Fall of Man

fall weeds

I had an epiphany about the fall of man this morning. Pretty flipping cool if you ask me. Feel led to share this wonderfulness with the masses.

The masses will come…cuz He told me long ago…if you build it…they will come. I have built it. They are coming. There ya go…now ya know.

One piece of the puzzle is something I have mentioned in the past. A few years ago, Father said to me…you will fall in love with fall because you will fall in love in the fall.


What does that mean???? Clear as mud. Clarity please.

I always say to Him…what part of clearly crystal…crystal is clear…crystal clear do you not understand? It is a statement because I KNOW He understands. Tongue in cheek. Part of my sassy nature with Him. The lack of clarity irritates the shit out of me, and He is well aware of it. A constant conflict in our relationship. One I have been working for over 30 years to clear up.

He once said to me…when this is all over with…ALL your questions will be answered, and you will feel differently.

Ok…let’s be getting there then…ya know what I am saying.

He gave me this name and titles along with it…cuz that is where He is taking me. I know that…just absolutely despise the journey at times. 🤷‍♀️

Just being real about it.

I love this little shroom. The blue and green with the tiny dude just makes it better. 😜


Last night, I was doing more reflection on the C.R.S. studies He had me researching.

I was reflecting on this insane drive within me to single-handedly destroy that religious system. Along with the desire to tear down the religious system of Christianity, I wanted to tear down Christians themselves as people.

I want to burn up…tear down…destroy what man has built for themselves…ESPECIALLY what they have built in the name of Christ. They have taken His good name in vain.

Absolutely rankles me. I can’t remember a single moment in my 53 years of life where I haven’t been irritated by Christianity. Leaving that system behind was freedom for me in epic proportions. I hated being inside that place. The performances were repulsive to me.

Years later, they are even more repulsive to me. THIS is Father. His feelings.

After years of cleaning up my own toxicity, what is left…is Him…inside of me.

I have been purified of my own negative emotions and beliefs…leaving me with His negative truths and emotions regarding death.


The Beast

This morning, I was thinking about a concept using various illustrations. Let me share a bit of that here.

  • Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • Frankenstein
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • The Woman and the Dragon in Rev. 12

Do you see a theme here?

Let me clue you in.

I AM Beauty. I AM also the woman in Revelation 12 who was pursued by the dragon to destroy me. Wow…he nearly overtook me MANY times. What a battle for life.

I fought for my life. For the love of my life. I was in the fight of my life.

Wasn’t sure I would make it out of it alive…however, I survived.

Like Frankenstein…man creates a monster inside of themselves. Like Mr. Hyde is evil…the alternate self…that nasty carnal nature.

Man feeds their bad self. Puffs up their egos. Elevates their prideful bad selves to a place and position above Father…above Christ. Pretending they have power they do not have. Like the beast…they huff and puff when they get hurt…hurting others as an emotional reaction.

Hurting people…hurt people. That saying is truth. Pride and arrogance lead you to STEP all over people.

If you don’t deal with YOUR shit inside…you vomit that toxicity out onto others around you.


My entire life…Father has kept me in a place of being stepped on by man.

This forced me into a deeper more intimate relationship with Him. I would take my pain to Him…instead of man. He would tell me the truth and heal me. This allowed me to forgive every single person in my past who has hurt me.

Christ as truth…paid the guilt offering for each of these people. There are many.

ONE reason of many…as to why I AM Beauty…Father’s definition of beauty…is I hold NO grudges. None. This is not a solution for me. Not a covering up of emotions man does, but instead true forgiveness by accepting Christ’s covering for their acts of disobedience.

I can’t begin to tell you how many people have wronged me in my life…nor can I count how many times they wronged me on repeat.

Only Christ Himself has forgiven to the depth, volume, and multitude of times I have forgiven individuals…and groups of individuals. No one can compare their life to mine and to me and come close to achieving what I have accomplished spiritually speaking. I do not brag or say this out of pride. I speak this because it is truth. Rock solid.


Let me use this as an example. As I have mentioned before, I AM Esther…the woman Kim Clement prophesied about years ago. Thousands of women (and men) have claimed my title. Not just my title of Esther…but MANY of my titles. Deborah, Ruth, Jael, Joseph, Isaiah, Moses, etc. So many pictures.

