
women in camping rocking chair

Get comfortable…I have a lot of words to use in this post. It is a collection of numerous thoughts…along with some conclusions. 😜 I have been chewin’ and stewin’ on this post for several days now. I am finally ready to sit down and spill the beans so to speak.

First, let me give a tidbit about the photos used in this post. Donovan and Vanessa are back in the area. We are unsure what Father is doing, waiting to see what transpires. Mr. Mitchell Man, Bobblicious, Little Miss Mavis, and Tia Malia will arrive on the scene next week. Our little fam will be reunited once again. I am beyond excited to be hanging out with them. Thankful we value family bonding. 😂😍 A dream come true for me.


As always, I see and think in pictures/puzzles. Everything is one piece of a large puzzle. Some things are pieces of smaller puzzles that make up a much larger puzzle. It all forms a picture. I see it as a collage of pictures that form one larger image. Every moment of my life…every word…every thought…every action…every vision…every dream…every word from Father…every situation, etc. These are all parts of a larger story Father is writing.

It is mathematical. Each item is a fraction. A percent. Each part or piece is a portion of a story problem. We are adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying as we go in this story.

It is also literature. We are living, writing, and speaking in analogies, similes, and metaphors.

Also, I am a walking science lesson. Walking out all forms of the sciences…both in the natural realm and the spiritual realm. My life is full of lessons about anatomy, torques, levers, volume, weights/waits, etc.

It is financial in nature. Checks and balances. Reconciliation of accounts…that includes relationships…not just my bank accounts. I am constantly saving for retirement. Retirement in Heaven…saving treasures there…not here on this Earth. I am an investor investing in my eternal future. My goal is to save up and be as wealthy as I can in Heaven to enjoy the fruits of my labor here. To me, this is good economics.

I think in government… the law…the judicial system. Living my life being governed by Father’s law. I want to be a law-abiding citizen in the Country/Nation/Kingdom He has established for me to live in.

There are much deeper…larger reasons and purposes Father wants us educated in the subjects He has designed for us to learn as His children and students.


I know I have shared before different truths about dreams, visions, and words from Father. In this post, I want to share a bit more and also repeat what I have previously shared. It is pertinent to this post.

When Father speaks…He is speaking via a language we in our flesh do not understand. The mind of the flesh…the carnal mind…can NOT understand the mind of the spirit on its own. The translation between languages and bodies is a work of His Spirit.

Father can speak words to us that are literal in meaning. Most of the time, He speaks to me in ways that cause me to work hard to gain understanding. There are many valid reasons behind this way of speaking. MANY.



I shared this screenshot of a convo I had with Vanessa last week because I have taught her well. 😂 She sounds like me sometimes. I love how she bounced back with the response of…maybe Father gave me the sweat drop to make me think about his thoughts of me.

Every moment of our lives…He is using it to speak to us. When you are not paying attention…you are missing out on a conversation He is trying to have with you. Something to consider.

When He speaks in dreams, vision, and words…they could be metaphors. Analogies. Similes. Could be literal. Could be a type, a shadow, or a representation of something deeper in the spirit realm.

It could be a multiple-choice question on a test.

Could be merely a true or false statement on a pop quiz. Maybe He is asking you to think about what you just saw and/or heard…to seek the truth about it. Is this…what I just saw and/or heard…true…or false? Is this a lie…a deception…or is He showing me something that is true?

Don’t assume you understand what He means by what He is speaking and/or showing you. That is a DANGEROUS place to live.


I say on repeat…the spirit realm is NO place to play. It is NOT a playground for children to play around on the equipment.

Walking into and around in the spirit realm WITHOUT Holy Spirit as your Spirit guide is foolish. It is DANGEROUS. I am not kidding when I say it is life or death here. To walk into the unknown without a light to guide you…you will stumble and fall. You will get hurt. It could cost you…your life. No joke.

The moon is a picture of Holy Spirit. He is the lesser light that guides you in the dark. Holy Spirit is the ONE…the ONLY ONE who can guide you to the greater light. Our natural sun is a picture of Christ…the Spiritual Son/Sun…who is the greater light. The light that lights up our days.

