Follow My Lead

woman standing

When I started working on this post, I heard two things I suspected related to the title. Follow the leader and follow my lead. This had me scratching my head in confusion. I asked Father…how do these words relate to the information contained in the post? He said…follow my lead. OHHHH!!! Ok…gotcha!

I was feeling overwhelmed by this post. The suspected length of it…was causing the circuit panel in my mind to overheat. I was fearing a major blackout here. 😂 When He said follow my lead, I knew what He was saying…don’t stress about it. Do what you ALWAYS do…follow me. Follow my lead. He is the leader…I just follow along like this whipped little puppy dog. 🐶 I have been to obedience training. I am a well-trained dog here.

At this point, I had the photos for the post already loaded and ready to go. Had a lot of words in my head driving me a bit batty, so I was ready to type. Sort of. Had that overwhelmed issue…but willing to type despite feeling overwhelmed. Once He gave me the title, I typed it in the appropriate spot. THEN…all the words disappeared. 🤦‍♀️

He maketh me crazy at times. For real. 😳

This was on the 7th. A couple of days ago. After 30-plus years of this relationship, I KNOW what the disappearance of the words means. I need more info. That means wait. More processing in my little pea brain must happen before I can write. I wondered…does this mean the post will be shortened in length or lengthened? 🤔🤨

Wanna wager a guess??? 😂

Get comfy…it feels like I am writing a book. Maybe gearing up to write one. 😜


I am posting this post on my coaching page. Several reasons for that. ALWAYS!

  • Obedience to Father…cuz He told me to. That is always answer number one…if you are asking why I do what I do. 🤷‍♀️
  • The post is long…at least I believe it is as of right now. Almost guaranteed with this wordy girl. 😂
  • There is a LOT of meat in this post…if you have eyes to see…and you are hungry to learn. I will fill your belly. I will give you a lot of food to chew on.

Here is Hannah’s take on this post.

As I have struggled with the length of this post…along with all the other REALLY long posts…I have shared this issue with the girls. On the 7th and again this morning, Hannah said to me…I am so excited to read it. She likes the longer posts. 🤨 I was super confused by this concept coming out of her mouth.

I asked her…please explain to me your thoughts, feelings, and logical reasoning behind liking the longer posts. Her response confirmed something I already knew. It helped move me forward.

She said…because I can sit down and curl up in a blanket with my notebook while I read them.

Ok…I knew exactly what she meant by that. She was going to take notes. Learn. Glean. Study. Chew on what I said. Utilize it. Assimilate it. Process. Grow. Atta girl!!! Look at you go!!! 😜🥰😎💃🏻 Proud Momma moment. 😍


Guess what? I am going to repeat myself here. 😂 Imagine me repeating myself on this blog.

Gotta share this again…a bit more though this time.

I repeat myself. For lots of reasons. I feel led to dive into this a bit deeper this time. It is a pertinent piece of this puzzle.

Why do I repeat myself so often?

  1. What is always the first reason???? Cuz Father told me to. Catching on? 😜 I am being obedient. All about obedience for me.
  2. The truth is always worth repeating. Christ is the truth. He is worthy of being shared on repeat.
  3. I am left-brain dominant…logical. I know some people will come and only read one post. If this is the ONLY post they read, I gotta get the important stuff in to lay the right foundation for them.
  4. For the readers who come back and see these truths on repeat…it gives the truth the ability to get deeper into the soul and spirit. Truth with His Spirit will solidify in the heart and mind of the reader. It will get deeper and harden like concrete within. It will penetrate. Cut. Divide. Build. Strengthen. It destructs and constructs.

Eyes to See

Here is another repeat…but I want to go a bit deeper on this concept in this post. I am going to use this post as an example of the math I am always mentioning.

Everything is mathematical in creation. Every. Single. Thing. If you have the eyes to see it…it is right in front of you 24/7. Once you see it…you can’t unsee it. This is how truth works. Truth acts like a valve in the human body. Valves are created to keep the fluids in your body moving in one direction. A one-way street. The blood pulses forward and the valves shut to keep it from flowing backward. The blood is a picture of Christ and His word and how it works. There is only one way to Heaven. Through Christ. The truth…pulses forward inside of you. The valve closes in your heart to ensure you don’t fall backward into disobedience.

Walking with Christ is walking forward…always. If you have the spiritual eyes to see…you then SEE the truth. Seeing the truth keeps you from moving back into disobedience. The spiritual heart valve within you closes. Now you can’t unsee the truth you already saw.


