For years, Father and I have had an argument about marriage. I thought He was saying His plan for me was to marry a natural man for a third time. I was disinclined to acquiesce. Questions kept popping up. What do I need a husband for? Why do I need a man to protect me from a man? Why did you create a man to start with if a woman needs a man to protect her from other men???? Just skip men. To me…this is not rocket science here. My questions are valid and logical. Hence…the man vs. man title…in part.
I spent just shy of thirty years in marriage to two different men. The first marriage is my fault. I didn’t believe anyone could love me, so when a man came along and said he loved me…I married him. My opinion of myself was so poor…I thought I couldn’t get a better man. I settled. I will never do that again. Never. Thankfully, I am secure today in the woman I am. Grown much since that time.
My second marriage…Father chose my husband for me. It was an arranged marriage…by Father. In my mind, since He arranged the marriage…it had to be a good one. About a year in, I said to Father…I am NEVER getting married again. Never. Made a vow. (Years later, got spanked for making that vow and had to renounce it.😳😩 Don’t do that to yourself. Learn from my mistakes.😜)
As my second marriage was passing away, Father told me…my first marriage was a picture of a covenant of death. Entering into a covenant with the enemy. My second marriage was a picture of the Old Covenant. The third marriage is a picture of the New Covenant.
He makes me learn everything experientially. For MANY years, I had been asking Him to teach me the differences between the covenants. He has been…and still is.
My girls constantly say…not asking for the things you ask for. 🤣 I have spent thirty years learning everything the HARD way. PAIN!
Old Covenant
In the Old Covenant, it is a covenant of the flesh. The flesh of man. This is why the man’s penis was circumcised. His flesh was cut…it bled. The blood from the man’s physical body had to be shed. It is a small picture of Christ’s blood being shed later on down the road. A very small picture.
When the man’s foreskin was cut off…this allowed the seed…his seed…to be exposed to the light. It is a picture of Christ as the seed. The seed of Christ could come out of the darkness and into the light where He belongs. The virgin husband was then supposed to insert his circumcised penis into the virgin wife’s secret place and circumcise her. Shed her blood and ejaculate his seed into her so life could grow in her body. She was to give birth to LIFE. Natural life…but a picture of Christ’s seed and supernatural life.
New Covenant
In the New Covenant, circumcision is not only of the flesh…but ALSO of the heart. The husband is supposed to have a circumcised heart. A heart that has shed blood for Christ. Been convicted by Father’s Spirit of the TRUTH…Christ. Convinced…CUT…pierced of the heart. A heart that has bled for Him.
Then that husband with a circumcised heart…is supposed to take a virgin wife…and circumcise her heart for Christ. Plant the seed…Christ…into her heart so that her heart will grow the Tree of Life inside of her. So she can give birth to LIFE by giving birth to other disciples for Him. A woman who has Christ in her secret place…her womb…to produce LIFE for others.
In the New Covenant, we are to give birth to life…make disciples and multiply our fruit…His fruit. The fruit of Life which grows on the Tree of LIFE in our hearts. See?
Life Through His Seed
In the New Covenant, Christ and Holy Spirit work in tandem to plant the Seed of Life…Christ…truth into the hearts of men and woman. Circumcising the heart. Producing life in the spiritual womb. Growing the Tree of Life in the spiritual womb and producing the fruits of Life there. It is a spiritual covenant through the hearts of man. Christ as the Husband…is supposed to circumcise His Bride and produce life in Her. Supernatural life…life that is eternal…supernatural. It is a greater covenant than the Old Covenant.
Flesh Vs. Spirit
The Old Covenant is only of the flesh. Man could not keep this covenant on their own. Their flesh was not strong enough to resist the temptations of the enemy…and obey Father’s commands. The flesh of man will always oppose His Spirit.
