friends portrait

Sometimes you encounter people in life that you KNOW without a shadow of a doubt…to be in a relationship with THEM…IS an honor. That is exactly how I feel about Loretta. It was an HONOR to call her a very dear friend of mine. She was a pillar in our community. Loretta was loved and thought highly of by thousands of people.

Loretta was a warrior who STOOD for LIFE. Impeccable character…that is one phrase I would use to describe her. She was by far the classiest LADY I have ever met. I have never met any woman that could compare to her in class. She was a rare breed of women…so many women today could have taken lessons from her. Unfortunately, our society has lost the understanding of what a classy LADY is. Instead, we have an abundance of ladies of the night.

She was a board member of our local Family Pregnancy Center and I got to be on a committee with her for our annual banquet. The kids and I would always pick her up before the meetings because she didn’t drive. We were thrilled to get to know her the longer we worked together and spent time together. My children and I adored her, and the feelings were reciprocated…as she loved us too. I was so thankful my kids got to know her and see the work she did.

For a season in my life, I had a coffee table that I covered in pictures of the people in my life I dearly loved…this site will become that coffee table and Loretta deserves a spot on my table. She was one of the sweetest human beings I will probably ever encounter in my lifetime. She will always hold a very special place in my heart. 💙 ❤️ 🥰

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