In this post, I am going to explain to you at least one aspect of the math I see 24/7. Using myself and my life as an example, I believe by the end of the post you will have a greater understanding of spiritual math. The math you are walking out on a daily basis but don’t have the eyes to see.

woman and her mug
Malia’s painted mug.


Let’s talk just a bit about math in the natural realm. It is the picture that teaches us about math in the spirit realm. As I have said on repeat, every single thing on Earth is a picture of what is happening in the Heavenly realm.

Math is sequential. There is order to math. It is one of the reasons I love math so much. Love me some order. I hate chaos and confusion. Goodness…don’t know how people live in chaos and confusion. 😳 I can’t function there.

Every single day…you are living out mathematical story problems. Everything is part of a larger story…your life story. Each problem in your daily life is a smaller problem within a much larger story problem.

The point is to come to a conclusion. An end. The end of your life. So, the largest question/equation/problem you are working out is where are you going to spend your eternity. Heaven or Hell?

Every single day…every single choice you make determines the conclusion of this equation you are literally working out…living out.

Each choice…is a smaller problem within the larger problem.

Do you see that? Can you see the math here?


When you start learning math as a small child…you start by learning your numbers. Then you learn place value…meaning where each of those numbers go…and what they represent. Then you start learning addition. How to add them together to make more. Next is subtraction. Multiplication. Division. Then we get into harder stuff like fractions, decimals, and percentages. We learn the basics first, so later we can do more complicated math computations.

It is the exact same process in the spirit realm with spiritual math. The brain/mind needs time to develop just like our physical bodies develop. We roll over, we crawl, we cruise, we walk, we run, and then we skip. We start simple and get more complex as the brain/mind develops. Man has to start with a simple foundation before we can build a house on that foundation. The concrete has to be poured first…and hardened before we can build the house.

I am going to make up some math equations here. These are examples to help you see what I am going to teach you/show you in this blog. If you are hungry to learn about the deeper things of the spirit…this is great meat to chew on. Will fill your belly. Help you to see more clearly. It will also help you to get to know intimately Father and I. This is how we function. He is SUPER complex. This educates you on a small piece of His complexities.


  • 8+8=16
  • 9+Y=12
  • 24-A+6=28
  • 3(2+X) =12
  • 1/2[4(2+7) +20(9-3)-5(8+1)] =Y

We start out doing computations we can…at the level of understanding we currently have. Where our natural brains/minds are developed to. Same in the minds of the soul and spirit.

A three-year-old who hasn’t learned their numbers and place value yet…can NOT do algebraic equations.

Every human being develops body, soul, and spirit at their own pace. Some take longer to hit milestones that others the same age have already achieved. We were each created individually unique. We must learn in the time Father created and designed for us all to learn. In the WAY He created us to learn.

In those examples, the point is to reach a conclusion. To find the answer. To solve the problem. The equation. Find the solution.

This is why you will hear me say on repeat…Christ is ALWAYS the solution. He is the solution to every problem. He is the answer to every question. The conclusion to every equation IF you are working the problem out correctly.

One Way

Truth is one way, right? If you are using any other way to work out your problems in life than Christ Himself…the truth…you are going to come to the wrong answer. The wrong conclusion. The math will be wrong, and your answer will be wrong. Do you see what I am saying?

This is one reason why I LOVE math and logic. There is only one answer for every problem. The truth is always ONE. It is immovable. Unshakeable. The rug will not be pulled out from under you because the answer is ROCK solid. Christ is the rock. Irrefutable. The conclusion is always the same…IF you work the math out correctly.

If you find any other way to work out your problem…you went the wrong way…took a wrong turn. This turn will lead you to Hell. There is only one way to work your math problems to get the RIGHT answer. The correct answer. The answer to 2+2 will ALWAYS be 4. There is no other answer to this problem/equation.

The answer to ALL of your story problems in life is Christ. There is no other answer to your problems. If you have another solution…you did the math wrong. When you get to stand before the Judge on Judgment Day…He…who is also the Accountant…will show you ALL the incorrect answers you got on your math tests throughout your lifetime.

Do you see that?

You will be graded at the end of your life.

Your life’s equation in totality looks something like the most complicated of my math equations…with exponents.

With that foundation laid…let’s move on to show how this plays out as story problems for me. How I see them in my own life.


Back to being overwhelmed. This has been a long-time issue I have been working on. Since the fire was lit, the shallow impurities within me bubbled to the surface rather quickly. I took those shallow reasons why I was feeling overwhelmed to Christ and He set me free of them. As we kept working, the fire would get hotter so He could dig deeper into those wounds. Clean those babies up.