When I am walking in the Spirit Realm…I follow the same pattern…every single time. I say to Holy Spirit…take me by the hand and lead me to the truth. I refuse to walk in the spirit realm without following Him step by step. He alone keeps me safely navigating through the darkness.

Don’t EVER trust another spirit guide. Don’t EVER trust your own understanding. This is why He commands us in His word to NOT lean on your own understanding. Father loves you and is warning you…to keep you safe. Take heed and accept the warning.

Rate of Exchange

Another way I see it/think of it…is financially. When you travel between countries, there is an exchange rate…a rate of exchange between the money from one country to another. It isn’t just a language barrier between the natural realm and the spirit realm. Every single thought…every single action is a financial transaction in the spirit realm. You are either buying and selling life…or buying and selling death. Every choice counts for you eternally or against you eternally.

When Father speaks to His children through words, dreams, and visions, there is an exchange rate. If you are not seeking His understanding…the meaning behind what He is saying through the veil…you are going to miss what He is saying. This will cost you. It is subtraction from your financial account in the Heavenly realm.

You must seek to discover His conversion rate when He speaks to you. That conversion rate in His conversations to you can be different weights and measurements every single time. The equations are not the same for every story problem. It is all mathematical. Financial. Scientific. Language Arts. Music. Art. Etc. See?

Donovan and Vanessa have parked their new camper at Bobbi and Mitchell’s new pad for now. Not sure where they will end up in the future…but I’m enjoying the fact they are so close by. ❤️ He bought a new Blackstone Grill. That baby is SWEET!
mother and daughter
Donovan recently invited us all out for a meal at a local Mexican restaurant. Vanessa was helping Ahnalaya with the crossroad puzzle before the food arrived.


Let me give you an example here.

Once upon a time ago, Father said to me…you are tone deaf.

Wow…I was really irritated by this statement. My response…”That was rude. Why did you say it that way? While that is true…you could have said that differently to me”.

I will elaborate on this concept to give you a better understanding here.

He was speaking of two separate things. Neither of these were new revelations to me. I was very aware of both issues…which is why I was irritated with His statement.

In the natural realm, I am truly tone-deaf. Would love to be like Charlie Puth. The dude’s ability to hear tones and pitches…AMAZING. I drool over his musical abilities. The truth is…I don’t have them. I love to sing…but I sing off-key. Every note. I make a joyful noise…that is as good as it gets currently with my musical abilities. 🤷‍♀️

In the spirit realm, when He speaks to me…I tend to take a negative slant on it. His tone is loving…yet I take His tone as unloving at times. Not always…but often in the past.

Go back to me saying He was being rude by saying to me I am tone deaf. He was stating a fact…the truth. Not condemning…merely pointing out an obvious issue He wanted to work on.

I said to Him…who made me tone deaf…cuz I didn’t create myself. 🤷‍♀️ This ole gal does not have natural musical talent. Not by my design. I feel the need to share these important little details with Him on occasion.

Left-Brain Dominant

Two things to contribute to this example.

The first one…this statement about my tone deafness reminds me of a discussion. In this discussion, I said to Him. I have been left-brain dominant…BUT I desire to engage the right brain in the mix here. In fact, I would like to be fully engaged in every moment of life operating at maximum capacity…full capacity…both left-brain and right-brain 24/7. I want my brain working at optimal levels…in the entirety of my brain…not less than 100% percent.

Ya know how I have mentioned I have this tendency to ask for things I don’t really want? Welp…I had no idea what I was asking for when I asked Him to do this for me.

Wowser bowser man. He kicked that right brain in…full throttle. Rough. I am good now…but whoa…five years of Hell exercised that right brain for sure.

Keeper of Time

The second portion I want to share related to my tone-deaf issue pertains to convos Father and I have been having for years about time. I have had MAJOR issues regarding time. This means I have had issues with Him for He IS time. He is Father Time. We had to fix these issues inside of my bad self. 🤦‍♀️

Before Hannah and I went to NYC the first time, Father had me working on the theme of time. He does that. He obsesses over one topic at times until I get all the truth sucked out of it I need.

I kept seeing visions regarding time.

