woman with quilt

I have been chewing on this covering post for the last couple of days. Having trouble getting the words to come together like they usually do. The struggle for me has been…do I just keep it casual and shallow, or do I go a bit deeper about the symbolism of blankets, comforters, covers…covering? Christ is supposed to be our covering.

At this point, I am still not sure what I am going to type up here. Going to just go with the flow for I have made the decision to post this today no matter what.


I have a number of songs that have been playing in my head the last few days.

One of them is I Found. I discussed this one in my Bronze Serpent post. Still hearing I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be…right in front of me.

Other song lyrics, I got a new attitude. Indeed, I have. 😂 This morning, we built this city on rock and roll. I knew what He meant immediately. We are going to build the New Jerusalem on the truth…the rock…Christ…and through movement…roll…Holy Spirit’s flow. His sense of humor…unparalleled. 😜

Yesterday, Mitchell got a new soundbar…so he was dancing with Mavis with the music up. Celebrating he was. 😂 I sent snaps to the girls. It was great!

One of the songs He plays often is Happy by Bukahara…love this song. Love the picking. Violin. Love the beat and the changes in tempo. The brass. Love the lyrics.

It is a puzzle piece to this puzzle of covering. Not clear on it yet. 🤔

I am happy. I know that is a piece. Even though I am humble and low…down…I always find happiness. My stars burn even in the darkest of places. I do dance in the darkest places as well. I find joy. My feet keep moving. Moving forward. No one is going to stop me from reaching my destiny. No man or beast. 💙

A screenshot from a song Mitchell plays often around the house. Love this band.


When Vanessa was back home months ago, she brought my old sewing machine with her…along with material she had purchased at one time. Vanessa had intended on making a blanket for Ahnalaya Ann and never got around to it. Instead, she gave it to Bobbi. I told Bobbi, I could teach her how to sew. Somewhere on this blog, I have mentioned I used to be an avid quilter. I couldn’t tell you how many quilts I have made. We stopped counting once we reached the 30’s. Most of those were machine-stitched and quilted. Some…I have done by hand. Either way…I love quilting. Love bringing the patterns and colors together to create something artistic that we can all enjoy.

I got Bobbi started on a quilt for Mavis Joy. Taught her what she needed to know. Cut the fabric for her…had her cut some herself.

Little Miss Mavis is a very happy baby…as long as mom is holding her. 😂 Her daddy was just like that. I once had a friend ask me…do you ever put him down. He was about 2 by then. I said nope…he is happy as long as I am holding him…so I hold him. Mr. Mitchell Man eventually grew out of it…sort of. He is a snuggler. Loves to be touched…so now Bobbi is his snuggle buddy.

Since Mavis wants Mom to hold her…it has been hard for Bobbi to finish the quilt. I told her…you say the word and I will get er done for ya. She said the word…so I got er done. 😜

A Few Photos

mom quilting with baby daughter
Mavis is such a joyful little girl. She smiles easily and is easy to please.
grandmother and granddaughter at sewing machine
I am in love with Esme’s little smile. Here, she has a smoothie smile. I have no idea how she got her smoothie all around her lips. 🤷‍♀️😂

woman with baby quilt
Hannah took this photo while I was talking with Bobbi. Bobbi needed me to add two more rows on the quilt top. After I finished up with that, I taped the backing fabric to the kitchen floor. Placed the batting on top of the backing, then put the top on. To keep the three layers together while I quilted the blanket, I put quilting safety pins in each block. I love quilting!!! ❤️
mother and daughter picking fabric
I told Bobbi she needed to pick out the fabric for the binding. She was trying to decide between the gray and the pink.

Obviously, by the pictures I share below…she chose the pink fabric. 😍

woman sewing quilt
Bobbi took this picture while I was quilting the three layers together.


One of the things Father has been reminding me of the last few days…love covers a multitude of sins.

It is about atonement. Today is Yom Kippur…The Day of Atonement. Christ’s love covers our sins when we repent for them…that means apologizing for our offenses against Father…and against man. The sin offering and the guilt offering. Those are the two mandatory offerings. Repentance is not an option to be in a relationship with Him. You gotta be sorry man. 🤷‍♀️

When you ask Him to forgive you…He does. His blood…shed out of love…covers your offenses…your crimes. It pays the debts you owe. It is a very simple concept to understand.

My Dad

Something else Father keeps bringing up is a saying my dad used. I am sure it is popular out there somewhere in the world. To me…it is a father-daughter thing between dad and myself.

People don’t CARE how much you KNOW…until they KNOW how much you CARE.

I love that saying. I have tried to live by it. Dad and I would talk about how off-putting it is when people come up to you and tell you how much they know. Oftentimes, we would say…they haven’t a clue what they are talking about.

Arrogance is so ugly.

Blows my mind how man thinks some women and men are so beautiful or handsome because of their outer appearance but if you look at their character…they are ugly. SO very ugly. It is one of the reasons I got off social media. The false narratives…the deception…so thick…so vile to see. Made me sick to look at it. Everyone is considered beautiful…inside and out. People are clueless.

The Rejected

It leads me to another part of our conversation Father and I have been having the last few days.

A lot of my acquaintances…are not considered pretty. They have crazy colored hair…piercings…tattoos all over their bodies…some body modifications…that kind of thing. I would say…not looking normal…mainstream…but tattoos have become mainstream. It seems like everyone has one now. One reason I will never get one. Since I prefer to be different, I think I will keep my skin clean looking.

I think part of the song lyrics in I Found…finding love where you don’t think it should be…is with the people I love so much…the pagans.

I keep thinking of my friend who does most of my piercings for me. The first time I met her…I said to Father…I want her heart. Give me her heart.

She has no idea I love Christ. Instead of preaching to her…I have just loved her over the years. She calls me family. Gives me special privileges when I come into her piercing/tattoo studio.

For me…I would rather hang with the pagans…than the Christians…and I do. So tired of the hypocrisy within Christianity.

baby quilt
The quilt is finally done. I think I like the back as much as I do the front. Love the squares on the back from the quilting seams. Soft and warm.
mother and daughter with quilt
We decided…Mavis likes her new quilt. I love her smile…such a cute baby!!

Ready to Go

I am ready to go. This morning, I told Father…let’s go. The past is behind me…let’s start over. A fresh new start. I am ready to move…to move forward…to move on…to move out. To go…where…not sure…just not stay here…ya know.

The whole family is antsy to go. I am having trouble sitting still now. I want to leave it all behind.

Father has promised to cover me with His love. I think we are nearing the end of this season…so ready to start my new life. Ready for the massive changes ahead of me. Ahead of my family. We are hungry for the new…every single one of us.

Let’s go. Let’s Go. Let’s rock and roll!!!!!! I am moving out!!!! 😍 🔥

Have a MARVY day! Planning on it myself.

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