As I matured inside, the feelings of being overwhelmed became less painful. The pain was diminishing as the wounds healed.

This is part of me sharing my shit. Remember that post…a couple of posts back where I share I am going to spread manure. I am sharing with you a piece of the shit within me that I have been working to clean up.

If we want to plug overwhelmed into a math equation…we could plug it into many places. Let me share some examples just to help you see.


In this equation, we are MULTIPLYING (overwhelmed) by a situation. (4+4) represents a life situation that I could be trying to work out in my mind. How to deal with something. Say the death of a friend (4) and (+) an issue at work that has me stumped (4). Both situations are causing me to struggle for whatever reasons. In each case, I am overwhelmed. You can add multiple situations to that equation and this just increases your feelings of being overwhelmed. It adds up…is multiplied.

This works across the board with every single situation and every single emotion. Positive situations with positive emotions. Negative situations with negative emotions. See?


In my case, I have repeatedly been overwhelmed by what Father has been doing to my mind over the years. The shaping and molding of my minds…soul and spirit…have been beyond excruciating. Indescribable. I have nothing to compare it to in this world. I have never known that kind of pain before.

On repeat, I have said He has made me take every single thought captive…to make it obedient to Jesus Christ. To the truth. We have been pulling out all lies and deception, so I can carry the truth. He told me many years ago…He created my mind to be a container for/of the truth. Wow…no words on that.

At times…the thoughts in my mind have felt like…

  • A traffic jam. All the words come together at the same intersection in this massive chaotic pile-up of vehicles.
  • A ball of yarn…all the yarn in knots and tangles.
  • A massive pile of mixed up…knotted up thread.
  • A massive pile of necklaces tangled up from being thrown in a bag.
  • A log jam packed tightly in a river that has stopped flowing. All dammed up.
  • Clogged pipes that won’t let the water flow correctly.
  • Breakers breaking. Electrical shorts. Short circuits. The whole panel completely blown.
  • A city in chaos and confusion. Detours from all the road construction. Can’t get to the right building efficiently. Gotta go the long way around.
  • A bird flying around lost at sea in the middle of the ocean and no land in sight. Exhausted and wanting a place to land, but the words just keep flying around.


Many years ago, I saw a vision. I was in Father’s house in a hallway. In front of me was His door. On both sides of me were doors to other rooms in the house. In front of His door, the Master Bedroom was a golden key. The Master key. It was on the floor, and it was mine. In this vision, I opened the door to my left. What I saw was this massive waterfall. Think Niagara. Super powerful. Lots of water. Rapids above this waterfall and rapids below. The noise was almost deafening to me. I felt the enormous power contained within this flow of water.

He told me I was that waterfall. It scared me…overwhelmed me…so I quickly shut the door.

Over the years of working/training, He has shown me a couple of things. One…we were mining for gold. I had a gold mine inside of me…we were mining for that gold deep within me. Also…I saw my soul as a well. We were digging a water well. The conclusion of the well revealed a breakthrough. The dirt gave way and underneath it was that water from the waterfall. A massive powerful river of raging water flowing at the bottom of this well. It was the River of Life. The gold mine of Christ who is the water…the word…the truth.

The water/Christ/Truth was full of bubbles…Holy Spirit who is the air/wind/Spirit/movement/flow/oxygen. He is the breath I breathe.

City on a Hill

My mind is like a city. I have many buildings in my city. MANY. Some are short. Some are tall. I even have skyscrapers. Each building contains information. On each floor of each building are storage rooms…full of file cabinets. They contain file folders of truth I have accumulated over the years working with Father.

To get to these places, sometimes I take the metro, the subway, or a vehicle. Sometimes, I walk. I have other cities in my mind. At times, the information I need is in another city and I must travel by plane to another city to retrieve stored information there.

When in the city, at times, I have struggled to find the pathway to get the information I need. This is when the roads are blocked.

It is like the neuro pathways in our brains/minds. You have to build and develop those pathways by doing things on repeat to remember the pathway quickly. See how repeating can be so important?

The enormity of the information I have contained within my mind…has OVERWHELMED me at times with exponents.

The information is constantly flowing in…and I must process it. Sort it. File it. Store it. Remember where I stored it…KNOWING one day…I will also have to disseminate that same information.

Can we say…mind blown? 🤯 See why I rapidly shut the door on that waterfall? Whew! Used to scare the shit out of me. For real.


