited to enter here into our home to feed on His Truth. I AM an open Door. The door of my heart is open to all who are willing to humble themselves and eat. I will open the Ark of the Covenant so you can see His glory as I partner with Father, Son, and Spirit to rebuild the final temple. His Temple…His body.
SO much to say about that.
He wears many crowns because He is the King over ALL kings on this Earth. Christ is coming to reclaim all nations He will rightfully and righteously rule over. He will tear down the kingdoms Satan and man have built together. At the same time as He destroys with one side of His sword of Truth…He will rebuild His Kingdom with the other side of His sword.
War on My Offspring
After I give birth to my male child, I will be delivered from the enemy 100%. I will possess the freedom I have been fighting for these last 30-plus years. I will enter…take possession of my Promised Land. The dragon will then make war on my offspring after I birth them. I suspect things will get ugly for people. Really ugly. If it is anything like what I have been through…I have no words at this time to describe to you what you are going to endure. Be prepared for torment. Torment of the mind. You are going to enter into spiritual battles like no other.
I believe what Father is showing me is the deliverance will be over some time. I suspect…and I could be wrong…but I believe the Great Shaking, the 40-year Wilderness training journey, the Fall, the Remnant rising, the divine reversals, and the Tsunami will all happen simultaneously. They will overlap to some degree. Also, I believe the Tsunami will be one tidal wave, but waves will continue to follow it in cycles throughout this season of time, gradually becoming calm waters. Still seeking clarification on the timing. I feel the word concurrently…like when men are sentenced for more than one crime and serve their sentences concurrently.
This time will be a multitude of layers happening concurrently. Very complex season.
It makes sense to me…the enemy will try to snatch away the seeds of truth as I speak them. He won’t want them to take root and grow in the hearts and minds of the children. He doesn’t want the children to follow. Truth…is power. Satan knows this truth intimately. Once you KNOW the truth…it sets you free from him and the chains that bind you to him. He will do everything he can to stop YOU from intimately knowing the truth and living by it. This is preschool math…logic. See?
Many many years ago, Father and I spent a season of time discussing Moses. I have always had a heart for that man. Tons of reasons for that…so we spoke at great length about Moses. We studied the Exodus in detail. The whole thing was a great fascination to me. I even took my kids through a study of Egypt, the whole Exodus story, Father’s attack on the Egyptian idols through the plagues…the whole thing. Such a wonderful study.
Once while discussing Moses, I was in my normal position. On my knees on the floor between the toilet, sink, and shower. It was where I hid to be alone with Father when at home. We were discussing Moses again and I was bowed down with my face in the carpet. For some reason, He decided to give me a taste of His love for Moses. I can’t really describe what happened for it is indescribable. It was as if a force was pushing me downward. I was being smashed into the floor.
When it hit me…slammed me…I began to weep uncontrollably. Like snot pouring out my nose kind of uncontrollable. I was paralyzed and could not move. Only to sob while the force was upon me. I was absolutely baffled at what was happening to me. I just knew…what I was feeling was love. Love so beautiful…I couldn’t understand it.
Then…all of a sudden…it lifted and left me. After I cleaned myself up and got my bearings again, I asked Him…what was that? What just happened to me?
His response…I wanted to give you a tiny taste of how much I love Moses.
I was convinced. 😂 Say no more…I understood…He loves Moses.
Moses was the man Father chose to deliver His people out of slavery. He was a forerunner for Christ. Christ is our Deliverer.
Years ago, Father told me…you will lead the Second Exodus. You will be like Moses.
He also told me…you will be like Isaiah…I am going to send you to set the captives free.
I will do this in partnership with Christ right…I am the horse. 😂 I am like Secretariat with a heart bigger than all the other horses. Crystal can run farther and faster than all the rest…and I really love to run. I am the one to carry His message of Truth. His voice. His container for Truth.
Ok…let me share some important details in this story.
Man is enslaved. To what? Lies and deception. Mankind operates out of a lie-based belief system.
I am going to bring His truth which will tear down/cut down the lies of the enemy. I am going to bring a sickle and remove the tares from your minds. It will be sorting the wheat from the tares. We will remove the lies…to implant His Seed of Truth.
