Fall Harvest

baby in pumpkin

My plan is to talk about the fall harvest. First…I have to say I believe my granddaughter sitting inside this pumpkin is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. OH MY GOODNESS! I am so in love with that face…and those chunky legs and arms. Little Mavis Joy…brings me immense amounts of joy inside.

I miss her!!! Her little smiles are the best!!!! Bobbi sent these snaps to the fam last night. We were all gushing over them. Cuteness overload. At the end of the post, I will include a couple of videos of this sweet little thing. Thankful Bobbi took these pictures and passed them along. 😍

This morning, I spent a couple of hours talking to Bobbilicious. It was so good to hear her voice and her laugh. ❤️ I am feeling refreshed and updated on the happenings in the neighborhood. Always exciting things happening. 😂 I forgot to ask about the neighbors who love drama. Last I knew they were going to be evicted. They called the cops on me before I left. That was a fun experience. 😜


Bobbi was super sad she missed the excitement. She wondered where I went to. When the kid’s wife said she called the cops, I turned around to see two of my male neighbor friends hanging out on the porch watching the interaction. They waved me over to hang with them while we waited for the cops to show up. Amazing the education I received during my time waiting. The cop was super friendly.

I love it when I don’t even need to say a word to defend myself because if you give the person enough rope, they will hang themselves. Some people should remain silent because opening their mouths just exposes their guilt. 😜 The whole interaction was highly amusing for me.

I am missing the kids in Indiana. We all need to live in one place…together as a family. We need a commune. When I am with the fam in IN, I miss the one in MI…and vice versa. Currently waiting for Miss Hannah to call me today when she has the time to talk. Needing updates on the battles going on in her world.

dad holding baby in pumpkin
She is so chunky! Our little chunky monkey. 😍


Father woke me up this morning at straight up midnight. I checked my phone. My first words to Him were…well…that was a great night’s sleep. 😂 🛌 🥱

Donovan once said to me…mom…why don’t you stay up really late and then you won’t wake up at those times. I told him…Father doesn’t work that way with me. Sometimes…I am not allowed to sleep at all. I am exhausted…close my eyes…and I see visions and He starts speaking. Then I am up the rest of the night.

I am thankful for ANY sleep I get.

Years ago, I used to hammer Father about His late-night conversations. I told Him…you know…I am working to regain my health. (Chronic health issues.) AND…we both know that sleep is a REALLY important aspect to regaining your natural health and also maintaining said health.

He had a lot to say about each of my arguments.

His final statement is what settled me on the issue. He said to me…I am in charge of your health. It is my body…you gave it to me. I am greater than your lack of sleep. His power is greater than our lack of…fill in the blank. His power is still greater than. No matter what we lack…He can provide…and provide more than enough. Well…alrighty then! Can’t argue with that. 🤷‍♀️

My Kiddos

The topic of conversation for the night…was my kiddos. We did some looking back at how far we have come as a family. How my adult children have matured in the last six years. How they have grown emotionally and spiritually. It was a very satisfying conversation.

It was part of my conversation with Bobbi. I got to hear some of Mitchell’s growth since I have moved back to Michigan. Very pleasing to hear.

Our family works so differently than the normal family. Our dynamic is vastly different.

For one…I am a transparent person. Crystal. Crystal is clear. I am clearly Crystal. I don’t hide. What you see is what you get.

I remember an old mentor of mine many many moons ago had a saying. It was…we are only as sick as our secrets. I liked that concept.

In Christianity, most hide their issues from others. They don’t feel they can be transparent because they will be condemned…rightly so. This fact is why I love the song Take Me to Church by Hozier so much. There are some really powerful messages to Christians in that song if you have the ears to hear.

A lot of deathless deaths in Christianity. Not willing to sacrifice their own lives and hearts, but more than willing to cut the necks and throats of the lost, broken, and hurting around them. Hypocrisy!

baby in pumpkin
We love that Mavis is chewing on the pumpkin. Bobbi said she actually was enjoying it. 😂

Love laughing babies. Goodness, it is the best sound.


As a result of my transparency, it is part of our family dynamic. I am not allowed to hide…so neither are my kids. That is per Father’s plan…not my own.

If one of my children has an unresolved issue, Father tells me. Then, I have to tell them. It is how we have lived our lives. Part of that means…we all know…not just one…but all. We function together as a team. Helping one another to be the person Father created each of us to be. To us…it is normal. The culture of our family.

