moving, iamclearlycrystal

On Monday the 27th of June, I decided to move to Michigan. On July 5th…I moved and left Indiana behind. Couldn’t be happier about that turn of events.

I live the craziest lifestyle. You could call me homeless…you could also call me a nomad…a sojourner. To me…stagnancy is death. I can’t stand the smell of stagnant water. My life flows like a river…a mighty current keeps carrying me in a forward direction. When I am forced to stay in one place…I get grumpy. 😉

Packing the Truck

I just have to say this really quickly. The above pictures mean so much to me. Here is why.

On Monday the 4th at about 7 pm, I get a text from Hannah. It only reads…Don’t eat.

Ummm…ok…clarity…further information??? Just like Hannah…as few words as possible. She leaves me to fill in the gaps. I am assuming she is going to provide food.

When I get home…no one is there but Tonto. We go for our walk…I said to Father…if Hannah is going to give me food, then you better get her here because I am going to eat when I get back to the house. You could accurately say I was getting hangry by this time of the evening.

As I am moving towards the front door…I smell this wonderful aroma of salmon searing on the stove in the iron skillet. When I walked in the door, a feast was almost completely cooked on the stovetop. OH MY GOODNESS! Hannah is speaking to my heart. It was DELISH!!!

After we eat, I say to Mitchell…listen…I have to pack this truck and I am almost paralyzed with anxiety because there is NO WAY ALL of this stuff is going to fit in this truck. AND…I am leaving in the morning.

I found this so odd because I have never experienced that kind of feeling before. Mitchell was shocked as well. He said…MOM…HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU DONE THIS? This is easy for you! My response…I know Mitchell…I am just telling you…I can’t make it work.

He took over. As soon as he loaded the second box…all of my anxiety was gone. I was back to my giddy self. I KNEW at that moment…the reason I had anxiety and felt paralyzed was because I was trying to do a job Father gave my son to do for me. It made so much sense to me then.


I stood back and watched in awe of how Mitchell packed that truck. By the time he got it loaded, I could have packed more in it. I told the girls…you gotta come out here and see what Mitchell is doing. They too were in awe of the man. Bobbi’s words….packing Jenga. Hannah said…Tetris. Mitchell was so proud of himself and so encouraged by our praises. He had to call Donovan and tell him to check out his packing job when I arrived. I am truly thankful for my adult children. They never cease to amaze me. They take care of their mother in such incredible ways. I KNOW they love me and care about me. We are a family that endures…even through the hardships of Hell.

I took the pictures because I don’t ever want to forget the love my adult children have for me and how well they take care of their crazy mother. I cherish them all.

The decision

Father led me here. It is strange because I had been thinking for a couple of months about taking a few days and driving up north to see the kids and grandkids, but I wasn’t planning an extended stay. I was merely thinking of a weekend trip.

On Sunday, during a discussion with Christian, he asked me how I was doing. I was honest with him and told him I was struggling. He offered a listening ear…asked what was wrong. My response was…not sure…still trying to figure it out. I just couldn’t put my finger on what the problem was, but I knew there was a problem. Something was off inside. I told him to ask Father to show me what He was saying to me.

When I awoke on Monday morning, it was Crystal clear to me…Father was calling me to move to Michigan and hang with the kids and grandkids. I was shocked but to me, it made perfect sense. Now…to run it through Vanessa to check her…then Donovan and check him.

Holy Spirit Unifies

When Holy Spirit is guiding two people…and/or a group…He will ALWAYS put them in unity. That is one of His jobs. He is a unifier. He will put everyone not just on the same page but reading the same line and the same words at the same time. It is how I have always run my family. We discuss things until Father has every one of us in agreement. It works like a charm.

I always run family business through the family to gauge if it is Father I am hearing. If I am off, they will confirm it. If I am on, they will confirm it. I am well-practiced in this area after 30 years and my kids are used to how I roll.

Calling the Kids

I called Vanessa and shared what Father was saying to me and she was fully on board with the plan. She immediately got off the phone and called Donovan. Within minutes, she called me back saying Donovan was good with it. We were all in unity. YEP…that was Him.

Within a few minutes of getting off the phone, I contacted my boss and set up a meeting with her to tell her I was leaving. I shifted into high gear. The original plan was to leave on Sunday, but the boss talked me into working the 4th to cover that shift for her. I relented. Instead, Tonto and I pulled out Tuesday morning. That week was a whirlwind to get my stuff together and leave by Tuesday…but I did it.

Living by Faith

For the last 30 years, I have been a woman of great faith. I walk by faith…meaning I follow Father…His commands. Thirty years ago, I surrendered my life and my heart to Him…agreeing to let Him be the Lord/Governor/Ruler of my life…NOT myself. I vowed to say what He wanted me to say, go where He wanted me to go, and do what He wanted me to do…dying to my own wants and desires in order to give Him…His wants and desires. That is what we are called to do in the betrothal covenant with Christ.

That being said…it is how I live my life…and it has cost me…my life.

I believe Father is calling me to live in Michigan and focus this time on this website. Building His House and His Kingdom here. I work for Him…not myself nor man. No matter the cost, I follow where He leads, and I do what He asks me to do. This is how I ended up as a homeless woman for the last few years. He pushes those He loves outside of their comfort zone, so (in part) Holy Spirit, our comforter, gets the privilege of comforting us. That sums up my life for the last 30 years. Not for the faint of heart, the weak-spirited, or those who are prideful, selfish, and strong in their flesh. It takes His Spirit and His strength to live according to His plan.

He says I am His missionary to this world…and more specifically to the Bride of Christ. For Yeshua…His son. SO much more to all of this but I will leave it there for now.

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