Close Up of a Lily

lily flower

It is obvious I love flowers…all shapes, sizes, and colors. Such beautiful artistry in them all.

This lily is in our landscaping. So pretty.

It reminds me of homeschooling my kiddos and studying the parts of a flower. The stamen, the carpel, the pollen, etc. Good memories for me.

Also, it reminds me of walks we have taken before when I noticed one of the kids smelling the flowers as we walked along. As they brought their face up out of the flower, it had orange pollen all over it. Experienced the same thing myself as an adult. Funny how that works.😆


When I look at the beauty all around me in nature here…it makes me ponder how beautiful Heaven will be there. Unfathomable I think. I can’t imagine a world that isn’t polluted, stained, and tainted by man’s selfish nature…but I want to see it. I want to LIVE there.

My friend and I were talking about death at work the other night and I told him…I am not afraid of death. I am so ready to leave this world behind.

My uncle used to say…there are worse things than death. I so get what he was saying then. He was right. Some days, I would love to leave this world behind and hang out with the people I have loved so dearly whom I know have crossed the threshold into Heaven. No more struggles of any kind for any reason. BLISS!

I think for me…I don’t understand the fight to stay here…the fight to live for self here. Why hang onto something of lesser value??? I struggle to make any sense of that in my mind…it just doesn’t compute to me. I want the greater things offered to me…always. High class all the way. Heaven or Earth…my choice??? Ok…Heaven. Beam me up! 🤩

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