woman selfie

Here is Father’s definition of humanism…simply put…idolatry of man. Mankind idolizing man. Man elevating man. Man thinking WAY TOO HIGHLY of man. That includes man thinking too highly of himself.

Pride and arrogance.

Can I just say this again? Have said it before, I know. I just don’t get it. Seriously, I really don’t.

I remember so clearly the day I saw Christ for who He was. Over 30 years ago driving home from the doctor’s appointment. I have mentioned this story before. It is about my second pregnancy after I lost my first baby. It was SUPER clear to me I was a very fucked up individual. The poster child of toxicity and dysfunction. I knew it was impossible for me as a child inside to raise a baby myself. I needed someone outside of me to help me get my life together.

Also…I knew secular man had no answers. In addition, I was 100% convinced Christians didn’t have the answers either although they arrogantly professed they did.

My only option was Christ Himself. Father, Son, and Spirit. Entering into a relationship with them…intimacy…not merely obeying man’s religious rules…radically changed my life for the positive.


This mindset plummeted my bad self into the basement. I went low. As low as I could go. I knew I had nothing good to offer anyone…not even myself. At this moment in time, I became 100% dependent on Father, Son, and Spirit to bring me life and anything good. 100%.

Going low…this low…was one of the best decisions of my life. Hands down.

Here are some of my thoughts on this.

For years now, Father had me studying death and curses. Curses are the negative consequences attached to the death choices man makes. If you disobey Father…you are choosing death. Curses are attached to that choice.

I have watched man for years elevate themselves and others. I am so tired of looking at that shit I can’t stand to look at it anymore.

Wiping it Clean

This is why I feel like wiping the Earth clean. Man…the toxicity on this Earth stinks to the highest of the Heavens.

I have said to Father on repeat…you are justified in wiping it clean. Starting over. Burning the thing to the ground.

No one is righteous…NO not one.

Today, I have continued my reflection on past studies of the C.R.S. To the reader, it may feel like I am picking on Christians. Well, I am. Secular man gets a pass in my book because they don’t claim to be in a relationship with Christ. I expect nothing better from them. Christians…claim to follow Christ’s example. They are fair game here. They are full of bull. Phony baloney. (Not all…but the LARGE majority.)

Christ considered Himself nothing compared to Father. Nothing compared to His Bride.

I am not seeing this kind of heart and mindset in Christianity.

What I do see is this…in part.

  • Man GREATLY overestimating their value and worth.
  • Man thinking WAY TOO HIGHLY of their bad selves.
  • Believing they have the capacity to decide who should be elevated.
  • Believing they have something of value to say.
  • Man believing they have power…at all…but also to elevate others with power. Aka…appointing and anointing man.
  • Believing they can save people. They need to get people saved!


Idolatry of Man

I would like to put on a show for the world. In that show, I would like to show man the truth about themselves. As in…show them perfection. Show them Father, Son, and Spirit…their power. Their glory. Their abilities. The capabilities this threesome contains within themselves.

Listen…man needs to SEE the truth about themselves compared to Deity. In this…I want mankind to shit themselves while they are trembling in fear.

Man has lost their mind believing they have anything of value to contribute to this world. The world HE created. All we contribute is pollution.

We need a true reality check of truth. Also…a healthy dose of fear…of Father’s wrath. I don’t see mankind having ANY sense of fear. He created you…He can remove you. 😳

Mankind needs to bow. They need to come face to face and see their bad selves for who they are compared to perfection.

Humanism is a blight in this world.

I am sick to death of the death. Can you tell? I would hate to be unclear about my feelings here.


Let me share this tidbit.

Father once said to me. “You GREATLY underestimate your value and worth.”

I was so confused by this statement. My response was this. “I have said to you…I am priceless…how can I be underestimating when I know I am priceless in value and worth?”

I have done the work for over 30 years to say that. It is truth.

Later, as we continued discussing the Second Adam/Second Eve partnership, I started to understand what He meant. One thing He said to me was this, “There is no life without you.”

He was referring to the fact Christ came as the Second Adam to redeem the first one…and clean up the mess he created. Adam brought death and curses to mankind…and to the male gender. I, as the Second Eve have been sent to redeem the first Eve and clean up the mess she created. Eve brought death and curses to mankind…and to the female gender.

The circle of life is not finished, not complete until I finish my portion. Christ finished His portion of one-half of the circle…I must finish the other half. Male and female…working in unity to bring restoration and healing to mankind. To the world.


When Father speaks so highly of Himself…He does so not out of arrogance. He does so out of truth.

Father does not elevate people who have already elevated themselves. Your pride and arrogance of flesh… disqualify you from an elevated position in Father’s Kingdom.

He ONLY appoints and anoints those who have been low and stayed low. People who have rightly elevated Father, Son, and Spirit above self.

In His Kingdom, man is expected to follow Christ’s example. If you want to be elevated BY Father…you must follow His rules.

It starts like this.

Holy Spirit will always point you to Christ.

Christ will always point you to Father.

That is the direction of movement. See?

When they point you to you…it is pointing out the issues you need to deal with. They point out the toxicity so they can clean it up. They will say…your flesh is bad…we are good. Man is unclean…we are clean. Man is impure…we are pure.

Father doesn’t say this in pride…it is merely the truth. Deity…is standing on truth.

Just accept the truth about your bad self, plead guilty, and do the cleanup work.

That sums up how this works.


I am tired of hearing mankind talk. Billions of voices…all thinking they have something important to contribute to this world.

For over 20 years I have been waiting to write books. I remember a repeat convo I had with my ex. He would say…just sit down and write. You have it in you.

My response…on repeat. This world has billions of books. Man doesn’t need another book written by man. When I write…I will write what Father tells me to write.

The unified voice of Father, Son, and Spirit is the only voice that has the power to set people free. To heal mankind. To change this world in a positive direction.

The voices of man…merely babbling. Babbling pagans. Babbling babies.

Makes me think of Charlie Brown. The adult…blah, blah, blah, blah. Incoherent babble. Baby talk that makes no sense.

We need ONE voice to speak…all other voices to be silenced. We need the TRUTH only Christ can bring.

This world needs life. Life and blessings to be restored.

I am so beyond ready to get started. Can hardly wait for this to begin.

Felt led to share…and I needed to blow off some steam. The pressure valve needed to be released a bit. 🤷‍♀️

NOW…I am going to go out with one of my favorite people, Vanessa. We are doing a date night. Going on a picnic! She is bringing sushi! 😍 Hoping to sit and watch some smooth moves at the skatepark. 😜

If I remember, I will take some pics and post them later.


Planning on it myself! 🤩

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