This is in part why He said…follow my lead. I just need to go with the flow. Wherever the water is flowing…don’t fight the current…just flow with it.

I can say this is the first blog post, I am starting to feel like I can do that. It has taken me over 30 years to get here…but I am here. Something broke on the 7th about that overwhelmed feeling regarding long posts and having to organize large bites of information. It has been a problem for me, and I have continued to dig deep to get to Christ’s truth so I can flow freely inside without getting all jammed up.

One solution for me this time…cuz this problem has been in many places over the years…is that Father gave me this blog…for me. It is a place for me to share my thoughts and feelings to please me. It is a gift from Him to me. A happy place for me. I get to write to my heart’s content.

If people don’t like what I say…they can go away. If they don’t want to read a long post…that is ok. I am not writing these posts for people. I am writing them for me. If you get something out of this…GREAT. If you don’t…ok.

I am getting pleasure out of writing…so there ya go. Now, ya know. Father gave me these gifts and I get to use them and be happy. Father is happy. Christ is happy. Holy Spirit is happy. We are all happy. See? How wonderful is that? I am thinking kind of wonderful. 😂💃🏻🔥


Now in my mind…I feel like I am a policeman directing the traffic…instead of the traffic being all jammed up. I think this is spectacular. This ole gal gained some control here. MARVY! Just marvelous.

The cleanup there was worth the work.

I gained some authority…that is what the policeman represents. 😆 I want a bulletproof vest, a nightstick, a gun, a taser, and a badge to go with it. Gotta have the whole uniform in the spirit if I am going to have that kind of position. 😜 Gotta talk to Him about that.

Also…I need a conductor’s baton. It is like music to my ears. I can direct the orchestra…like a symphony of instruments playing music together. Love it!!!


So, what I am saying here is that I believe the story problems that contained the smaller problem of me being overwhelmed in different places of my life have now been solved. I believe as I have always gone to Christ to work out the problem to get His solution…Him…I now have no more problems there.

See how that works?

Do you NOT think that is flipping cool?????? Cuz I do.

I am not always a fan of His ways…but that right there is pretty dang awesome if you ask me.

Each time I have worked out the issues of being overwhelmed in the small places of life…it fixed the issue of being overwhelmed in the entirety of my life. The conclusion I reached in the totality of being overwhelmed over my lifetime is that Christ is always the solution when I am overwhelmed.

Now…take that to every single problem…and the totality of ALL problems in life. My life.

See why and how I am who I am and why I say these things on repeat?

Are you picking up what I am putting down here? 💡🔌☀️

woman paining pottery
Vanessa’s artistry.

Another Story Problem

Here is another story problem within the larger story problem I have been working on. This is one small fraction or percent of the larger problem. One pixel in a picture of thousands of pixels.

On the morning of the 7th, I woke up from this dream. A very short dream. I plugged this dream into the mathematical equation I have been working with Christ to get an answer.

My ex and I were having a discussion. I asked him…are you going to quit using alcohol. His response was no.

We then agreed to go our separate ways and sell the house because I needed money.

In this story problem, Father wanted me to work it out as four separate problems. I have said on repeat that He is the great recycler. Everything has MULTIPLE meanings. Every word. Every letter. Number. Every story. Every line. Etc. He packs lots of meanings into every little thing. Layers of information are contained in everything. NOT kidding.

  • I was to look back on my divorce with my first husband. There was truth contained in our split that needed to be plugged into this equation.
  • The enemy and I are splitting up. My first ex ALWAYS represents the enemy to me when Father brings him up in a vision or dream. That has been His pattern with me over the years. I know when I see his face…Father means the enemy. Satan. The man is merely a picture of something in the spirit realm.
  • I needed to consider my beliefs on getting half of the enemy’s kingdom. Reasons for this. Typically in a divorce…each spouse is supposed to get half.
  • Division. Father wanted me to look at the dividing line of love and hate. Life and death. Light and darkness. Both kingdoms represent many concepts.


Added to this story problem of the dream…times all four concepts contained in this story…I had to add other words Father has spoken to me over the last few weeks or so. I can’t get the answers to the problems above without solving these problems and adding those solutions to the equation.

A few weeks ago…maybe two…can’t remember. Father said to me…your king is coming. Leave with him.

I said ok…even though I am not sure what He meant exactly by this. It is a story problem I am trying to work out still. I believe a fraction of the meaning is the truth is coming to me. Christ is King. He is the truth. I need the truth. So, the truth is coming. That is easy math for me. I plugged the answers from the past in and got that answer easily.