I have shared before how this is identity theft. It is stealing. Stealing from me. From Christ. Stealing from the people. There are so many acts of disobedience to repent from…it would make your head spin. The pride, arrogance, selfishness, rebellion, etc…blows my mind. How people can even consider they are worthy to appoint themselves to these positions…this position is beyond my comprehension right now. I will understand…but today I still don’t understand in full.

I was the one chosen for this time and this position and have struggled for years to wrap my head around it. Yet, thousands jump on the Esther MeToo bus and party it up. All celebrating a victory for something they don’t own. Something they didn’t work for. They are worth less…not more. They went high…instead of going low.

This is ONE example of how man has wronged me…and no repentance.


With humility comes apologies…repentance. As a humble individual…I HURT when I hurt others and Father. This leads to two things. I make it right…by apologizing to Father and to the person I wronged. Then…I don’t repeat the same behavior that I did to cause that person pain.

I apologize out of a pure heart to reconnect with that person. Intimacy is my jam…so no intimacy is uncomfortable for me. I don’t want to be disconnected from Father, Christ, and Spirit. That means in order to be in a healthy relationship with them, I have to be sorry for hurting them. Then STOP doing what hurt them in the first place. I have to stop DAMAGING the relationship. With Father. With the people I love.


Such a simple concept to get.

The problem is…pride and arrogance get in the way for people. They REFUSE to bow. To lower themselves and admit they were wrong.

I don’t get that. You would rather be lonely than happy and healthy???? That is choosing death. Intimacy is life. It is love.

Apologies are born out of love…if they are real.


Which leads me to my next point. In the past, I can only remember three adults who apologized to me when they wronged me.

I am NOT going to include my children in this. Here is why. I have raised them to apologize when they are wrong. I desired to raise up peacemakers…not peacekeepers. My children are equipped to be healthy and establish healthy relationships with others. We do real in our family. Transparency is how we roll in our home.

These three adults who apologized to me…did so for a multitude of reasons as we all are complicated people. Two of those reasons I will include here. They did so because they were called out and held accountable for their actions. Also…out of impure motives…manipulation. I say that because their toxic behavior did not change and all three are no longer in my life.

Their apologies were not genuine, see? If someone is truly sorry for how they treated you…they will change their behavior to reflect their sorrow and humility.

If a man beats up a woman and then later apologizes to her…only to beat her again…this is not a man who is sorry. That is a man who is a liar and apologizes to manipulate the woman.

Actions and words should line up mathematically and logically. If they do not, the actions are the truth, and the words are lies. Very simple math here.

Genuine Repentance

This means to be sorry for real. In your heart, you are truly sorry you hurt someone. You hurt because you HURT that person.

I have personally experienced this myself my entire life within self. I have also experienced this with my children as they have apologized to me over the years for how they have behaved at times.

What I have never experienced is an adult coming to me and genuinely being sorry for how they have wronged me. I have never had someone truly hurt because they hurt me.

I am used to Father pruning people out of my life because they are NOT sorry for how they treated me.

53 years of forgiving people who are not sorry for hurting me. Genuinely loving them still. Loving my enemies who hate me and wish me death.

That is Christ. Easy peasy for Him. NOT so easy for mankind.

I have worked my ass off for years to become like Him.

Absolute beauty beyond measure if you ask me.

He says I am exquisite in beauty. I like that. Uncommon beauty.

sycamore tree leaves
Sycamore trees are one of my favorite trees…although I seem to have many favorite trees. 🤔 The size and shape of the leaves do it for me…along with the white on the trunk when the bark falls off. Wow…stunning to observe. 🤩

Fall of Man

Let me circle back around to why I am doing this post. One reason we want to destroy Christianity and tear down the Christians themselves…is because we want true humility. We want to see the fall of man. For man to become truly repentant…SORRY for how they have wronged Father, Christ, and Holy Spirit.

Included in that…Father wants me…CRYSTAL…to experience people being sorry for how they have wronged me.

WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😳😳🤯🤯

I might pass out. Blow a gasket. Blow the whole circuit panel on this one.

Makes me think of Sanford and Sons when Fred Sanford would act like he was having the big heart attack. 😂 This is the big one!!! I might die of heart failure.

For me to experience genuine repentance from man who has wronged me…wow…WOW…no words. Can’t imagine what that is like.

Sorrow and change…spectacular.

That…is love.



Have a marvy freaking day!!!! Planning on it myself. Going to smooch all over my grandkids today. I have a date with Little Miss Mavis.

*Waving bye with a big fat cheesy grin on my face* 👋😆

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