Gypsies Who Cook

selfie, food, cooking

I have mentioned previously my son Mitchell calls our family…gypsies who cook.

Today, I did some small-batch cooking for myself…making sweet and sour chicken and Indian butter chicken. A couple of my favs. In the pictures above, you will notice I make my own ghee and ginger paste. I prefer homemade goodies instead of store-bought.

I have always loved cooking. It is my artistic outlet in life. Following a recipe is hard for me, I may start with one but then I abandon it along the way. 🤷‍♀️

Paleo Diet

I used to eat according to the Auto Immune Paleo diet then eventually upgraded to Paleo. For me, it is just a guideline as my diet is according to my known food allergies. Many foods I avoid and I also avoid all counterfeit foods. You know…”foods” man calls food but isn’t really food…merely chemicals manufactured in a factory somewhere. That stuff is killing people on a daily basis. Death by consumption.

While cooking…and in between my son being Mr. Chatty…I watched a movie with Matt Damon in it. I was shocked I had missed one of his movies. It is called Adjustment Bureau. The ending was good. I could so relate to Matt’s character in the movie as he was fighting for free will against the powers that be. So relatable to me. Thought-provoking also.

Lots of things to ponder from today.

Tonight, I am going to bed a very happy, contented woman in love with my life and the people in it. I am realizing every day gets a little bit better…a little sweeter. 😍

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