I know there are more complex pieces of this…still working on those.


Added to that…Father told me…all debts would be paid by the end of September.


I KNOW what that means in part. I have other answers to plug into that problem to get that answer.

At the end of this month, it will be seven full years since I signed a contract that put me in this prison. That contract with Father ends this month. This means by October 1 of this year; I will be free to fly…like a bird. I will no longer be obligated to this place in my life. I am leaving. The door to my cage will be opened at the end of this month and this caged animal is being placed back in the wild.

He is opening my prison cell door. The warden is releasing me. This is part of the separation from the enemy. We are going our separate ways…forever. This also means I am going to get my money. The security I need. Body, soul, and spirit. In the natural realm and the spirit realm. Going to be a very secure woman…in every way you can get security.

WOW!!!!!!!!!! I am so relieved. It is finally over.

Seven years has felt like an eternity to me. I am leaving and never looking back. Goodness!!!!!!!! Glory be.

I am gearing up for my move. This ole gal is moving. 😜


The solution to this problem is Christ. He is the way. As King…He is going to give me the truth. This truth will set me free finally. He has the final bits of truth I need to be completely free.

The seven years of prison…will have brought me to my completion. Hard way to get there, but at least I will have gotten there. 💃🏻 I am not looking back with negativity. Only looking forward with positivity. All will be well in my world.

I am leaving this world behind. Leaving this old lifestyle behind. Couldn’t be happier.

It is important to note…as I have said before…although sometimes Christ can be the problem…He is also the solution. Oodles of examples for this truth. I will share a couple here. I was thrown in prison because of Christ…for Him. He put me there…but He also is the way out. He is the door that opens to let me out. I had to go there to get the truths I needed to set the captives free. I had to become the captive to KNOW what mankind has been experiencing. Not a fan.

Those who follow Christ…are supposed to follow Him into the fire…to their own death. Their own crucifixion. He walks us into persecution. Pain. Rejection. Etc. Those are problems we face because of Him. Father created/designed it this way. He created the problems we must face in order to KNOW and understand intimately and experientially that Christ is the answer…the solution.

Girl’s Day Out

Sometime recently…time is a blur to me now. Days have blended into one. Can’t tell what day it is or when anything happened at this point in time. 🤷‍♀️ Bobbi and Vanessa planned a day out for the women.

This day (and evening) is what the pictures in this post are from. After previewing this post, I realized the featured image of me is a bit blurry compliments of Vanessa moving as she took it. 😂 Pay no attention to the blur. Just squint and scroll on past.

The jean jacket was Bobbi’s. I got cold, so they had me put it on. The women liked me in it…so Vanessa took a photo.

It is also the first conversation about my sons included in this post. The first one you will read is from a Snap Convo Bobbi sent throughout the day of the activities.

This day and convo is part of several math problems which I will share next.

My children are an endless source of entertainment for me. 😜

Convo Below

To give you a heads up about the images below…hoping this prevents confusion.

Below are screenshots of two separate conversations. The first conversation is three images of screenshots from a conversation Bobbi started with Vanessa about Indy’s children’s museum. Vanessa sent the screenshots to me as part of a text conversation we were having. That final conversation starting with “your sons are holding out on us” is the beginning of Vanessa telling me about this conversation between her and Bobbi.


Vanessa’s final words with Bobbi on the topic.
Screenshot of the convo Vanessa started with me…from her and Bobbi’s convo.

My Sons

The first story problem involves my sons. This has been a seven-year topic/problem. The boys have not been pleased with what Father has put me through these last seven years. What He has had me do…defies man’s logic…even though it is logical from a spiritual perspective.

As I have mentioned on repeat. ALL of us in this family have struggled with the fire Father put me in. Those closest to me…got burned the most. Those who could not handle the heat I was in…fell away. Only those who utilized Christ’s strength could withstand the heat.

That means my sons had real issues with what Father and I were doing. Layers of issues. This is why you see in Vanessa’s text…if they say one more shitty thing about Crystal…cuz they have. On repeat. This not only purified me. It purified my sons. It purified these women I call daughters. In addition…it purified their marriages. My lifestyle over the last seven years caused their relationships to go through the purification process too.

This has been a very complex, complicated, and multifaceted situation…layers upon layers. Dimensions man can’t comprehend with their finite minds.