A Thought

While discussing our family, I was reflecting on an incident. I was sitting at the kitchen table doing inner healing with Mitchell. Bobbi was moving around the kitchen and also hanging out at the table with us. She was an integral part of our inner healing session. As Mitchell’s partner, she had input in the discussion. She also wanted to hear the things Father was saying to Mitchell as we sought Him on whatever truths Mitchell needed to hear. Because they were for Mitchell her husband, they were for her too as his wife.

Prior to our inner healing session, Bobbi had asked me what Mitchell should do inner healing on. My response…ask Vanessa to send you a list. 😂

Vanessa is GREAT at sending the fam lists to do inner healing on. Donovan and Bobbi have also received such lists. Crystal is always CC’d on the lists since I will be doing the sessions with them.

Bobbi asked…Bobbi received. Vanessa sent Bobbi, Mitchell, and myself a list of 40 items she felt Mitchell needed to work on. 40. Four zero. 😂 🤯 🥱

That was pretty tame…Donovan’s list was two legal pad pages long.

Did I mention I trained my children to speak bluntly?

No one hides in this family…from anything.


While we were doing inner healing, Hannah walked into the house. She saw what we were doing and headed for the couch behind Mitchell.

Later, I said something to her about Mitchell’s speeding through our 40 items on the list. I love doing inner healing with the kids because each one of them processes their emotions and their thoughts very quickly. A long list for them is easy.

Hannah on the other hand…a nightmare. When we first started inner healing…she might take an hour trying to find one emotion. Later, she would just ask me…how would you feel in this place. I would list all the emotions she could have and why. Only then, could she get in touch with an emotion.

She always used to hound me…ask Father for a shortcut…there has to be a shortcut to this. I would tell her…ok…but you are being lazy by not wanting to feel your emotions. Later…I asked Father…is there a shortcut and if so, what is it. He said…YOU are the shortcut. Wow…shocked the socks off me.

Eventually, Hannah could get to her emotions and started the processing needed. It has been a hard process for her. Very frustrating.


When I mentioned Mitchell’s speed at getting through the list, she shared a super funny comment. Funny only to me because of the years of struggle I have watched her go through regarding getting the inner healing she needs. She shared her shock and bewilderment at how in one of his items he jumped from the emotion to a profound conclusion so quickly. In one jump…in minutes.

Hannah was wondering how his mind and heart could work so quickly together. She was telling me…I couldn’t have gotten from that place to that place in months…and he got there in minutes.

Her dry, dark wit…is tops. Sends me into fits of laughter every single time. Hannah has this unique ability to take the darkest…worst place in your life…and bring humor into it. Even her own dark spaces. I haven’t a clue how she does that…but it is one of her qualities that I treasure the most. While I was shackled in Hell, crying, and wanting to end my life to get out of that space…she would say the darkest and funniest things that would remind me joy was real.


As I reflected on the growth in my adult children, I was reminded of how I am reaping what I have sown into them. It is a harvest. A beautiful one to be sure. I am getting to enjoy the fruits growing from the Tree of Life within their hearts and minds.

So thankful we work together so well as a team to encourage one another to grow and to hold each other accountable if they are stuck and have lost sight of the importance of growth.


I have worked my fanny off for 30-plus years and now I am consuming the fruits of my labor. What a gift that is. One I cherish.

It was worth the loss of sleep last night to spend that time with Father as He reminded me of the seeds I have sown into the people around me that I love so dearly.

I feel like that is just the beginning for me.

Off and on the last few years, He will sing to me Feed the World…sometimes He will sing the next line…let them know it is Christmas time.

Christmas Time

Each time, I have been slightly offended because He doesn’t let me celebrate Christmas. Haven’t in years. I said to Him…if you are telling me to celebrate Christmas now…I am going to be pissed because I fought the family over that for years.

He never responded to my argument before. This morning, He did. The second time around…He sang…Feed the World…let them KNOW it is Christ’s Time.

Ahhh…that feels better. It is time for Christ to appear. To bring His gifts to me. Like you would open gifts at Christmas time…it is time for me to open the gifts He has for me. Christ’s gifts as well.

He also said…tell the people I AM the giver of gifts…NOT Santa Claus. I could hear the pain in His voice…feel it in His heart.

It broke my heart. I teared up. I said to Him…I am so sorry the people are breaking your heart by one…telling the children Santa is the one who brings gifts to them and NOT telling them you are the giver of gifts. You ARE the GIFT. And two…that they are lying to their own children. Liars lying…and liars lying about who the true giver of gifts is.

What you sow…you will reap.

Sow life, love, light, and truth…and you shall reap it back in return…more than you gave out.

I think my time of feeding the sheep…feeding the world is soon. Super excited!!!! He is warming my heart up. ❤️💙

Now hand over my gifts please and thank you so I can enjoy them. 😜

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