Fine Dining

kobe steak

I have mentioned in previous posts that in the summer of 2020, my dad died from cancer. After his death, Father led me to take a trip out West. A trip to help heal my heart and spend time with Father. It was a Father/daughter trip and a dad/daughter trip.

While dying, my dad shared with me about a trip he took out West between high school and college with two of his friends. They loaded up in his car and traveled to a bunch of National Parks. The men had a tent and camped all along the way.

I was blown away when he told me about his adventure for a number of reasons. One…I had never heard about his trip. Didn’t know he had ever taken such an adventure like that. My dad was always traveling and always logging those miles. By the time he passed, he had driven over a million miles in his lifetime. He thought that was a great part of his life. I agree. 🥰 I get my love of driving and traveling from my dad. Got the same lead foot too. Working on that…I swear I am. 🤷‍♀️

Another reason I was blown away was the fact I had been longing to do that very trip. It was a dream trip for me. On my bucket list. I was in awe of his stories regarding the trip and the fact my dad and I had something like that in common.

The Trip

After he passed, I was saying to Vanessa…I need to be out in nature for a time to heal. I need to go camping somewhere. I started asking Father what He wanted me to do when He showed Vanessa. She said to me…I see you traveling, camping, and taking pictures. You aren’t supposed to stay in one place. Instantly, I knew I was supposed to take my trip West… as my dad had done…and the dream I had. It was a perfect way to say goodbye to my dad. Reminisce about him and our relationship while driving the same miles he drove.

Once I knew, I gingerly went to my son Donovan. I knew I needed his approval, and I wasn’t sure what he was going to think about it.

Here is the deal. I have broken down in seven different states. Not seven different times…but in seven different states. Most of those, Donovan was in the vehicle with me as a single mom. I never let my single mom status stop me from traveling the US with my kiddos. IF Donovan wasn’t in the vehicle with me…he was the one dropping everything to come rescue me.

One day, he left Evansville with a trailer to pick me up in Alabama. I had just crossed the state line out of Florida into Alabama and my poor Blazer kicked the bucket. He hauled that baby home to the junkyard. No resuscitating that thing. That was not the first time he had to rescue me. 🤣 😂 I knew if I ran into trouble, Donovan was my knight in shining armor. He has always been that for me. 😍


After sharing my idea of taking a trip West and visiting as many National Parks as I could, he said to me. No way. You are going to break down somewhere and I can’t come get you in Montana. He said my truck wasn’t going to be a good idea to drive that far. I agreed with him. It was my one hang-up on the trip. The truck had too many miles and it was too small for the trip. I needed something larger.

We discussed the matter while he was under the hood of his truck. I will never forget…Father spoke to him. He stopped working and had this quizzical look on his face and said…if you rent a vehicle, I would be ok with it. Instantly, I knew I was supposed to rent a van. I had seen a vision of me in a van traveling out West. Giddy!!! Eureka! I knew that was Father’s plan. I was supposed to rent a van, load it up, and head West. STOKED!

I got my van. It just so happened the local Enterprise had gotten a brand new one in…and in my favorite color…blue! The manager and I said it was meant to be my van for the trip.

The trip lasted 34 days and I drove 11,000 miles. Glorious! So many adventures on that trip.


In a past post, I shared my skydiving days while in Las Vegas. Six phenomenal days in Vegas. SO much fun. I fell in love with skydiving for sure…also the Vassilev family and the city of Vegas.

Outside of Jean George’s Steakhouse, Aria.
kobe steak
Mind-boggling how delicious this steak was.
sorbet and tea
Richie and Kevin convinced me to have some sorbet and stay for a while enjoying a pot of hot tea.

Once I knew Father wanted me to head to Vegas, I asked Him what hotel He wanted me to stay at. Instantly, He said the Bellagio.

Before leaving on the trip, He said to me…spare no expense. I knew that was Him because that isn’t my nature. It kind of sent me into a bit of panic…had to do inner healing on that. Then I called my brother Jeff and talked through it all with him to make sure I was hearing Father correctly. He saw no red flags. Said go and have fun sis!!! He was more excited for me than I was. 🤣

Having the word “spare no expense” as a prefix for the trip, I knew Bellagio was right. Leaving California, I booked my room.

I also knew…I was going to do some fine dining while in town. I had been sleeping in the tent and cooking my food camp style. Eating out of a cooler for days, Crystal was going to get dolled up and eat some food made by some famous chefs. I am a foodie…and I want high-end, high-quality food. No cheap fast food for me…thank you very much.

Kobe Beef

Sometime before the trip, a young man was super excited to share with me all he had learned about Kobe and Wagyu beef. He is a foodie like me and LOVES to cook. We shared a love of high-quality food. He was telling me all about these types of steaks. We like our steak. 😆 I learned something new that day. Father had me put a pin in that…make a mental note of that steak.