When I say I am proud of this family…I have unlimited reasons beyond your comprehension of understanding. What we have endured as individuals and as family members is mind-boggling. This story is crazy on superhuman levels of crazy.

Although Christ was the problem for my sons…Christ’s truth was the solution for my sons. The truth of Christ as they sought Him for the answers…set them free from their problems.

In Addition

This also ties into the dream of the enemy and I splitting ways. Going from hate to love. Darkness to light. Death to life. The dividing line between my sons and myself…is being broken completely. We will be completely unified in life, love, and light. No more division from my sons directed at me…and also their wives. My sons will also have the fullness of truth. This will set them free from the last seven years of what Mom has had to endure. They will have full understanding, and this will answer all of their questions as well.

It will bring healing in the places every one of our hearts needs…where these seven years brought wounding to our hearts.

Christ tears down the lies and deception man and Satan build. Then He rebuilds on His rock-solid foundation of truth. That is what He has been doing in our family.

Part of my freedom from the prison cell pertains to part of the conversation between Bobbi and Vanessa. One aspect… a fraction of this problem in Mitchell has been the fact he lost the old mom he loved so dearly. He has said to Bobbi a number of times…on repeat…I wish you could have met Mom before. He loved the fun mom who was always interacting with people. These past seven years have been beyond man’s comprehension. The pain. The labor. Isolation. Working 24/7 to meet the deadline to be ready to teach the world.

A labor of love despite the fact I hated every moment of it.

Once Again

The labor was for Christ. As I am set free…Bobbi will come to know Mom as Mitchell remembers me to be. I will get to travel with my children once again. Once again, I will be fun and interactive with not only my children…but the community as a whole. Mitchell remembers a busy mom who built connections with people and poured love into them.

He remembers a happy mom. One full of love, light, and life. A free mom.

I look forward to reconnecting with my roots once again. Not going to miss the chains and bondage. I am going to come back to complete the circle of life I was living before this seven-year period began.

Although Father created this problem for our family…He also gave me the solution. Christ is the solution, and my son will see me rise up again. New and improved out of this fire. I suspect He will love this Mom more than he did the old one. 😍🤨

Inner Healing

Lately, I have been covered up doing inner healing with the fam. The girls have been scheduling appointments for themselves and my son. 😂

Doing this kind of work makes me tired. Lots of mental math for me. Hannah wonders how I keep everything straight in my head. How I remember who has what issue and how to fix it. Vanessa wonders how I find the desire and energy to do it.

Well…Christ is the answer to all those questions too. If it weren’t for Him…I wouldn’t do any of it. The energy and drive come from Holy Spirit. We all work together to get the jobs done.

When Bobbi and Vanessa scheduled the girl’s day out, I wasn’t really feeling it. I felt like Father was saying I would join them at some point in time, but I wouldn’t be all day with them.

Bobbi wondered to Vanessa if Hannah would come. I had a feeling at that moment…Father was speaking to Bobbi. Bobbi hears from Father, and she is accurate. Every time. Her soul intuition and spiritual intuition/discernment are spot on. I trust her.

My Plan

My plan for the girl’s day out was to work through a list of questions I had for Father. Then Hannah asked me…do you think I should stay home? Now…I know this is Father. Bobbi was hearing from Father.

Guess what I did for the day? I did inner healing on Hannah all day long. In addition to working on my own questions for Father.

Hannah needed the help. When she came out of the bedroom that morning, she was in pain. Heavy with darkness, depression, and oppression. She was walking death.

I will never forget that day. We finished up with Hannah at 6:27 pm. I checked my phone because we were going to join the girls.

This ole gal was exhausted. Hannah was a changed woman. She was light and airy. Full of life. Happy as a clam. Bouncing around and dancing she was so happy. I was trying to wrap my head around the idea of going out when I was so tired. Also…how she got such a second wind and was transformed so completely from the depressive state she had been in.

Here is the conclusion Hannah came to after a full day of working out with Father and I. It was all her fault. The death choices she had made her entire life had led her to the place she was at.


Hannah asked me…how is it…that to find out my problems are my fault is so comforting?

Seems like it shouldn’t be that way, right? That was her thoughts.

Here is what I told her.

This has been my mindset for oodles of years. I am changeable. I can give myself grace and mercy because I can change. Man is allowed to make mistakes. This is why Father gives us grace and mercy.

I know although I made a mistake…He can fix it…and I can change. As I grow through His truths, I won’t keep making the same mistakes again and again. Once I learn what not to do along with what to do…I can do it right the next time.

