Man’s Ways Lead to Death. Father’s Ways Lead to LIFE

circle of life t-shirt

Father says in His word, His ways are not man’s ways. Unless you have experienced His ways…you can’t understand and appreciate the vast difference between His ways versus man’s ways.

Night vs day

Death vs LIFE

When you sign up and accept a position with Him in His Kingdom, you are supposed to be working for Him…not man. You are now on His payroll as His employee…and He will pay your wages.

He does pay your wages.


Every Friday, I get a paycheck in Heaven. He deposits that money in my Heavenly savings account, and it is drawing interest every day while I am down here. It is my “retirement” fund. As I invest in Him, He invests in me. He is building my bank account and saving all those funds for when I get there with Him. I will get to “retire” on that money. I will live for eternity sitting pretty financially. 😍

When you work for Him…you don’t punch a time clock. His work is not from 9-5, 8-5, 11-7, 3-11, etc. You are on duty…24-7. No kidding. You are CALLED. You are ON CALL…all the time. He is NOT outside of time…He IS time. Father Time. He is in charge of time. As your employer, when there is something He needs done and He wants you to do it…He CALLS you. You answer His CALL and out of love…you obey Him. You just do it…get the job done.

Think of your spirit man as a phone line. He calls you to tell you to do something. You hear the phone ringing in your spiritual ear…you answer it. Then you listen to what He is speaking by His Spirit into your spirit man, and you submit your soul/carnal/flesh/natural man to respond rightly. You do whatever He says…immediately. He is time…time IS important to Him. He expects you to be TIMELY. See?


Father woke me up at 1:30 this morning with this post in my mind. Because I have spent 30 years following Him…I knew what He was saying…get out of bed…right now…and type up the words I have put in your head. I got up…right then. Turned the computer on and here I am typing this up.

I don’t delay. I have learned to obey. 🤨

NOT Laboring in Vain

He CALLS those He has chosen…to do the work HE needs done. It is that simple of a concept. You get the choice to answer His call or not. If you answer the call and follow Him…doing whatever it is He is asking you to do…then you are NOT laboring in vain. You are working for HIM…not yourself or any other man. You are not working for the flesh…you are working for His Spirit. Not operating out of the flesh…but operating out of His Spirit…through your spirit man.

You are not producing or bearing the works of the flesh…instead, your tree…you…are producing or bearing the fruits of HIS Spirit from your tree. Your tree is producing HIM…LIFE…who IS the Tree of LIFE. You are a tree…your tree either produces the fruits of death…rotten fruit or you produce LIFE…good fruit. We get to discern by your tree whether you have LIFE or death. We are supposed to be like Christ…the tree of LIFE. Produce His fruit through His Spirit when we answer His call. That is our calling. See? Very simple.

In doing so, He owes you wages as your employer. He WILL pay them.

Personal example

Many years ago, I used to work for man. I went to college and got a job that was expected of me by MAN.

However, at a young age…I KNEW in my heart…I was called to be a wife and a mother…not work for man.

Fast forward years…now I am a mother.

Death instead of LIFE

It was KILLING my heart…death…to leave my child with someone else and work outside of the home for man. Working for the dollar…not working with His PURPOSE. Man chases the dollar. Father chases the hearts of people. Vast differences. Father is ALWAYS about the heart. He wants YOUR heart. He doesn’t NEED your money…Father owns it ALL.

Coming Home

I was coming home to be with my child…that was Father’s plan. With this in mind, I worked two jobs for a season and paid off all our debt. Then…I came home to fulfill my purpose of being a wife and mother. I answered His call on my life. To bear fruit and multiply Him. Bear His seed from my tree of LIFE.

Fast forward a few years, and now I am a stay-at-home…homeschooling mother.

I KNOW I have answered His call and I am doing His work…not my own.

In part, I KNOW this because I had zero desire to homeschool. I fought with Him on that. Again…I lost. Glad I lost…it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. He is ALWAYS right. 😍

Side note

If you read many of my posts over the years…you will hear me repeat this same pattern in my past of me fighting Him. Man’s flesh ALWAYS opposes His Spirit. ALWAYS. It is the nature of man’s flesh.

I don’t recommend or encourage fighting Him…but I am being real with you about my prideful, sassy, argumentative heart. In all honesty, I don’t know how He has put up with me for the last 30 years. Miss Sassy Pants has been given a LOT of leeway over the years. No joke. If you rode with me…you would get that experientially. I am still alive and so are all my passengers. I am an excessive extremist in every area of life. Just saying. 🤷‍♀️

Fast Forward

My first husband had a saying he repeated to me often…so often it was seared in my mind forever. I will never forget it.

“If you divorce me, I will quit my job, work for cash, and not pay you a dime.”

To keep the story simple and short…he found someone else, so we divorced.

