Little Esme

granddaughter portrait

This is my granddaughter Esme. LOVE her so much!!! Such a cutie with a sweet little heart. She is a quiet, gentle, easy-going child. Easy to love. My oldest granddaughter is rambunctious, ornery, and goes at the speed of 60 all the time. Two totally different personalities. It is great to have multiple grandkids…seeing their personalities come out. Having grandkids in your life is the best. Highly recommend it! AND take lots of pictures of them!

Last year, I called Hannah one morning and asked her if she would be willing to go to a sunflower field with me and let me practice portrait photography on her and Esme. She was all in. After the shoot, we decided to attend a concert our favorite local musician was having at the city’s African American Museum. I get the stroller out of the trunk for Hannah to open up and put Esme’s stuff in. Hannah sat Esme down in the trunk while she was messing with the stroller. I shot this photo of Esme since she was just sitting there. To me…the lighting was perfect against the black backdrop. I am so pleased with this photo.

Sometimes I think I need a really huge house where I have lots of wall space so I can print all my favorite pictures and display them. Blow some up really large, some medium, some small, and make a collage out of them all. Every single wall…just pictures I love to look at. 😍

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