A couple of important ones were of gold watches. A regular wristwatch…but also, a gold pocket watch like my grandfather carried in his bib overalls. Included in these visions and more were parts and pieces of the inner workings of the watches.

With these visions, Father said to me…”Crystal is the TimeKeeper. The Keeper of Time.”

My initial response was…He was speaking in a condemning way to me. I asked Him…are you being facetious with me? Are you saying I am being impatient or something?

Of course, this was exposing a heart issue I needed to deal with. Lots of underlying issues here. I dealt with them, and we moved on.


Shortly after this convo, Father had Hannah and I fly to NYC for several days.

Everywhere I went…everywhere…I saw clocks. Also, trees because the Tree of Life was part of that theme. I will never forget the clocks and trees.

When I say I live in the Twilight Zone…you just can’t imagine what I see. It is craziness on levels man can’t understand.

I remember one time while Hannah and I were walking down the street, Father said to me…turn around. When I did…there on the side of the building was a clock formed in the shape of the Tree of Life. It made me chuckle.

Dealing with the issues of time…nearly drove me batty in the brain. For real. 😳

Recently, He brought the topic up again in a vision. It was kind of a creepy vision. Had a negative spin on it. It felt like a true-or-false pop quiz about time.


I believe I passed the quiz. 😜

After studying the image and working through it with Holy Spirit. I said to Father…I am rejecting what I am seeing. It is false. The truth is…I WANT to be the Keeper of Time. The TimeKeeper.

He seemed pleased. We came into agreement about the subject…despite the fact, I have no clue what that really means. I have ZERO understanding about what He is saying and/or what He means by this. However, He wants me to do what I do…say ok to whatever He has planned for me.

I am convinced the Rolex watch I want has a very significant meaning to all of this. Everything in the natural realm is a picture of what is happening in the spirit realm.

My S.O.P. is to merely go with the flow. Fighting the current is not worth the effort. Too painful.

I have learned everything I know…experientially. Also…the hard way. When He speaks…every bit of what He is saying…including the tone of His voice…is important to understand. To lean on your own fleshly/carnal mind understanding will cost you more than you want to pay. The price is too high. Don’t do it.

grandmother with grandson
Archer was tired. I told him…close your eyes and take a nap. I will wake you up when the food gets here. He did. 😂
man trying new shoes on
I started a trend in our family. When traveling out West, I bought a pair of Chaco sandals for a fly-fishing trip. Those shoes are amazing!!! Since then, Bobbi, Vanessa, and Donovan have purchased a pair for themselves. This is Donovan’s new Chaco pair.

This Post

I would say three or four days ago, this post started looping in my mind. There were a number of things to process before I could start typing. I am starting to move forward at a more rapid pace it feels. A few weeks ago, I needed one important piece of truth. I was stuck until I got it. Had to do some goading to get it…but I got it. The goading worked. Sometimes my sassy mouth is advantageous. 😜 Once I got that piece of the puzzle, my life has been speeding up.

Not long after that, we stopped the studies of the Christian Religious System. The doors are closing on these seven years of living in the dungeon.

This morning, I got some new revelations about the timing of events. I got more clarity about future events in my life.

Let’s rewind to a few weeks ago. Bobbi and I were working together with Father because I was stuck without a pertinent piece of truth.

While we were working, she saw several visions. I was hearing and seeing also. The way Father put the pieces of the puzzle together has been rather fun and fascinating to me.

Here are a few pieces of that picture.

Bobbi saw two sides battling. She saw the battle…along with the smoke. Then the battle was over, and the smoke cleared.

I heard “no man’s land.”

Then Bobbi saw a wooden coffin with a body in it. I was closing the lid to the coffin.

I looked up the definition of no man’s land.

Bobbi then says to me…”Do you want to hear something really crazy?”

I was giddy with excitement for I knew this was something good. It was Father.


The day before this convo, Mr. Mitchell Man, Bobbilicious, and Little Miss Mavis spent the day at Gettysburg. Crazy weird cuz the last time Mitchell was there was when he was Mavis’ age. Same cuteness!!!! 😍 I thoroughly enjoyed the Snaps from their adventurous day.

When I read Bobbi the definition of no man’s land…Father spoke…this is why she asked if I wanted to hear something really crazy. She shared with me about No Man’s Land at Gettysburg and the National Memorial there. The one she saw the day before.