Guess what, he got “fired” a day or two after he moved out. Now…he has “no money.”

Because I am so intimate with Father, this LIFE event was not a surprise to me. He keeps me informed.

My divorce was not my sin…act of disobedience…my marriage was. I entered a covenant of death with the enemy…not a covenant of LIFE with him. Very simple. Father was setting me free from death and my disobedience/mistake/imprisonment of me yoking MYSELF with death…our enemy.

I am going to leave out many details here because this story in detail is for another post. Let me give you the puzzle piece I need to insert here to form the picture we need you to see.

Puzzle piece

Now…I am a stay-at-home…single…homeschooling mother. I don’t work for man. I work for Father…at times that means…no wages here on Earth. Scary!!!

Of course, I fought Father on the divorce. I wasn’t on board with His plan. I wanted reconciliation.

His response…”I will NO LONGER cast MY pearl before THAT SWINE. He can’t present you without a spot, a stain, a wrinkle, or a blemish.”

Whoa!!! He was angry…and this was for MY benefit. 😍


100% on board.

I got you!


His call on my life did NOT change because my circumstances had changed. He wanted me to continue being a stay-at-home…homeschooling mom…despite being physically and legally single now with NO income.

His ways…are truly NOT man’s ways.

I NEEDED money. 🥺


Skipping many details, He wanted to teach me experientially who He was with His title and position as Provider.  I had to EXPERIENCE physically living here with no income to KNOW Him as my provider. As He always says to me…it is a necessary part of the process. 😩

I am really not a fan of those words as I hear them coming out of His mouth. Later…I am good…but in that situation…not so good.

I walked that road out…at first, He had to carry me. Then I crawled it. I finally could stand…although I stood with SHAKY knees. Then I walked. Then I ran.

It Stretched Me…

I gained His strength. I began to KNOW Him intimately as the one who provides for ALL my needs…He was my Husband who financially covered me. He paid all my bills.

It was His plan for this divorce, so He needed to pay for it. I certainly had no money to pay that sum. I asked Him…what do I do? Where is the money going to come from?

He told me to call a man and ask Him if he had any work. I had worked for him in the past, so I did that. His response was no…not at that time. I said ok…we chatted a short bit then we ended the conversation.

I felt deflated. In my mind, He had me call to get work because there WAS work available. My hopes were up…I felt like I had the answer…I will work for a time outside of the home for man AND Father to earn the money to pay for the divorce.


A house divided against itself…can’t stand.


No answers still for my questions.

Fast forward a couple of days.

I get mail from this man. Wow…I am thinking…that is weird. Opening up the envelope, inside is a check for $10,000.

I thought I would die of heart failure right there on the spot. ❤️

Sobbing…doesn’t really describe it.


BUT WHY? That was my question.

I get on the phone immediately to call him…thank him…and ask WHY.

To summarize what he said in that conversation…he was moved to help me. He wanted to help me get my divorce…so he was going to pay for it. If I needed more…call him…he would send it. Also…he was proud of how I had been raising my children. I would always get compliments on their character as they were growing up. Everyone that met them…took note of how set apart they were. This is one reason why he was moved to help me…and my children. I NEEDED to continue doing whatever it was I was doing to continue raising those children to be who they needed to be. He was always impressed with my children.

Sobbing… All Over Again.

I was doing what I was CALLED to do…and Father was providing for us. He used an atheist to provide for me so I could continue being a single, stay-at-home mom. He was paying me to be a mom.

It is the biblical story of Moses’s mother. The same people who wanted Moses dead…paid for her to care for him. She got paid to be a stay-at-home mom so she could raise a WORLD leader. Without Moses…the Israelite nation would not be who they are today. Through Moses, Father set the Old Covenant in place.

I find it so satisfying that the world leaders who had enslaved the Israelites and were killing their children…were forced by Father to PAY to RAISE the very man who took that nation and those leaders down. Isn’t that GREAT! The irony of how Father makes Satan bow to Him is enthralling to me. SUCH POWER!

When you work for Father…He will provide for living expenses. They are His bills…not yours. It is His money…not yours. It is His debt…not yours.

When you work for Father…you NEVER labor in vain. You are building for His kingdom…not your own. His Kingdom stands…for eternity. It is the house made out of bricks…no little piggie (swine) can BLOW it down.

You build for man…yourself…it is the house made out of sticks…the little piggies…the SWINES will BLOW your house down.

When you are building on the sand…the tides will come in and tear your house and kingdom down. You are laboring in vain working for man…which includes yourself…chasing after the “almighty” dollar. It is foolishness to chase the dollar…chasing after the wind. Meaningless. Pointless.