Where I am dirty…I am washable. He can wash away my filth. Where I have done wrong…I can get forgiveness from Christ, from myself, and from others. I can be forgiven. Where I have made a mess, Christ can clean that mess up for me…and I can help clean those messes up when and how He leads me to do that.

I just follow His lead. I am washable. Fixable. Changeable.

I can change. I have changed.

Hannah got it. She came to understand her identity vs. Christ’s. She is unclean…but He can wash her and make her clean. Owning her shit…allows Him to clean her up. Humility is a gift that keeps on giving. When we joined the girls, Hannah shared her wonderful epiphany. Proud Momma moment.

four woman sitting at table
Happy group of women!

Another Conclusion

Another piece of this inner healing marathon has led me to a conclusion I am rock solid on. I need a shortcut here. I need an efficient way to set the captives free. This ole gal can’t spend these kinds of hours one-on-one with the masses.

I need the full knowledge of the truth. With this knowledge, I can speak the truth to the masses setting them all free without having to pull weeds in the gardens like I have been doing over the years by digging one-on-one.

Christ is the answer to this problem of time management and efficiency for me. He is the solution.

Then the masses will see and experience the freedom our family knows.


Another story problem within this larger problem for me that I have been working on for many years is this notion in the Christian Religious System of man appointing themselves to elevated positions. Man is all about the titles. Want to look important to the people around them. One that has bothered me for years is man appointing themselves to a prophet.

I asked Father on repeat if there were even ANY prophets in this world today. What He said to me was profound. He said…Crystal…when you meet a prophet…you will KNOW without a doubt that person is a prophet. They won’t need to introduce themselves as a prophet.

Whoa!!!! I knew that was truth.

Later…when He told me I WAS a prophet…I was shocked beyond measure. BUT…then my entire life made sense to me. I was the walking word. I have been living out Bible stories for years even though they were hidden from my view until He said that to me. Once He shared that revelation with me…it all became Crystal Clear to me.

A true prophet doesn’t just speak His truth…they live it. It is ALWAYS painful for them. I can’t imagine any of His prophets ever celebrated the office/position/title of prophet. It is a HARD walk.

I have seen many false prophets say…you aren’t crazy…you are just a prophet. My response to all these false prophets out there saying that…is this…no…you really are that crazy because you are most certainly not a prophet. Deal with your desperation to be somebody you are not.


Once again…just because you hear words from Holy Spirit…does not make you a prophet. That means you have some measure of ears to hear prophecy. Prophecy is a gift of His Spirit. If you are a follower of Christ…you are supposed to be intimate with Him. This means you should be having a conversation with Him…so you should be hearing His voice.

I have been asking Father to show me why the kingdom people…the New Apostolic people in Christianity are so obsessed with prophets. Everyone is either a prophet or an apostle…but we have a shit ton of people calling themselves prophets. Their identity is all wrapped up in some title…some position…some gift they believe they have.

I just wonder what it would be like for them if they didn’t hear ANYTHING from His Spirit. What would happen to them then? Would they still love Christ like they claim they do now???? If He tore their man-made kingdom down…would they still “love Him and serve Him?” Cuz they all claim to love Christ and love people now. They love everybody.

They are full of shit. Full of themselves. 🤨


As soon as the version of the song Ships That Don’t Come In with Toby Keith was released…it hit my newsfeed. I have a thing for Toby…and YouTube knows this. Man…Father put a love in my heart for that man. Hated to see him go.

Luke Combs, Joe Diffie, and Toby sing that song beautifully. It touches my heart. The words…the soldiers who have fought in vain. The people waiting on promises that will never come.

It hits me…hard. Father and I have been conversing about this song. It has brought a lot of questions to my mind about a whole lot of topics.

One is laboring in vain.

three women
I was tired! Threw my hat on and out the door I went. No fussing over my appearance. 😂


There are soldiers in the natural realm who have fought for their countries.

There are also soldiers in the spirit realm who fight for their master. Some fight for Satan. Some fight for Christ.

Offense and defense. Two teams. Two kingdoms.

While studying the Christian Religious System, I have seen thousands of people claiming promises they are waiting on. They say Father promised them such and such. Man…these prophets are feeding the people full of lies. Deception. Promising people the world. Wealth and health. Fame and fortune. Honor and prestige.

These Christians are waiting for good times…money…all their troubles to disappear…all good stuff. No more pain. No suffering.

Millions of people waiting on ships that are not going to come in. People believing Father promised them something He did not.

