Crossroads of America

giant cross in Effingham

For years now, I have been begging Father to set me free. Free from all things…like as in remove all the chains that tie me down. I wanted my independence…unchained from all of man…all systems of man…and all things.

It is kind of hard to describe what I mean by that as I don’t know how to explain what I see, know, feel, and hear. Using the example of the systems of man…I hated being bound to the rules, regulations, doctrines, and traditions of man…which nullifies His words. How man thinks, operates, and behaves…is so completely different than how Father thinks, lives, and works.

An Example

One example that grates on my nerves is a bumper sticker I saw yesterday. It spoke of standing for the flag…the National Anthem…and kneeling to the cross.

One piece of the puzzle inside the systems of man is the rule, regulation, doctrine, and tradition of man that we all must stand for the National Anthem…in addition…you must take your hat off and put your hand over your heart. IF you do NOT do this…then it is…in the opinion of man…a sign of disrespect to those who have served and/or died for our country. Those who refuse to stand according to their law…are now deemed lawbreakers. Guilty of a crime against man.

Honestly, I know I shouldn’t be…but I am always still amazed at the blindness to their hypocrisy. Me standing for a song is to them…about honoring someone who fought for my freedom…OK…WELL if you are REALLY concerned about my freedom…then you would NOT be offended when I choose to operate in my freedom by NOT standing to worship your god and your rules. Do you want me to be free or do you want me to be enslaved by your rules…essentially being a slave to your opinions…you be the master of my life while I serve your emotion-driven, lie-based belief system? You get the freedom to choose to live for yourself…while I get the freedom to die for Him. You get the freedom to bow down and worship man…I get the freedom to bow down and worship Him.

Wasn’t America founded on the principles of freedom of worship????

Some need to reread our history and the reasons our founding fathers became traitors to their own country.

His Law

It is always about the heart. The heart of the matter for me is this…I will not bow to the enemy and his agenda. When someone pushes his agenda onto me…The Warrior Queen in me rises to the surface and I will die before I bow…for I will not bow. My heart is sold out. 100% to Father. Not one nanoparticle is held back for the enemy. He is not my friend, and never has been.

My heart bows to Father.

Because I follow Father…I have a real problem with this rule man has instituted in America. Because Father has a real problem with this rule man has instituted in America. He doesn’t like it. It goes against His laws. It is in DEFIANCE of His laws.

He tells me to bow to no man and no thing. To bow only to Him.

Allegiance to Him Alone

He tells me to ONLY pledge allegiance to HIM. To Him alone. I am called to NOT pledge allegiance to a song, a flag, or a country…and especially not put my hand over my heart to pledge to creation. My heart does NOT belong to this country…it belongs to Him…He created it. He owns it.

I am commanded by His laws to worship Him alone…not worship a man, a flag, a song, or a country. He alone is my idol. Americans worship this country and have made the symbols of this nation idols they bow down to also.

I don’t worship things He has created…I worship the Creator.

This puts me at odds with the legalists and guardians of the religion galaxy and worship of America, the system of government, and the military system. I do not worship in those temples, nor will I ever bow to those gods, yet they want me to conform to their patterns…their rules. At His command, I cannot conform to their ways…to the patterns of this world and how it operates.

As a result, I am judged by them…guilty of breaking their man-made laws and commands.

Fighting for Freedom

For years, I have been fighting for my freedom. Fighting the enemy who has wanted to keep me in captivity in my heart and mind by the lies and deception he has planted in the fields of my heart and mind. He plants the weed seeds…the tares, in my heart and mind. I have to bow to Christ by giving Him my thoughts and feelings so He can renew my mind. I have to exchange the lies I believe with His truth… to get my freedom. That battle is ENORMOUS within me at times.

Sometimes I DON’T want to hear His truth because His truth is painful. The lies the enemy has fed me FEEL good. They feel better than those painful truths that are going to make me change things up in my life. Who wants to FEEL bad??? To embrace the pain…long enough to get truth, peace, healing, and freedom? Not many.