The New Covenant is a covenant made in the heart through His Spirit. His Spirit is who allows us to be obedient and resist the temptations of the enemy. His Spirit…in our hearts…circumcises our flesh. When we bow to His Spirit…we are dying to our flesh. Our flesh is cut…it bleeds…and it dies. This is to be a daily work for us. Dying daily to our own fleshly wants and desires that are disobedient to Father’s commands. This is man vs. man. The natural man vs the spiritual man. The sinful nature within our flesh versus the spiritual man inside of us who is compelling us to be obedient to Father. The old me vs. the new me.
It is about the old man becoming the new man…through the blood of Christ…and the conviction of Holy Spirit. They are the two witnesses of every covenant. You can’t enter a relationship with Father, except through Christ’s shed blood…and Holy Spirit…convincing you in your heart…you need His truth. You need Him.
The Bridge
I went for a walk today. For several days now, I have had a blog post kind of brewing in my mind. The photos are uploaded, the page is ready, and the title is there…but the words are not complete. I had hoped the walk would settle the words into place and I would write it. Didn’t happen for me.
However, He had me take these pictures while He answered one of my questions above. Why do I need a man to protect me from a man?
He reminded me of the first Adam. How Adam failed to protect his wife Eve resulting in catastrophic worldly failure for mankind. Then…Father sent the second Adam…Christ…to come and to redeem the first man. To redeem moral failure for all mankind.
He reminded me of a vision He gave me early this morning. A path with a broken section. It was impassable because an entire section was missing.
When I crossed this bridge in this picture…He reminded me…Christ is the bridge. Only He can bridge the gap between the old man and the new man. It is the cross of Christ…the blood of Christ that makes the difference. It is Christ. He is the one…combined with His Spirit that transforms the hearts of man.
It is only when a person is convicted by His Spirit of His truth that a heart can change. Be transformed in a positive way. There is no other way. He is the way. Christ came to redeem man. All of man.
Simple Man
One of the songs Father has been singing to me today is Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I love the lyrics to this song. To me…the philosophy of being a simple man equals being a humble man. Here is a mother telling her son to be simple. Minimalistic in nature. Humble. Don’t forget Father up above. There is a Creator watching you. Be a man that you can love and understand. It tells me he has to be an introspective man. A man willing to look at himself in the mirror and be honest with himself about the man he is and be willing to change that man.
A man that can change to be a man he can love himself.
So important in life…to love self. To love self is to choose life…Christ. To allow Him to change you into a humble man.
Another puzzle piece in the story of my walk today is a conversation I heard while my dad was dying. A friend came over to check on dad. While she was talking to him…she asked him…are you glad your daughter is here. He said…yes. He then went on to explain to her that he didn’t think he needed me to come and stay with them…but it turns out…he did.
It touched my heart. I was grateful to hear my dad say he needed me. He did. I knew that…but it was nice to hear those words come out of his mouth. I felt loved and appreciated. And honestly…a bit validated. I was being useful. I think almost everyone likes to feel needed, wanted, and useful. We all want to matter, right?
Father was reminding me…that even though my dad didn’t THINK he needed me…turns out when he experienced my help as he was dying…he became convinced of the truth…he DID need me.
I NEED Christ. The truth. He is the one to bridge the gap from the old man to the new man. As a woman, I need to see Christ…working in a man.
That is what Christ does…He transforms the hearts and minds of men and women who will willingly become simple. Humble. Men and women who are convinced by the circumcision of their hearts that they need to live by His truth. Build on the truth.
As women, we need to see natural men who are dying daily to their flesh to be Father’s men. Men of truth. Redeemed men of Christ.
There ya go…now you know as I now know. He answered one of my long-time questions today. I need to see Christ working through natural men. 😍😂
I hope you can enjoy the photos. I loved seeing life and death in the photos. The fire burning up the prairie grass and how that renews the life in it. It needs the fire to spark new life.
How the deer carcass screams death in the field and was there when the fire was raging.
How the winter wheat is bursting with this amazing green color of life while the fence row is still hibernating in death.
So much truth all around us if we are willing to look at this world through the lens of truth. The eyes of Christ. Creation screams the hands of an artistic, intelligent, designer, and engineer if you have the eyes to see.
Choose life. Ask for His eyes to see the Truth.