Howell Wetlands

walkway with fall colors

Our local wetlands have a lot of great opportunities for nature shots. Tonto and I go there often. This shot is part of the walkway from last fall. I have fall on the brain. Father gave me a vision this morning of our local fall fest. I am not sure what He is talking about, but I am going with the fall pictures here on this site.

I love the walkway in this shot as the leading line and the trees being on both sides with that rust color. Sweet looking. You can’t beat the colors of fall. They seem to provide a great showing of colors each year…even if we have a dry season. In this shot, I love the colors of the Cypress trees. It is so rich. For some reason, Cypress trees are one of my favorite trees. I think their leaves are very soft-looking. Kind of flowy if you ask me. To me…they are soft, gentle, tender-looking trees with those leaves AND their knobby knees are cool! They look alien coming up out of the water around the trees. Interesting to look at. 🤔


Trees are fascinating in general…how they talk to one another through their root systems. A whole network of communication is hidden under the ground. There is so much we humans don’t know and understand about our world. A very humbling way to look at life if you have eyes to see it from that perspective and a humble heart. Too many in this world think they know it all and have it all figured out. I am of the mindset…the more I know…the more I realize how ignorant I am. So much to learn…keeps me moving forward every day though…new things to learn. Exciting.

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