Christian man building a kingdom on their own fleshly desires and dreams.

When I was asking Father…did you promise these people the things they are claiming? His response was to remind me of the snow globes they trap themselves into…along with what I have mentioned before about Lou Engle and Jenny Donnelly. They both believed Father called them to summon a million Esthers to Washington DC in October. The dream Lou had of him being some Mordecai…was Lou’s dream. It is Lou and Jenny building their own snow globe.

Reminds me of the Tower of Babel. Christian man trying to build this massive tower their way to reach the Heavens.

“Soldiers for Jesus” laboring in vain. Waiting on a ship…a promise from god…that will never come in. It wasn’t from Father. It was from the god they built with the hands of man.


Another problem I have been working to get the answer to is half-time. I believe I have parts of it sorted. Still more to go. In Revelation, it speaks of time, times, and half-time. I believe He is showing me the times represent…in part…lifetimes. The first time is my lifetime. My time. The second times is a generation of lifetimes…plural. Many lives…many lifetimes…the masses. The half-time is the next generation. So…the big show…the half-time show will skip my son’s and daughter’s generation and play out halfway through my grandchildren’s generation. That fits with the 40-year Wilderness journey we must walk through.

The other day, I was contemplating on an entire generation who lived their lives by walking with the truth. A generation born into life…truth…love…and light. An entire generation that started by walking in their true identity in Christ instead of having to pull the weeds out of lies and deception.

I can hardly imagine such beauty. It seems too good to be true…yet I believe that is His plan.

What a show that will be. Better than any half-time show you could see in some foolish sports arena.

It has always been a struggle for me to see parents shoving sports down their kids’ throats. Teaching their children to bow to an idol. To build within their children a heart for a strong tower they will be enslaved to for the rest of their lives.

It is equally a struggle for me to watch parents mold and shape their children into someone THEY want them to be instead of preparing them for who Father designed and created them to be.


Parents are enslaving their children to fit the narrative the parents want to build. Shameful on so many levels.

I want to raise up parents to follow His lead in how to parent His children. I want to change how parents raise their children. To teach parents how to please Father in all ways…but especially in raising up their children. It is my heart. My passion. I love being a mom in every possible way…even when my children think poorly of me. I still love them. Still point them to Christ.

There is no greater job than to lead your children to Christ. To lead them anywhere else is death to their souls. It will cost you more than you want to pay. It will be one of your biggest regrets at the end of your life if you fail to lead them to Heaven. Guaranteed. To lose the souls of your children to Hell…unfathomable.

Teaching your children the truth…leading them to and into the truth…is always the right way to lead. It is the answer for them. The solution. You can never go wrong when you tell the truth. The truth is the way…eternally.

Last Thought

Going to leave with one last thought. It is one small piece of a story problem I am currently working on.

The other day I was on the phone with Bobbilicious. Bobbi, Malia, and Little Miss Mavis Joy were on their way to Pennsylvania. I had a captive audience. Bobbi was helping me with some questions I had for Father. We were working through some issues regarding the last seven years. Coming to the end here. During this convo, Malia chimed in. I was on speaker phone, so she was listening to the convo.

Malia said to me…while you were talking, I saw a vision and heard something. She shared it with me even though she said she didn’t know what it meant. I am not sure what it means either as of yet. Have some ideas I have to filter through. I thought I would end with it though.

Malia saw an uncapped pen. What she got with it was this. You don’t know if the pen will work until you try it.

This is true. I have experienced this over the years. I find an old pen without the lid and wonder…will the ink even write? To find out…I start scribbling with it…writing. Then I have my answer…rather quickly. Either the pen works, or it does not.

The problem is…I don’t know…the solution is to try and find out. Try it and see.

Isn’t that true in life? So many things we don’t know if it will work or not. We have to try it to see if it works. If we don’t try…we know it will most certainly NOT work. You have to put the effort in first to see if it works out.


I find this parallels with being in a relationship with Christ. Living with the truth. By the truth. Walking in truth. Speaking the truth.

Man uses and abuses all kinds of things to find an answer to their problems. To find something…some kind of way to cope…to have a solution. NONE of that works. Man’s ways do not work.

The only way that does work is truth. His way. It is the only way.

I would encourage you to try the truth. You might be surprised at how well the truth works for you.

It is a hard road to walk out…but so worth it in the end because the rewards are secure. A sure thing. Laboring with the truth as your partner…you will never labor in vain. You will win the battles that matter in the end.

Be a soldier fighting for and with the truth.

Follow my lead.

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