We have all drank the Kool-Aid and have been poisoned by the lies of the enemy. We all need to detox daily because we all hoard and hold onto the lies.

Not Standing

For me…NOT standing for the National Anthem is NOT a sign of disrespect for those who have served…but it IS a sign of respect for whom I DO pledge all my allegiance to…Father/Christ/Holy Spirit.

When He tells me to NOT worship a flag, a person, or a country…I obey. He wants me to worship Him and Him alone. I am NOT to bow to the enemy’s agenda for mankind.

Following Him…brings about pain…because it causes you to be rejected by man. Father sometimes tells you to do the opposite of what man tells you to do which causes man to hate you. This exposes your issues within…the pain of rejection rises and you then have the choice to deal with it or ignore it.

Inaccurate Judgments

I am quite used to mankind making inaccurate judgments against me.

Last night, Hannah brought up a subject with me…sharing some of her issues regarding the topic. I was blown away because Father had been bringing that very topic up in conversations for several days, but other things were dominant in my mind. Because I was neutral on it, I had put this topic at the back of my mind.

I was sharing with her how Father had been highlighting some of those same things to me. I had three separate conversations with people which led me to believe an individual had been talking negatively about me. Spreading lies about me. I was kind of fascinated with how it was all being revealed to me. But…again…it was pushed to the back of my thoughts. I just didn’t care what was being said. I am used to that kind of behavior from people. No big deal.

Tracking Together

Hannah and I were tracking on the same page which just blew me away how uncanny it was. I promised her I would seek Father for us both on the matter. As I was pulling out of Hannah’s driveway last night, Father said very clearly…get ready for the punch bowl celebration/party.

WHAT??? What does that mean?

He didn’t elaborate.

This morning, while I was walking Tonto, He said…WELCOME to the punch bowl party. Celebration.

Still perplexed, I went back to three different conversations we have been discussing the last few days…they kind of merged into one. Moving together in the same stream. This blog site was one of those topics. We discussed it a lot yesterday. It is tied to the topic of freedom…which ties to our conversation at Hannah’s last night. I got more truth this morning on the systems of man…related to how people who live according to those systems judge me so poorly for how I live my life.

Final Truth

I had this incredible realization that I believe was the proverbial nail in the coffin. With this final truth…I became 100% free in that area today in my heart and mind. I think the punch bowl party/celebration…is my celebration of getting free. My life. Having life. Celebrating my freedom. Crazy good!

In this area, it is like the final puzzle piece He put in place for me.

Let’s go back to the example of standing for the National Anthem, putting your hand over your heart, and taking off your hat.

When I refuse to stand…those around me who are legalists in that religious system…priests and worshipers both…guardians of man’s laws of government and military…get offended. They get angry. FEELing disrespected by me because I am not bowing to their man-made laws. They are driven by their emotions…not driven by His Spirit. They are basing their opinions on the Kool-Aid they have consumed. The poison…that has infected their hearts and minds about how another person should respond to a song…a flag…a man…a country. ARROGANT. So, they puff up against me. Judge me as guilty. A lawbreaker.

NOW…that is fine. There is a place for death in this life. We all get the right and privilege to choose life or death. To obey Father’s commands which put you at odds with man most of the time. OR to obey man’s fleshly commands…which put you at odds with Father all the time.

I GET following Father’s commands will cause those who conform to the patterns of this world to hate me for how I live. They get the right and privilege to hate me and live as they see fit.

Connecting the Dots

BUT I finally connected the dots this morning to this…

Those who are judging me according to man’s laws…are guilty of breaking His laws. When they stand before Father for their trial in His courtroom…aka…Judgment Day, Satan…the prosecuting attorney will bring up the charges against them for worshipping idols. In this case, it will be the idols: the flag, the military, a song, and a country. IF they have not repented of these crimes…Christ who is The Defense Attorney…will be unable to defend them. For they didn’t hire Him while here on earth…placing Him on retainer as their Defense Attorney. Therefore, Father who is the Judge…will convict them as guilty of breaking His laws…then He will sentence them according to the crimes they have committed.