While talking to my Bellagio concierge, she asked me if I wanted any reservations. Ummm…yes please and thank you. I was hoping for Tom Colicchio’s restaurant but it was booked on my dates. Instead, I booked at other places. One of those was Jean George’s Steakhouse…Aria.

FanTABulous! FINE DINING!!!!

When I got to the restaurant, I did a quick scan of the menu while the hostess was preparing to seat me. One of the specials that night was Kobe Steak. As soon as I read that…Father said…that is what I want you to eat.

Ok. Listen…you don’t have to tell me twice. Goodness! I was giddy at the thought.

I took pictures to text the fam and the young man who had educated me on Kobe.

The Bellagio and the famous fountains.
Bellagio bathtub
Every single night. E.V.E.R.Y.

Gotta love those Chaco tan lines. Lots of hiking in those shoes. I bought them in Washington state for my fly-fishing excursion. GREAT purchase! Wore them for the rest of the trip.

Melts in Your Mouth

Kobe steak…melts in your mouth when you start to chew. I have had some great high-end steaks, but I am telling you…this is the best so far. Gotta try Wagyu yet…but wowser bowser the steak was divine.

My waiter was Richie. Loved him. From New York. As soon as he started talking…I said…you gotta be a New Yorker. You sound like one. He smiled. Yes, he was. I have spent some time on the East Coast and in that area, so I knew that accent.

We became instant buddies. Kevin was another waiter who joined us. I had two men waiting on me all evening. They convinced me to get some sorbet and stay for a pot of tea. Such a wonderful relaxing meal and I got to meet some neat people during the experience.

After the meal, I walked back to the Bellagio and spent some time at the fountains. Met a guy there who was a chatty Cathy with me. At the time, I had a social media page, and I posted my travel pics each day along with videos. I posted this video of the fountains at the Bellagio…while chatting with this dude.

Hannah told me later; that our friend asked her about the guy talking to me in the video. Hannah said…I guarantee you he was a total stranger and she just met him at the fountains. 🤣 She has traveled quite a bit with me and marvels at my conversations with total strangers.

San Francisco

Hannah and I were once eating breakfast at a famous restaurant along the coastline in San Francisco. I fell in love with our waiter. He was a big gay guy named Justin. As soon as he started talking, I knew he and I were going to have fun. We hit it off instantly. That was a super fun breakfast with a beautiful view. When the meal was over and we were getting ready to leave, I asked Justin…are you a hugger. He SMILED big and said YES, I AM. He said…I am going to give you a BIG hug. We embraced. It was wonderful.

Since he knows Hannah is my daughter…he assumes she wants a hug too. So he says to her…are you a hugger too. She is NOT. She likes her space with strangers, so I am already starting to laugh because I can see what is coming here. Justin says to her…then I will give you a LITTLE hug. And he hugs her. I lost it. Justin and I were rolling. Hannah…not so amused. 😂😂 Super fun breakfast that morning to start our beautiful 7-mile hike to the Golden Gate Bridge.

Fine Dining

While walking this morning, I was reminiscing about my trip West and my dad. It led me to open up my photos and start looking back through them. While doing that, I saw my evening at Aria pics. It made me think about how Father’s truth…the real truth…not the “my truths” and opinions of man is fine dining. Feasting on Father’s truth…whether that is in the Bible or just Him speaking to you directly…is consuming the best of foods available…prepared by a famous chef…with the choicest of ingredients. That is why I prefer high-quality food over common food. It is why I prefer real food over fake food. Foods that man calls food but aren’t food…just man-made chemicals put in a package and labeled as food.

While on my trip, I would always stop at local farmers’ markets and get my produce. Our family has shopped at local farmers’ markets for years when we aren’t producing our own. Eating natural food…isn’t just healthy for you…it tastes better. It brings life to your body. Just like eating and consuming Father’s words bring life to your soul…and your spirit.


Fine dining on the truth brings you life because He is the truth, and He is life. So many people today in our world, don’t want to speak the truth nor do they want to hear the truth. The truth is often very painful to hear. It hurts. Cuts. Divides. It causes you to do some introspection on your choices. At least it should if you want to grow and change to be a better human being.

For me…the truth is my friend…even when it is painful. Knowing the truth…sets me free. It is a firm foundation I can stand on. I was thinking the other day about when I found out my husband was cheating on me. It was so painful to hear. BUT the truth was…he was never going to love me. Ever. Coming face to face with that truth allowed me to move on with my life. I realized that he was happier without me, and I was happier without him. For me, I wanted to be loved…not lied to and cheated on by a man. I wanted a man who would treat me with honor and respect…who had a heart to love me…give me life…instead of treating me with dishonor, disrespect, lying to me, cheating on me, stealing from me, and bringing me death and curses. I wanted life…not death.

The truth brings us life…if we will take it, accept it, and understand the truth is what SETS US FREE from bondage.

Dine on the truth. Seek the truth. Speak the truth. Embrace the truth. Consume it.

Lies and deception are counterfeit food that will only bring you death and disease in the end.

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