This is going to take years to do. Your minds are full of lies planted by the enemy over many years. This is not an overnight process of deliverance. See? The truth…once you hear it…if you accept it…will set you free from certain lies suddenly. Instantly you will get freedom in the area the truth delivers you. BUT…we will have many more lies to tear out as the years go by. You can’t handle pulling all the lies out at one time. It would destroy you. Trust me. I have been working on my freedom for over 30 years. I am nearing completion.
Once His Seed of Truth is planted in your mind, now it needs time to grow. It will also need to bear fruit. It will need to come to maturity. Think of a garden. That is what your mind and heart are like. Also, think of a tree for the Seed is the Tree of Life that bears the fruit of His Spirit. Each year, the tree has to go through four seasons as it grows to maturity. We are building His Tree of Life…in you…but also in His body.
Not only will I be weeding and planting in you as an individual, but I must also bring the entire body into unity with me…with you. We have to bring unity to the masses. 😳 That takes time.
So please understand…your deliverance and the deliverance of the masses is a process over a period of time. It will build patience in you. 🤨
Moses Again
Let’s talk about Moses again.
I saw a video by a woman who was talking about a word she got from Father regarding Moses and these times. She ADDED much flesh to His words which is what the arrogant people in the apostolic/liberal side of the Christian Religious System do.
She arrogantly decided every Christian needs the Moses “anointing,” so she prayed over her vast amount of followers both on YouTube and her podcast to give them an “impartation” of the “Moses anointing.” Extreme arrogance of heart here.
Ok…I have a few words of correction to say here.
First off…you DON’T add your spin to His words. Don’t add to…don’t take away. Just say what He said to you. He was blessing you with knowledge of what He is getting ready to do here…not asking you to do anything but agree with him. Just say ok.
Also…get off the high horse you are sitting on. Whatever made you think as a human being you have ANY power to impart an anointing on a person??? Who gave you that power???
Let me answer those questions for you. You as a mortal man/woman…have ZERO power to appoint and anoint anyone into His Kingdom positions. That is HIS job according to HIS choices. He alone appoints and anoints those He chooses…we merely are to agree with His choices.
There is ONE person who is like Moses in His story here and there is ONE Pharoah in His story. Many Egyptians oppressing His people, but ONE Moses.
In order to deliver people from slavery, you have to first be free yourself. You, dear woman, are not free…nor is anyone else on this planet. You are all enslaved to the lies and deception you believe in your mind. Your lack of freedom disqualifies you from setting the captives free. Only one was called to carry His truth to set the captives free.
Remnant Rising
Let me add another piece of the puzzle.
I tell you…I get so inflamed every time I hear Christians in the apostolic division of the Christian Religious System talk about the remnant like it is them. I mean fire…fury…enraged. That is Father’s heart and feelings.
The other day as I was processing the pain He had put in my heart, I asked Him…why do I get so enraged when I hear them speak of the remnant like it is them?
His response was a question. When you read my word and I speak of the remnant…who am I referring to?
Instantly, I said…the Israelites.
Identity Theft
Yep…DO NOT STEAL His meaning of who the remnant is. That word is sacred. Holy. Set apart for the Israelites and the Israelites alone. That word does not belong to the Christian Religious SYSTEM which is RUN by the religious spirit. That is thievery that comes from the enemy. It is identity theft. STOP IT. Each system under the prince of this world has a ruling demonic spirit. Stop bowing to him. Stop bowing to all of them.
There most certainly will be a strong remnant rise up out of the Wilderness…but it is NOT Christians He is speaking of. It is His people whom He made a covenant and promises to…to inherit His Kingdom and their Promised Land. That Promised Land is Israel. That Promised Land has ALWAYS been Israel.
That land belongs to the people whom He made a covenant with at Mt. Sinai. NO ONE steals from HIS people and the promise He made to them. If you want to be grafted into HIS Tree…His Tree of LIFE…His body…then those promises can be yours too. BUT the promises were made LONG before Christ died on this Earth. He still loves them and there most certainly is a remnant of them still left that will come together in Christ to receive their promises and their land. He has not forgotten His people.
Always remember…you were grafted in. Humility is key here. Israel came first. NON-Israelites came in later. Check your arrogance at the Door, please.
There is a spiritual promised land as well…but that is for another post at another time.
Decrees in the Apostolic Division
While I am spanking some rear ends…let me do a few more.
One video I skimmed was by Tim Sheets on the Angel Armies. Since he has a big following and this is normal behavior in the apostolic side (liberal side) of the C.R.S…I want to use this as an example.