His timing is super fun.

The Battle

Since the fall of 2017, I have been in a battle for the truth. It is part of the Covenant of Truth I have been working to make with Christ as the Second Eve. Man…a hard work.

While battling, my flesh had to lay down and die.

In addition, I had to prophetically continue to live out many biblical stories. Crazy stuff. 🤦‍♀️

I had to be born of the water…and His Spirit. Meaning…my flesh had to be cleansed completely…by His word. Christ. The truth. His truth had to wash my dirty flesh. Not merely be baptized in it…but my flesh had to drown in it.

Not only did my outside need cleansed…but the inner man had to be completely burned up in the fire of His Spirit. Purified. I had to remove all the weeds/tares from within and burn them up in the fire. A great and mighty harvest happened within. His Spirit turned up the fire/truth within and purified my soul and spirit.

The battles happened on many fronts. It came at me from all sides. An all-encompassing fire…all-encompassing battle. It consumed me as the whole burnt offering.

Living Sacrifices

I see myself in many ways these days.

As the whole burnt offering…the meat offering. Think brisket with that wonderful flavorful tougher outer layer of meat. Yet, the insides are moist and tender. We had brisket today…thought of myself. 😜

As the bread offering, I have this nice crust on the outside that sounds Heavenly when you tap on the shell. Yet, on the inside, I am light, fluffy, and melt-in-your-mouth tender. Slather a little butter on me and I am good to eat.

As followers of Christ, we are to be like Him. We are to be living sacrifices. That means ALL the Old Testament offerings and sacrifices in the Bible. It irritates me that Christianity professes to KNOW and espouse the truth…claims to spread and teach the gospel of truth…while having NO CLUE what the truth is.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to know intimately and understand the New Testament if you don’t know and understand the Old Testament. You can’t KNOW Christ if you throw away the Old Covenant. It is who He is.

This is the story of my life. Experientially walking out the covenants of the Bible. All to KNOW each one intimately. To KNOW Christ intimately.

Have I mentioned lately how I hate the arrogance of man? I feel I must remind my readers of that on occasion. Would hate for you to forget this vital piece of truth.

Speaking of Arrogance

And ignorance.

The reason this blog post exists is the wrapping up of my studying the arrogant Christians who have been claiming to be me and have my authority.

A few days ago, I was reflecting on how I was supposed to feel and think about the matter. 🤔

I had finished up the studies…now what??? I wasn’t sure what to do with it all. This blog post is a conclusion of the studies, my thoughts, and some conclusions Father led me to. Man…seriously helped me.

I am not one who likes to hold negative feelings about anyone and/or anything. My preference is to be happy, peaceful, and carefree. I am a free spirit. That…is my nature. Water off a duck’s back. I want to let it all roll. My issues are mine and I am fixable. Theirs belong to them. What they do with them…not my problem.

I live with the attitude of…NOT my circus…NOT my monkeys. The girls have heard me say that many times. I’ve got enough to keep me busy minding my own business…don’t need to meddle in someone else’s. That is my fleshly motto.

At times, Father makes me meddle. 🤨


grandmother with grandson
For some reason, my grandson loves crawling up into my lap and taking a nap. 😍


SO…Father was reminding me of puzzle pieces we had accumulated over the years. Plus…He reminded me of a parable. The one where at the harvest…the tares/weeds and the grain would be pulled up at the same time. Then the weeds would be thrown into the fire and burned up.

This reminded me of the Wedding Feast. How many believers would be invited but only a few would attend. Instead, the poor, rejected, mistreated, misfits, etc. on the street would be invited to attend.

I was saying to Father…I feel irritated at the Christians who think they are superior, know when they don’t know, and claim they have the truth. Also…those who are claiming to be me, have my titles, position, and authority.

A few things came out of this. Well…many actually but I will only bring up a few. For time and space’s sake.

One…as a mother…just like I get irritated when my children are out of line with Father’s laws, that is how I feel about these people. They need their asses spanked. They need disciplined…corrected. He gave us those emotions as parents so we will correct our children. It is about obedience. Molding and shaping our children into the children He wants them to become. Train them up in the way they should go so they won’t depart from Him. The enmity between parent and child…makes for a miserable relationship. It separates. He wants intimacy with His children.

