Garlic Chives Blooms

garlic chives bloom

Garlic chives are DELISH and I think these blooms are beautiful! The first picture is one of my favorites because it feels more artsy to me. I love art and I like the focal points on this picture as parts are in focus and other parts are out of focus.

Growth and maturity

After I entered a relationship with Father in my early adulthood years, I discovered the value of maturity. Maturity in myself…and those who were further along on the road to maturity than I was. As a result, I fell in love with several elderly people around me. One person was my grandmother. Because I didn’t spend much time with her growing up, I didn’t really know her. She was a farmer, an avid gardener, and a lover of nature. The ultimate homesteader. Investing in my grandma was a wise decision on my part for we developed a special connection through our mutual love of all things natural.

Being inspired, I dove right into filling my house with plants. All kinds of plants. My grandfather used to say my house looked like a jungle. Not far from the truth. Amidst the plants were aquariums filled with fish, turtles, skinks, frogs, lizards, and an occasional snake.

The love of plants eventually spilled out into the garden and then later surrounded my house and garage as landscaping became another avenue to showcase my excessiveness and fuel my love.

Country Life to City Living

Years later, Father moved me to the city. Transitioning from acres of ground to hike through and ride four-wheelers on…to a concrete plot…wowser bowser man…hard on my heart. Thankfully, during that time, I had two routes I could take to feed my heart. One…I moved to a riverfront town, spending many hours walking and reflecting while at the riverfront.

Two, I switched to raised bed and container gardening. The pictures of these garlic chive blooms were taken from the chives I had planted in a large pot that sat on the concrete in full sun.

I enjoyed having a variety of herbs just outside my front door. There are advantages to container gardening. One such advantage…when it was time to cook, I just stepped outside with my kitchen shears, and in seconds I had my herbs for my meals. Wonderful! 😍

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