I am playing around in Lightroom to develop some editing skills. Although editing isn’t my jam, I am pushing myself outside of my comfort zone to develop the skill. I am not sure how much editing I will ever really do but I feel like editing has a perk…it is making me a better photographer on the front end. It is developing a more critical eye. I am seeing things I should have seen BEFORE I snapped the shot. If I keep practicing editing photos, the light bulb will eventually turn on, and I will think about those concepts while setting up the shot. Here is the deal…I will actually SET UP THE SHOT. Maybe…slow down and think about the shot before just snapping it. What a concept!!! Wow! I am just NOW getting this at 51??? 🤨 🤷♀️
At least I got here. 😳
After watching Nigel Danson set up his shots, I am worlds away from where I started. The guy really spends a lot of time composing his shots. I am not sure I will ever be that methodical as I am kind of a go-with-the-flow gal, but I have learned so much from his teachings. Much gratitude for the growth within. Maybe along this process, I will gain the ability to slow down and think through the shot first without losing my spontaneity. I could gain an ability without losing a part of me I treasure.
A Different Perspective
With landscape photography, my mode of operation has always been to snap shots and then sit and enjoy the beauty. My hope is…in the future; I will take more time composing the shot which will increase my appreciation of the artistry all around me. I think…thinking…about the artwork in front of me with an eye on composition will bring a new appreciation from a different perspective. I don’t know but I am excited to explore those possibilities.
This shot of Tonto, I took the other night playing around with an idea in my head regarding this macro lens. Macro is at the top of my list of images to take. I love getting up close and personal to tiny little details in life. The concept of portrait photography using my macro versus solely using it for macro shots is pushing me outside of what I typically do. It stretches my mind!
I needed someone to practice on. Of course, Tonto was a willing subject. No complaints.
Yesterday, I pulled up this picture to practice editing in Lightroom. It was a great picture to practice on because some items needed to be removed from the picture and the white balance was horrendous. When I took the shot, my head was focused on all things portrait using a macro lens and I completely forgot to change the white balance setting from my previous shot. I was stuck on MACRO to portrait??? The concept had me baffled.
For some odd reason, I didn’t immediately delete the photo which actually surprised me because typically I would look at the photo, be repulsed, and hit delete when the white balance is so bad. It is kind of like a knee-jerk reaction. In my head…I see the photo, my head kicks back…my face scrunches up…I think…oh god…that is AWFUL…DELETE…it is gone.
This time, instead of the head jerk and delete reaction, I thought…Tonto might get up and move…so I corrected in camera and continued to shoot. I am glad I didn’t automatically delete it because it gave me a chance to practice and I kind of like the shot after all. 😆