lens ball garden photo

I bought a lens ball a few years ago after seeing pictures taken with them and thought they were really cool. I wanted to experiment with one myself. This is one of those experiments. It is sitting on a bench in front of a landscape garden. For a first try, I was pleased with the outcome.

This afternoon, I was looking through my son’s scrapbooks and was horrified at some of the pictures I have taken over the years. I kind of laughed at myself and realized I will probably always be looking back at old pictures…seeing how I could have done better. Part of the process of changing and growing I suppose. 🤷‍♀️

Maturation Process

That is so true in life when you are walking through the maturation process from a spiritual and emotional perspective. You see the mistakes you made in the past…wishing you could have done better. BUT…I have always said…you do the best you can with the information you have at the time. As you KNOW better experientially…you DO better. You make better choices. At least that is how it has worked for me in my life. Not all choose to grow and mature…and there is a place for adult children in this world.

One of the concepts that has helped me over the years is the idea that I can change. So thankful for the ability to change and grow. Do better and be better. Once I KNOW better, I can stop poor behavior because my perception has changed. It kind of makes me think of the lens ball image. The reality is flipped upside down inside the ball. It is like our thinking at times. It needs to be flipped from negative to positive. Our thought process needs to change. Knowing I can change helps me to forgive myself when I have behaved wrongly. 🥰

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