He said three things that got my panties in a wad. He said…Father said…to decree your faith, activate angel armies, and activate My Kingdom power…and I think he had authority on that last one. Can’t remember.
At first, I was shaking my head. Saying to Father…did you say that? That doesn’t sound like you. Decree and activate. WHAT THE HELL???
I tried to make those two words fit and I never could. Finally, Father relieved my pain with truth. So healing to me. Made so much more sense to me.
What happened here is what I have known for years…but I handle it with humility instead of arrogance. The arrogance in the apostolic is mind-blowing to me.
Father was telling Tim what He was going to do. The rider on the white horse…Christ was going to share the truth and bring His Kingdom power and authority with Him.
Say OK
Here is what I do in that situation. Instead of thinking I have some kind of power as man to ACTIVATE angel armies and His Kingdom power and authority, I simply agree with what He is telling me HE IS GETTING READY TO DO. I just say…ok.
30-plus years of just saying…ok.
It is THAT SIMPLE folks…just say ok. Don’t puff yourself up and believe you are somebody with some kind of power and authority you don’t have.
Let me assure you…many people are absolutely clueless that Christ is getting ready to come in the form of truth and bring His power along with it…and their ignorance…is not going to change His plan of these events.
To say MAN has the power to ACTIVATE Christ…is utter nonsense. It is OFFENSIVE to Christ. YOU ARE NOTHING compared to Him. You came from dust…keep them apples in the forefront of your mind.
My philosophy for 30-plus years…just apologize…admit your faults…and submit to His plan. Life goes much smoother that way. Trust me.
You don’t need to DECREE…He just wants you to AGREE.
Humility…not pride. The whole apostolic division needs to be silenced!!! Just stop talking and bow. Your interpretations of His prophecies are repulsive and offensive. You don’t know what you are talking about. LISTEN to HIS HEART instead of trying to make yourself look important and powerful. You think WAY TOO highly of yourself.
And another thing while I am at it.
Not only do thousands of you call yourselves prophets and apostles so foolishly, but you also call yourselves generals. These titles puff up your already over-inflated egos.
In one of the videos, some preacher mentioned the “generals” and some important things they were doing during this time. I was so angry I had to shut the video off right there.
Again…I asked Father…why are you so angry?
This is how He responded…tell me Crystal…where did all these “generals” get their training? Who appointed them as “generals” in MY army?
Whoa…had to think about that for a bit.
Then He asked me…what Wilderness training have they been through? What boot camp? Basic training? What elite special forces training have they experienced to be given those titles?
They Have Not
The ones I have experienced or encountered…seen over the years…all have incomes. All have followers. All have houses they live in. Vehicles to drive.
Trials in life do not equal Wilderness training. We all struggle through the trials of life.
I just went through Navy Seal Hell Week on steroids times five years. You can’t out-bench press me in the Spirit realm. The spiritual warfare training I have is unmatched. You want to know how to defeat the enemy…I got skills there baby. He is dead to me now. He has no power over me…whatsoever. All fear is gone. I know who he is now.
Preaching does not make you anything but a preacher. Praying does not make you a warrior. It does not make you strong. Praying and preaching…does not make you a general. Traveling on “kingdom assignments” and performing “prophetic acts,” does not make you a general, prophet, or apostle in His Kingdom. ALL of that…is shallow in His Kingdom. You merely got your feet in the River of Life…you haven’t even gone in knee-deep yet. Those things may make you big and titled in your ego-inflated kingdom…but not Father’s.
Again…come down off your high horses. Bend a knee! You are NOT qualified for the puffed-up titles you have behind your names. You stain and defile His titles.
Wealth Transfer
It is super complex and many layers of what will happen here. I will briefly touch on a few things.
This is part of what people are saying about divine reversals. It also ties in with the balance of justice Christ brings with His white horse. The wealth of the wicked will be transferred to the righteous for His Kingdom.
Many are saying they will become millionaires. People are going nutso over thinking they are fixin’ to get rich quick. Suddenly. People are going to start handing them money. Some will be multi-millionaires. Some billionaires.
Ok…it is NOT what you think it is. His Kingdom is the reverse/opposite of man’s. Let’s just think through this because I just about had a coronary over the concept of Him making all these people rich when I have worked for over 30 years for Him with ZERO wages. ZERO.