The weeds need to be pulled up from the gardens within these people. The weeds need harvested and thrown into the fire.


Many women are claiming to be Esther. The chosen queen.

The arrogance of this is beyond measure for more reasons than I can count. Baffling to me.

I have seen hundreds if not thousands of videos on social media talking about this story. They are all Esther. Like I said last year, it is the EstherMeToo Movement. The participation trophy went out to them all. Can’t understand why they can’t see if they are all Esther…Esther is no longer special. Why bother having a trophy if everyone gets one? Craziest shit I have ever heard. This world has lost all sense of logic and common sense.

Since they are all Esther…they have been encouraging each other to do their beauty treatments as Esther did.

Such as…get your hair and nails done. If you feel like getting breast implants or even a Brazilian butt lift…go ahead. If that is what you need to feel beautiful…do the treatments. Lip injections…fine. Treat yourself to fake lashes and skin treatments. 🤦‍♀️ I am NOT kidding. They are saying this shit.

As if that is what Father defines as beauty. WOW!!!!

Honey…you have missed the point. Have you actually read the Bible at all????

This is what these women are preaching. This is supposed to be the gospel of truth/Christ? That is NOT preaching the gospel. I would say this is sharing what the itching ears want to hear.


I have spent oodles of years studying not only Father’s laws…but man’s as well. While doing these studies, I have had to do some major inner healing about deep issues.

What is Hell? What is Heaven? How do you get to either place? How is Father justified in sending man to Hell? To Heaven?

What do you do in both places? What does that mean to the family members who are separated for eternity?

Every question you can think of regarding both places…I have spent years…sitting at His feet…listening. Asking. Taking it in. Sorting and processing my fleshly thoughts and emotions about His truth. Purifying my bad self to accept His harsh truths.

I have spent years studying cults, serial killers, serial rapists, and all things death related. Years of studying the judicial system. Watching trials while sitting at His feet listening and learning His ways.

Learning what He likes…and dislikes.


She was a warrior. An executioner.

I have had to reflect on what it would be like to not only sentence someone to death…but to execute him as well. As Judge, Father…is the judge who sentences those to death/Hell…and is also the executioner. He executes the punishment He has instituted by His laws established on truth.

Father has placed His thoughts and feelings within me to understand how He thinks and feels about all matters.

To get to this level of authority…I had to become that whole burnt offering. Everything had to go. My entire flesh. None of my flesh could stay for it would cause my motives to be impure.

little girl in hat
Ahnalaya is looking good in my hat! 😜


Another aspect of the Christians claiming my position…screams immaturity.

So many of these women are merely girls. In their 20’s and 30’s. I can’t understand how they believe Father would choose them for this time and this position. I am 53 today. Been serving Father for over 30 years now. I believe I am getting ready to start…but for years during my training…I have shied away from the enormous responsibility this position requires.

For these girls to think so highly of themselves…boggles my mind.

They lack maturity and hard life experiences. AMONG MANY OTHER QUALITIES. MANY.

The women have NOT been through the fire. You must go through the kiln to be hardened into a vessel prepared for use…before you can be used.

These women are like the skeletons in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. They drink and the liquid runs out of their bones. There is no wineskin to hold the wine within the vessel.

You must first remove your flesh and be covered in Christ’s flesh for this job. Only Christ can cover this position.

Heart Training

This job takes years of heart training. Painful introspection. This is the deep inner work of soul and spirit. NOT shallow beauty treatments that feed the ego of the sinful flesh.

These women are swimming in the kiddy pool, yet proclaiming they are some important figures in the world for everyone to put on a pedestal. They are the Kardashians of the Christian Religious System. Sad state of affairs. Many want to be elevated without first being lowered.

They think they are qualified without first having been purified.

This exposes the very thing I am speaking of…the condition of the heart.

Arrogance of heart vs humility of heart.

Women calling themselves beautiful, but their hearts are ugly.

Free, cheap, and easy but wanting to be high dollar and high class without doing the work it requires to become valuable.


