
I debated whether or not I wanted to post the featured image. The lavender flower is beautiful…but not sporting tack sharp focus as they say. I am sad I didn’t get the focus I wanted on the tiny purple flowers…but at the same time…I absolutely love the image. The colors together are soft and soothing to me.

It makes me think of artwork. The dreamier artwork…where things kind of blend together and don’t possess the quality of sharp focus. At times, I like that vibe…that gently flowing feel versus having every t crossed and i dotted.

bee on lavender
Last summer, I decided I really liked the colors purple and green together…especially when combined in nature. Love the green stem here with the purple flower…but also the purple haze so softly filling the background. Marvelous!!!

The Bee

Bees are awesome little critters if you ask my opinion. Such busy hard workers, they are. Bee spit tastes amazing and all should enjoy the sweetness of honey. 😍

Last year, I purchased some lavender honey for sale at the lavender farm. Works great in teas. It really does have a lavender flavor to it so if you are wanting lavender in your tea…and a little sweetness…lavender honey kills two birds with one stone. Voila…flavoring and sweetener all wrapped up in one little present.


Don’t ya think the purple and the greens in these photos are stunning?

Man…I do. So vibrant and rich! Love it!

bee on lavender
I like this photo because the background here is a soft green haze. Just fabulous. Couldn’t decide which one I liked more so since it is my blog…I am posting both. 😜


I have been doing a gradual slide toward falling in love with purple. Several years ago, I had to get new glasses. Vanessa went with me to help me pick them out. When the woman set the purple frames down on the counter, I knew they were the pair. However, I had to try all the other frames first just to make sure.

Obviously, I went with the purple frames. I love the metallic sheen to the color purple. Immediately after my new purchase, I started to notice other colorful frames on faces around me. I love it when people wear bold colors loudly and proudly.

I was talking to a young woman this week who had purple hair. It was a beautiful color of purple. She was telling me…as the color starts to fade a bit, that is when she gets the most compliments on her hair color. It had this beautiful lavender tone to it but also a shade of silver as she turned her head in the light just right. Spectacular coloring.

My Aura

Last year, Father had me work briefly at a gas station as a clerk. It was a fun adventure for me. Educational on so many levels. I loved my customers. We had some really fun people who were regulars in the store.

I remember one evening a hippy-type young woman came into the store. She was checking me out in a casual way…not sexual…just forming an opinion about me. I remember our brief conversation. She was hearing from Father, although she did not recognize the voice as His. However, I did. She said to me…you have a really great aura about you. I smiled…have heard that quite a bit. Then she said…I see the color purple…you are surrounded by purple.

My thoughts…maybe it is the glasses and that is why she is saying it…but it felt like Father speaking. I said to her…it is the color of royalty. She agreed…said it was me.

It was a neat interaction for me. I can always use encouragement…and her words were encouraging to me. It was a reminder to me…Father is here. He sees. He speaks. Others will see my value and worth someday.

Have a simply MARVY day!!!

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