grandson close up

I had a dream this morning about Facebook. I had an account, and I was socializing with the people there.

When I awoke, I processed the dream. I have a processing routine…in which I always start with the emotions tied to the dream first.

I had very little feelings tied to the dream. My first thought was…naaaa…not doing social media again. Not for me. I thought through the list of reasons why I don’t want to be on social media…there were several on the list. But…basically…there is nothing on there I want to see.

I then searched for reasons why I would want to be on Facebook…and I couldn’t find any. Not one. 😂

Drown me in Love

Back in February, one of the things Father said to me was…He was going to drown me in love.

Before I went to bed last night, I told Him…that didn’t happen. You didn’t do what you said you would do.

The way He works…is unlike anything you could ever imagine. It is hard to explain at times. This dream was in response to my statements before I went to bed.

He wanted me to process through this dream to see some truths…to see He has indeed been drowning me in love.


I recently experienced more betrayal…something I am quite accustomed to. During this time, Father had me set new boundaries. I kind of see them as tightening in or a narrowing of them. They were maybe closer to my heart this time.

Some pruning took place.

Since the boundaries were set…drama got pruned out of my life. It has been glorious. I now have…NO ONE or NOTHING in my life that brings drama in my world. It is beyond beautiful. Beyond description. What I have been left with…is PURE peace. AND joy.

It is mind-boggling to me how peaceful…how joyful…how happy I am. In 51 years, I have never experienced this level…this depth…of peace and joy. To me…happiness is superficial. Happy is easy come easy go. Joy is a work of His Spirit…it is much deeper within. I have the pleasure of having both…happiness and joy along with peace that is beyond my understanding.

As you make the boundaries tighter…it keeps out the drama and it keeps in the beauty. It feels euphoric. Like I am high on some kind of wonderful drug. It is truly divine. It is Him. His Spirit. It is love.

As I was reflecting on why I wouldn’t want to get on Facebook…why there is nothing there I need to see…I went into this head and heart space of…I am satisfied where I am. I don’t feel like I am lacking…anything. I am content…satisfied. As in, there in nothing I feel like I need from social media. I am content without it in my life.

My Gardens

Years ago, Father taught me the heart and the mind are like a garden. So, the enemy comes along to plant the weed seeds…the tares in our hearts and minds. Those tares or weeds are the lies and deception from the enemy…the lies we believe about ourselves and the world around us.

I have been working for 30 years to tend to my gardens…pulling out the weeds, tilling the soil when needed, and preventing more weeds from taking root. As a result of my hard labor…my garden is flourishing. I have the Tree of Life…Christ…right where He needs to be in the garden of my heart…smack dab in the center. Then Holy Spirit’s fruits have been growing and producing…multiplying more seeds and fruits. My gardens are beautiful…and I love them.

Falling in Love

This morning as I was processing and was reminded of how much joy I have had over the last few weeks…to a month…I felt like maybe I had finally entered my Paradise He had been promising me. I don’t know…it feels at least partially true.

He then reminded me of a conversation I had with Vanessa in the last couple of weeks.

I fell in love. Head over heels in love.

One…with my website. I love this space. To me…it is like a beautiful tropical island. A place of peaceful retreat. I love it. I have more plans for it yet…things I want to add to it but so far…I am in love with it. It brings my heart joy and pleasure.

Two…I fell in love with myself. Deeper. A depth of love for myself I have never experienced before. It is truly divine. I am drowning in His love for me…in myself. With myself. Sounds very strange but it feels euphoric…truly. Best drug ever.

Turning Point

Another thing He said to me back in February was…turning point. I see that happened. I got to a place of no return. My dad always had a saying and I somehow got to that space myself many years ago…I am moving on with or without you. You are welcome to come along with me…but with or without you…I am moving on.

I love that. It is so freeing.

The first time I had to prune toxic people out of my life…I thought I would die. Turns out…I didn’t. It got easier over time.

Then I understood through maturity and experience…pruning toxic people out of your life is NOT a loss…BUT a gain. You gain life when you cut off the dead people in your life. People who choose death. Choose to go their fleshly way versus choosing Father’s way. THAT understanding…revolutionized my world. In SUCH a positive way.

I don’t miss the toxicity…at all.

THAT…is one reason I have no desire to get back on Facebook. It is like the Borg…resistance is futile…you will be assimilated. The world…will SUCK you in and suck you dry. It is like a parasite…a leech that sucks the lifeblood out of you.

No thanks. I will pass.

No More Pain…Only Pleasure

I am pain-free. No more pain for me. Only pleasure here. I have never been to this place before and I LOVE it. I have fallen in love with my sweet little place He has given me.

For the last year or so, I had been telling Him…I am bitter. I am salty. I am sour. I am savory…but I have lost my sweetness. The enemy stole my sweetness and flavored me with acid.

Father removed the ugly…and gave me back my beauty…my sweetness. I am in love with the sweetness of my LIFE.


The picture is of my grandson. I took it with my phone a day or two after he was born while I was holding him. He is sweetness for sure. I am head over heels in love with my grandkids. They are a joy to my heart.

Vanessa sent a video of Archer yesterday and the video reminds me of how I feel now living in this space. A place of contentment, love, joy, peace, etc. All good positive stuff. The negativity is gone. The hatred is gone…love remains. The darkness has lifted.

LIFE…IS good. Choose LIFE.

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