Last night, Vanessa called me to check on the progress of this blog post. I told her…haven’t written one word. 😂

I was sharing with her what I had processed through the day. How far I had gotten on some of the issues contained within this post.

One thing I kept saying to her was this…I have concerns. Some serious concerns. Not for myself…but about what is coming to this world. In particular…America. I gotta tell you…not feeling the warm fuzzies about what I am seeing and sensing.

Vanessa had questions of course…the whys and whats. I told her…it feels like certain events in my past. Each of those events…turned out way worse than I originally felt in my spirit.

Many years ago, I requested certain things on repeat…until He gave them to me.


Here is one I have shared on this blog in other posts. I wanted wisdom, knowledge, discernment, understanding, love, tact, humility, and emotional wholeness.

Ok…then I would break each one of these down and get really specific. For example, I wanted these things in the natural realm…but also in the spirit realm. Taking discernment and breaking it down. I wanted natural discernment…beyond mere intuition of the soul…but discernment in the spirit. I wanted to be sensitive to His Spirit. Like…I can hear His voice in the loudest, most chaotic situation imaginable.

In addition to this, I wanted to be able to discern not just His Spirit…but also discern all spirits…even the dark ones. No matter what was happening around me, I didn’t want to miss the cues, clues, and signs of what was happening in the spirit realm. I needed to discern all spiritual matters.

He has told us to watch for the signs. There are spiritual signs for EVERYTHING everywhere all the time. I need to see them, hear them, know them, and pick up on them.

That being said…my spirit intimately KNOWS spiritual matters before my logical mind KNOWS the connection. Once I pick up on what the spirit is feeling, my mind starts seeking the truth about it.

My spirit man picks up on those repeating patterns. The feelings I am feeling…are sending alarm bells off for me. I KNOW this is serious shit. What I am discerning is major for this world.

Loving cousins. Ahnalaya Ann has been a serious tomboy. She is slowly transitioning to a girly girl. Hence the dress with the rubber boots. She isn’t quite ready to give up the country girl in her. 😂😂
aunts with nieces
Love this photo of the sisters with the nieces.


I have a list of puzzle pieces that are cause for concern for the future. Let me go through a few of them which illustrates another reason why I want to spank all these Christians who are claiming my position. They are absolutely clueless about what they are claiming. Fools. These things are serious…and deep. NOT shallow. Their beauty treatments are not going to prepare them for a time such as this. Also…all these Christians who are calling themselves prophets and apostles…generals in “God’s” army…foolishly believe they deserve those titles because they are prayer warriors.

Well…I would like to see them battle demons for real if they think they are so f***ing tough. Guarantee…they will run like the cowards they are. They have no clue what true spiritual warfare is. They only claim to be warriors.

First on my list for cause for concern…

He has prepared me for such a time as this.

It has taken over 30 years to prepare me. Seven of those years in the Wilderness. Five of those years in Hell. No words to describe the 30-plus years of training. That alone causes me concern. This was not an overkill of training. This training causes me to be adequately trained. 😳 You picking up what I am putting down???

Secondly…I mentioned in a previous blog post a convo He had with me when Obama was re-elected. He said…”Crystal, judgment is coming to America and she deserves every bit of it she gets.” That is quoting Him. I will never forget those words. Seared and permanently imprinted in my brain. He is taking America to a specific place in time.

Thirdly…He recently told me to “fortify America.” That is another blog post all by itself…but let’s just say this…America NEEDS to be fortified for reasons. Think of King David building the wall around Jerusalem. They needed protection from the enemy.

There is More

Fourthly…I have been seeing violent storms for years. I recently saw it again…this time with Elijah. I knew it was the rain/reign of Christ/truth coming…but I also heard Reign/rain of Terror.

Now…I have suspicions about what that is. Nothing concrete yet…so I will wait…but no warm fuzzies about this for sure.

Fifthly…I am not fully convinced…but almost fully convinced…as the Second Adam and Second Eve…the rider and the white horse…we will be opening the Seven Seals. No warm fuzzies there either. I probably need to do inner healing on those things. It is a hard read for me now. I have suspicions about what they mean. Causes me concern.

Sixth…as I mentioned above…you must be born of water and Spirit.

