yellow flower with frost

I took this picture a couple of years ago while walking along the riverfront. I love the frost covering the little yellow flower. To me…it is a contrast between something harsh versus something soft. Something cold versus something warm. The yin and the yang. Black and white. Good and evil. Bringing the opposites together in one place. Beautiful. There is a lot of beauty in this picture and all that it represents.

The little warm yellow flower was frozen in a space of time with those tiny pieces of ice. It reminds me of the movie Frozen. Such a powerful depiction to me of love and hate. Love and anger. Love and bitterness.

How hatred can damage the heart. Freeze it stone cold. Harden it like a chunk of ice.

Yet how love and repentance can thaw the heart. Repair the damage.

It is a beautiful picture of how love and repentance warm, repair, and cover completely…a multitude of sins.

Father once told me…Love covers a multitude of sins.


I think it is why I love repentance so much. Sincere apologies reconnect where disconnection reigned.

Many years ago, I vowed to apologize to Father daily for anything that would separate us in our relationship. I wanted to keep the slate wiped clean. Personally, I hate disconnection. For me, I have no problem apologizing for my failures, my acts of disobedience, my wrongs, etc. Why? Because I would rather stay humble and have a healthy relationship than be arrogantly wrong and disconnected from the people I love. To me…the relationship and connection are more important to me than my ego.


For years, I had a wonderful mentor. His name was Steve. He was the humblest man I knew. He always said…go as low as you can go. Get low…stay low. Meaning…get humble…get down on your face and stay there. I agree with him. Have practiced that posture for years.

Another thing Steve always said was this…I just apologize to Father…saves me ten minutes off my time.

He meant…not only did he have a repentant posture in his heart and mind, but he also practiced humility through repenting to Father…daily. Steve didn’t like to be disconnected from Father either.

For us…intimacy is too important.

I crave the intimacy I get with Father. I can’t live without it. It makes me miserable to be separated from Him for any length of time. I would rather own my wrongs than be separated from Him. What is super wonderful…as soon as I apologize…all is well. Reconnection and love reign supreme. He wipes me clean. Washes me off and off we go like nothing happened. Christ’s atonement makes reconciliation possible.

Father created the problem…but He also provided the solution. He gave us death…and He gives us life. Gave us evil but He gave us Himself…good. He gave us hate but He gave us Himself…love.

See the pattern? He is the answer to every question. He is the solution to every problem.

Reconciliation is possible through Him…and only Him.

A beautiful love story.

A beautiful picture of the yin and yang becoming one. SO COOL!

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