lizard on deck

While in Florida on vacation, I snapped a few photos of this lizard. He was hanging out on the back deck. The entire yard was fenced in with flowers and greenery. Truly a little paradise in the backyard. Lots of butterflies and lizards to watch. Vanessa, our vacation organizer, rented us a home from Airbnb. The home she picked was beautiful and fit our family perfectly. She always does a great job finding us a large home for family vacations. A HUGE perk to taking vacations with my adult children…I just go along for the ride. I get to sit back and relax…very little planning on my part. AND…very few responsibilities compared to vacationing as a younger mom with young children to tend after. LOVE that. So many advantages that come with maturity of age. 🤩

I am a fan of lizards. When we lived in the country in the woods, we had lizards outside all the time. Skinks too. The boys had a fondness for them which led to aquariums with skinks and lizards in the house. I remember spending time out in the field catching grasshoppers and crickets to feed them. In the colder months, we purchased crickets in town. Our dining room had the appearance of a jungle with fish aquariums, skinks, lizards, snakes, and turtles. All surrounded by lots of houseplants. I had my little jungle to enjoy daily inside my home. Pleasant memories for me. Bringing the outside inside.

This little lizard reminded me of pleasant times…which is why I snapped the pic. Now I get to be reminded every time I look at him. Too cute!

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