daughter portrait in sunflowers

Hannah loves to have her picture taken…it works for me because she is always willing to model for me when I want to practice. Her appearance is beautiful, so the pictures always turn out well. I had been wanting to take portraits in sunflowers for a while, so when they were in bloom, I called her up and asked if she would model for me. She LOVED the idea. I KNEW she would. 😂 I was banking on it. Sunflowers are so pretty and make great props for portraits. Seems to be popular among photographers. The sunflower farm had a number of other props scattered around the field. Made for easy ideas.

I never thought I would want to do portrait photography or even enjoy it, but I have found I love doing it with family. The other day, I walked into the kitchen and saw this large photo of Bobbi in her lingerie on Mitchell’s laptop. I kind of jumped back a bit and almost asked who is that? Then it clicked in my mind, it was Bobbi, and I took that picture. Last year, I did a boudoir shoot with her because I was trying to learn and grow in that area as well. Really proud of some of those pics.

I laughed at myself and shared my thoughts with Mitchell, and he laughed too…saying yep…you took that picture. It was really funny because we sent him to the sex shop with Vanessa to get Bobbi some leggings while we were shooting. Not his most comfortable outing with Vanessa, but he did pick out the leggings and a nice outfit in addition to what we had. We were all proud of him. He was a trooper. 😂 ❤️

So grateful my family is willing to allow me to practice photography with them.

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