My accounts in Heaven are OVERFLOWING, but here on Earth…I live as a homeless woman with no income. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were stolen from me in my lifetime by the enemy.
Like Cinderella, I have been a servant and have found happiness in Him no matter what situation He put me in…however, when I heard those prophecies and man’s spin on them…🔥🤬 I DON’T think so.
I Earned It
This is how I have lived. I gave my heart to Him. My life too.
I said to Him on repeat for years…I will go where you tell me to go. Do what you tell me to do. I will say what you tell me to say.
Those promises to Him…I have faithfully fulfilled. NO matter the cost to me…I did them. It cost me everything.
I sacrificed it all…to please Him.
For years, I have done inner healing with clients…for free. Everything I have done for Him…I did it for free. Why? Because I loved Him.
It has always been about love for me.
For the last two days, He has been singing Love is An Open Door from Frozen to me. It is a reminder of many things. 5784 is about the Open Door. Him. Heaven. The heart. The Ark of the Covenant. My heart. The door of my heart is open…to all of mankind. Why? Because of love. I love Him…I love people. I love His children. This new year is about the Mother He has chosen…to open her heart…His heart…our home…to welcome them in and love them. To raise the children in the way they should go. Train them up.
For the first time in forever…I will get paid wages for my work.
Wealth of the Wicked
Part of the wealth transfer…one small part…I will teach the truth to people, and they will pay me for that truth.
All these life coaches who are NOT teaching LIFE…will lose many clients because they will hear His truth…and KNOW it is truth. It will deliver them from the enslavement in their minds. Set them free from the pain and drug addictions they use and abuse daily.
So…in part…I will gain the clientele the wicked “life” coaches have. Lots of garbage many teach out there proclaiming to be coaching “life.” Liars. Counterfeits.
In Addition To
Go back to a principle Father’s Kingdom is run on. The reverse of man’s.
SO, you all are thinking because He told you…you are going to be a millionaire…that means dollar bills here on this Earth. WRONG!
Where are you supposed to store up your treasures???? The Bible says…in Heaven. Not on Earth.
You did not earn the privilege for Father to shell out to you a million dollars dear. I did…I earned it all. Super offensive thought to me that He was just going to start rewarding people with the money I have been waiting on for decades.
Instead of pursuing financial wealth here on Earth, I pursued His heart.
NOW…I get to reap what I have sown.
If you have been pursuing financial wealth here on Earth and comforting yourself with Earthly pleasures…now you get the opportunity to give them all away to Him. Sacrifice IT ALL. OR…to whatever measure you feel like.
Parable of the Talents
Let me share this example. It will help you understand.
In one video I watched, a man said he had a dream he got a million dollars. A woman commented that she had a dream she got 32 million dollars.
In another video, a woman said Father told her…MANY will become millionaires, some multi-millionaires, and others billionaires.
All this money is about His Kingdom. His Kingdom work.
Ok…this is the parable of the talents.
It is also a reversal.
What you invest in His Kingdom…give to Him…He will give back to you.
So you are going to give Him your Earthly wealth to gain His Heavenly treasures. See?
You are going to be tested financially like never before. He is going to see just how much you are willing to give away for Him.
Sacrifices and Offerings
You will be driven by His Spirit to give. How much you give is how much He will give you in spiritual gifts.
Some will bury their head in the sand. Get nothing. They will reject the truths I speak.
Some will invest and get a million spiritual dollars back for their investment in His Kingdom. These people will accept and receive a measure of the truths I speak. Getting their feet wet as they step into the River of Life that will flow from my mouth.
Others will invest and get multiple million spiritual dollars back for their investment in His Kingdom. These people will go in waist-deep.
Some will HEAVILY invest in His Kingdom and become billionaires in Heaven. These investments/sacrifices/offerings will also seal your authority in the spirit realm. These people will jump into the River of Life and let the current take them where He chooses. They will be committed to Him in a greater measure to Truth.
It all depends on your level of hunger and thirst for Truth. I will feed you ALL you can eat. I will be feeding you the choicest of foods. 5-star dining.
I want to share a bit about another aspect of the wealth transfer and reversals.
You will see a text message screenshot from Bobbi to me from back in July. We attended a Psychic fair together. While I was meeting with mine, she was meeting with hers. She kept me posted on what she was getting. This text is a clip of her summary of one of the psychics we both got a reading from.