We are entering the days of Noah. Scary shit man. I am a picture of Noah. Part of the reason I had to own a dog for a bit was because I had to walk out the covenant of the land and animals. This was in preparation for the days of Noah. For years now, I have seen the ship. He told me…many will board the boat…and they will be safe. I must “navigate the storms.”

The Earth was cleansed by a flood in the first Noah’s days. This time…it will be by fire…His Spirit of truth. The land, the people, and the animals must go through the fire like the people went through the water thousands of years ago. We must have a New Earth. This is a New Beginning and a New Era of time. A purge must happen. I have alluded to this in the past with the dragon-breathing fire posts.


The last reason I will share is Revelation 12.

I have come to the place where the Earth is about to swallow up the river the dragon has spewed out of his mouth. The one he did to destroy me. I am rapidly approaching my time. Things have greatly sped up for me in the last few weeks.

It feels like the sons of Korah where the Earth swallowed up those who rebelled against the authority figure Father had chosen to lead the people through the Exodus and the Wilderness journey. Ummm…I am that picture of Moses who was chosen to lead those enslaved to the lies and deception of the enemy through the Second Exodus and Second 40-year Wilderness journey as the Second Eve.

The Wilderness journey is to raise up and train the people. Why? Because the dragon is going to make war on the rest of my offspring…those who obey Him and keep His commands.

This war…is like no other war ever seen on Earth. This…is serious folks.


In Revelation 12, the Earth helps me…by swallowing up the river spewed out of the enemy’s mouth. I believe this river of lies and deception Satan is spewing out of his mouth…will disappear soon because my male child is leaving.

The River of Life that flows from Christ’s mouth is truth. He speaks the truth. It is the River of Life…all who want to live…drink from…to be satisfied.

Satan speaks lies and deception. So…the river he spews out of his mouth…is the same. Death.

There has been a MULTITUDE of lies and deception spewing from people since this started for me in the fall of 2017. Some of them…have nearly overtaken me.

I believe it is time for this shit to cease and desist.

Part of that, I believe…is the kingdom marriage…kingdom spouse thievery these people are spewing out of their mouths. Along with other prophecies, they are trying to steal. I currently believe this false prophesying will be swallowed up and disappear. A lot of YouTube channels will run dry…cuz I don’t know how they are going to keep going when the lies stop, and the truth is revealed.

“Prophets” are going to struggle with no profits.

Hell’s Coming with Me

Father has been singing this song on repeat for three or four days now. Since this post started looping in my mind…this song has been playing right along with it.

Not only this song…but a scene from Tombstone. A very important scene.

I am speaking of the scene where Wyatt Earp has had his belly full of the arrogant cowboys. Now he is wearing the badge of a lawman…a marshal. He tells Ike he is going to shoot everyone wearing a red sash. He wants Ike to run and tell the cowboys the law is coming…and Hell is coming with him.

I believe we are moving into an era of a great purification for this Earth…and all who are living on it.

The fire is coming. Hell is coming. The law is coming. You can live by it or die by it.

Father has had His belly full of disobedience and arrogant people.

A time of justice must come…a balancing of the scales. His weights and measurements are sure.

I feel it in every fiber of my being. He is coming to rain/reign with truth. You can either accept the harsh truths…bowing in submission…or you can reject them and suffer the consequences.

What this Earth is going to see…it has never seen before.

Day and night…I seek Him for His plans. Although I am concerned, I know He is right, and He is just. Every man will get what He has sown. The Accountant has been keeping track in His ledger…and His reconciling is right.

My recommendation to each one of you…humble yourself, plead guilty, and submit. Humble submission before the Judge is the only way to go. It is how I have lived my life for the last 30-plus years.

Hell’s Comin’ with Me


Thanks for stopping by. This is a summary…a portion of the collection of thoughts I have been stewin’ and chewin’ on over the last few days.

Even though I feel I have valid causes for concern…I am SUPER STOKED about the fact I am getting ready to leave the last seven years behind me. I am entering my new life…very soon. Gotta say…I am pretty freaking giddy about it. A bit overwhelmed by the things I am seeing…but I am entering my Promised Land. One I have been striving to cross over into for oodles of years now.

Can hardly wait!!!

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