LIFE Conversations

I value intimacy. It is on the top of my list of core values. There is a saying…I don’t know who wrote it, but it fits me to a T.
“If some is good, and more is better, then too much is never enough.”

That is the excessive extremist me…regarding many things…but especially pertaining to intimacy. I can’t get enough of it. I thrive on deep intimate connections with those I love. My inner circle is small…for a number and variety of reasons. One…I like to invest heavily in those I love. I am all in and when I build with someone…I want to lay a firm foundation…something that lasts. A house that will withstand all the storms that come along. Much like the three little pigs’ story…I have chosen to build a brick home…. where all of that huffing and puffing won’t blow me down. Many have tried over the years and still I STAND.

For 30 years, my emotional and spiritual intimacy needs have been met through my relationship with Father…aka…God. This intimate relationship was birthed out of pain…great pain. Desperation and longing for a connection with a husband…that I was not allowed to have.

On This Page

Here, you will be introduced to conversations I have with Father. I will share intimate details, examples, and lessons I have learned through our 30-year relationship. You will get an intimate look at how I have personally grown…matured because of the covenant I entered all those years ago. You could look at this page like you are peeking into our bedroom…listening in and seeing how we interact.

Over the years, I have shared snippets of our intimacy with those in my inner circle. I am opening the door to my bedroom to share some of them with you here.

Welcome to our bedroom.

Challah Bread
LIFE Conversations


This showtime post has been sitting in my mind for several days now. Every day, I have wanted to sit down and write it. Every …

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lens ball at beach
LIFE Conversations


I have had this partnership post sitting behind the scenes for over a month now…just waiting on the words to start flowing. I had the …

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toddler with chocolate face
LIFE Conversations


TRIGGER WARNING!!!! While discussing in this post an upcoming showdown I believe is coming, you may be triggered. I feel led to warn you and …

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