You will notice that Phyllis, this particular psychic, knew all about this change coming. She mentioned it to me also. I was fascinated by her knowledge of this coming new era.
In an unprecedented move, Father is going to lower Christians…and elevate many of the psychics in that community. They are in slavery, and it is a result of Christianity.
The Christians rejected them…hated them…hindered them…and oppressed them even though they possess His gifts of words of knowledge and prophecy. They were shunned. Because of their maltreatment, He will bring them out of the darkness…the hidden places and elevate them. Bring them into the light to shine.
Those who have self-appointed will be demoted and those who have been low…He will promote. Pretty excited to see the Christians’ reaction to this. 🤯
The scripture in Luke 14 which I have included a screenshot of, is what I am speaking of here. The Marriage Feast will soon begin. I believe Father is saying many in the church will fall away. They will walk away because they are not going to want to make the sacrifices He requires in this season.
I am sending out invitations to ALL to attend. I am calling out into the streets looking for the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame. The ones the Christian Religious System has rejected, dismissed, and ostracized.
I want those who are broken, weary, lowly, and humble. The misfits, the downcast, the outcast, the reviled, and the rejected. All who are weary…come to me and I will help you find rest in your minds and hearts.
If you want more information on what it will cost you…look up Luke 14 and read the section under the Cost of Being a Disciple.
Kingdom Spouses
Back in the spring, I think it was, Father said to me…the engagement rings have been ordered.
I believed He was referring to the fact that Christ was getting ready to come in the form of truth and engage with His body/Bride. He is going to be intimate with Her…by telling Her the truth.
This is a clean-up period for Her. Her purification period to remove the spots, the stains, the wrinkles, and the blemishes. To get Herself ready for consummating the marriage. Get the marriage bed pure. She must be a virgin.
She is currently a prostitute who is filthy. Getting Her ready…wow…major undertaking. One I have been overwhelmed by more times than I can count.
Covenant Stuff
I know I just contradicted myself by saying she needs to be a virgin, but she is currently a prostitute.
The understanding of what I just said…is super complex and it is covenant-related stuff. I will spend the rest of my life teaching covenant. Not sure I will cover it all even then.
There are many covenants…they all merge into one. Think confluence. A merging of rivers. Only this is not just two rivers merging into one but many rivers merging into one. Many years ago, I saw the vision of them all coming together and merging into one. The force…the power…the sound…the beauty…astonishing to me. Then I saw the waterfall…glorious. He told me…I am that waterfall. That would come out of my mouth one day. It was hidden behind a door in His house. He had given me the Master Key. I opened the door and saw that waterfall. I was in awe.
The covenants…are my favorite. The information contained within them…FASCINATES me. Nothing gets me more revved up than talking about the covenants.
Very soon, Father will make a new covenant. One with me. He calls it the Covenant of Truth. I look forward to giving birth to Him.
Found My Way
I think I am to end this post with this.
The bracelet in the picture is one I purchased at the Psychic Expo in Kalamazoo, Michigan recently. It was a picture for me…a reminder…an agreement with Him that I was on a journey with Him to find my way. To receive the truth of my identity. My true identity. To accept the woman He called me to be. All aspects of what that entails…especially in this new season of my life.
That has been a long battle for me…finding my way in Him. Believing I could be…who He says I am to Him. To this world. I have fought Him. I have struggled with it. Wrestled moment by moment. It has been a hard climb for me.
The other morning, the compass fell off the bracelet. I knew that was a sign from Him. He was speaking to me. He was saying…very soon…you will no longer need the compass to find your way…for you will KNOW the WAY.
Seemed an impossibility for me. But…the impossible became possible.
I believe I have found my WAY. It is about time. I am absolutely exhausted in every possible way. I am tired of climbing this mountain. Ready to reach this summit and see it from a whole new perspective.
I am ready for the show. Ready to meet my Commander in Chief…face to face. Ready to make my Covenant of Truth.
I am ready for a lot of things. 😂
I am ready to finish this blog post. This post has been a major battle behind the scenes…but I broke through. It is late and I am going to stop, reread it in the morning, and post it then. I believe this is the sounding of a shofar to usher in my LIFE partner’s return. Excited about the Feast of Trumpets…the new year…Rosh Hashanah. I believe I am supposed to post this on that day. Just want to say…I have been working diligently to meet that deadline.
He is coming. Make way!