The Truth Will Prevail

It is in that moment…of them hearing Him say…YOU are GUILTY…they will KNOW I was NOT guilty in Father’s eyes. They had accused me of breaking the law…while THEY were the lawbreaker…not me. Justice will be served for me at that moment. The truth will be revealed to them…to all. The truth WILL prevail, and punishment will be handed out for those who have falsely accused me of crimes I am not guilty of. For years now…every time one of my enemies crosses over…I always say the same thing…well…they KNOW the truth now. GLORIOUS!

Man is arrogant to think he can ever bring about true justice here on earth. Our system of justice here is only a picture for us. It shows us how He will bring justice about when each person is brought to trial. When man crosses over into the spirit realm to appear before the Judge for the crimes each has committed here…there will be an accounting for their accumulation of outstanding debts.


Without repentance…you will work for eternity in the prison of Hell to pay your outstanding debts…which you will never pay off. You will never be able to pay for your atonement. Only Christ can pay your debts. Today…here on earth…you get to choose how you want your future life to play out. You can hire Christ as your Defense Attorney…your Defender and ask Him to pay for all your outstanding debts…sins…disobedience. OR…you can be your defender (defense attorney)…you can choose to pay your way…but you should count the cost beforehand…that means you will work for eternity and never get out of debtor’s prison.

You will also be sentenced to death row for eternity as punishment for your crimes committed here. Justice must be served for breaking His laws. Today…here on Earth…you can choose to ask Christ to take the punishment for the crimes you have committed here against Father and mankind. That is a daily work. Asking forgiveness for the crimes you commit every single day while walking out of those patterns of disobedience. OR…you can choose to take your punishment for your crimes yourself. Again…count the cost…it is a price you will not want to pay in the end. It will cost you…your life. Death row…for eternity. That is more than you want to pay. If you don’t feel that way right now…you will then…but it will be too late to change your mind.

His ways…are NOT our ways. It is truly the difference between night and day…black vs. white.

I have always told my children…if the world is selling it…you are guaranteed…Father isn’t. They are in opposition to one another.

As for Me

This morning I was sharing with Hannah some truths Father had given me regarding our discussion last night. One of the things I shared with her was this.

I don’t care what people think about me. How I live. What I say. What I do.


Because the only opinion that matters to me is the ONE who will acquit me or convict me at my trial. Father will judge me according to the truth…not according to man’s lie-based opinions of me.

I KNOW the opinions of man here…are based on lies and deception. KNOWING that…sets me free from their opinions of me. It is all Kool-Aid poisoning their minds and hearts. KNOWING that truth experientially sets me free from the worries and cares of the opinions of a mere man.

The Work has Paid Off

The work I have done for 30 years to get free has paid off…in dividends. I finally got there. Indeed, today is a punch bowl party…a celebration of life for me. I got freedom in this area.

Something that makes me even happier is this site. I went to bed last night thinking about how I have fallen in love with my website. It sounds odd…very odd. BUT…He told me in the beginning…one of the purposes of this site was to please me. It is a space He created for me…to be and do me. For me to have the freedom to do what I love…teach, write, and display pictures that I love.

Doing What I Love

When I woke up this morning, I was telling Him…I want to post a ton of pictures today…as many as I feel like. He just smiled. Part of why that is so pleasurable for me is this…on Instagram…I had a limit on how many words I could use and how many posts I could post in a given time. I was always held back. Man always holds me back from being the true me I was created to be. They would shut my account down when I tried to add too many posts. Then I would have to wait several days before I could post again. For someone excessive like me…PAINFUL!

This is my site…His gift to me…so I can post to my little heart’s content. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of my words, my excessiveness, my craziness, etc. I am not doing this for you. I am doing it for my pleasure…and His…the one who gave me the gifts. He takes great pleasure in seeing me enjoy the gifts He has given me.

Never again will man hold me back. Freedom! 😍

I would say my freedom was a gift…but I worked for it. I earned it. It wasn’t a gift…it was part of my wages. I earned every penny.


Have a glass of punch and celebrate with me!!! I AM celebrating. 💃🏻

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