Laboring in Vain

Man’s view of working is to pick a career of man’s choosing. Man DECIDES what they are going to do for the rest of their life. They pick a field to labor in they FEEL best suits them. Whatever makes them FEEL good about themselves. OR what people tell them they would be best at. OR…a whole host of reasons why they pick that particular field to labor in. BUT…man is choosing and leading his own life.

When you are His employee, He chooses the field you labor in depending on what work He needs to be done. He doesn’t always choose a field for you that YOU are best at…He chooses a field HE is best at. What He calls you to do…takes HIM to do it. He equips those He calls because He is equipping you with HIM. It is His power and strength that does His work…not yours…the flesh of man. Whatever He asks you to do…will stretch you beyond you…so you rely on Him.

You are merely a vessel. A teapot He pours into and then He tips you over and pours HIM out of your teapot.

Your body is the teapot. Christ is the drink offering…the wine…the water. Holy Spirit is the pouring action. Christ is the noun. Holy Spirit is the verb. The action happens because of Holy Spirit and His power. NOT you. NOT me.

Then HE gets the glory NOT you.

If you work for you…you get the glory here.

If you work for Him…He gets the glory…here and there.

This LIFE is NOT about you. It is about Him. HE IS LIFE. There is no LIFE apart from Him.

If life is all about you in your world…you are in trouble.

Man’s view is…I am in charge. Control. The leader. I will lead myself.

I say it like this.


Young children are a picture of US…as adults. We ARE His CHILDREN. We ARE children.

In Father’s eyes, adults are like small children when you are trying to help them do something and they get mad and yell…ME DO IT MYSELF! Independence…not dependence, right?

Yep…that is physically adult males and females in society today. ME DO IT MYSELF! 🤨

It is immature. Immaturity (children) of soul and spirit. Just because your physical body denotes maturity…doesn’t mean your soul and spirit bodies are mature. More on that later.

We don’t like the idea of being weak, powerless, out of control, or vulnerable.

I hate to break the news to you…but you are weak. He is strong.

You are powerless. He is powerful.

You are NOT in control. He is sovereign and He is most certainly in control. Don’t believe me? When you fall to your knees on our last Yom Kippur…The Day of Atonement… Judgment Day…you will EXPERIENCE that truth firsthand. You will experientially KNOW. Your acceptance of or rejection of the truth…does not CHANGE the truth. The truth ALWAYS stands…firm. It is immovable. The truth will NEVER change. He does NOT bow to man…man bows to Him. You either humbly bow your heart to Him here…or you will fearfully bow in every way there.

You ARE vulnerable. You are vulnerable to the enemy who will attack you and take you down UNLESS you are covered by Christ’s atoning blood as a blanket of protection. Only those in obedience to Him…are safe. You obey…He protects you. You are COVERED. That doesn’t mean bad stuff won’t happen, but He will KEEP your eternal LIFE safe. It is part of the covenant agreement. You obey Him and give Him your life…He will protect your LIFE.

I Work For Him

When you work for Him…every day is a new adventure. Every single day. No two days are ever alike. I don’t live in bondage to a schedule. I live as a free woman to follow/obey Him. Free in Christ. I go where He tells me to go when He tells me to go. I have no clue what that is going to look like from day to day, but He shows me as I go each day.

Man’s ways chain you to punch man’s time clock and be confined by the money YOU can make. I am not confined by earning a paycheck. I don’t chase money because I am too busy chasing Him…who owns all the money and resources. I chase after His heart. That is what He wants from us. My employer has unlimited funds, and He supplies all my needs, so I don’t NEED to chase money. He brings it to me instead.

It is a much harder road to walk for you are DEPENDENT on Him to provide in His ways and in His time, but the benefits are incredible. Only if you have eyes to see the value contained within that LIFEstyle. For me…I have had YEARS of practice with walking this road and climbing these mountains.

You can’t learn and you can’t grow in Him…if you are NOT pushed outside of your comfort zone. If you STAY where you are…all you will get is more of the same…stagnancy. Stagnancy is death. Stagnant water stinks. There is no LIFE flowing IN to or OUT of that body of water. There is no FLOW…MOVEment…just standing water.

Christ is the water…He is the word…Holy Spirit is the power that makes the water…Christ…His word/truth…MOVE. He is the power, force, energy, and movement. If you are not consistently moving forward with Him in His truth…that is an indicator that you are NOT growing in Christ. Christ always MOVES forward. He says…I GO…where I see Father going. That is why Father says…FOLLOW Christ. See? It denotes movement.  

Bringing This to an End

When Father woke me up at 1:30 this morning, He was serenading me with a song. The Circle of Life by Elton John. It is a song He repeats to me often. It is powerful in meaning from His point of view. The song moves my heart to tears. He gave that song to Elton and Tim for many purposes.

It is a covenant song…very deep…for another time.

Let me give you this puzzle piece.

He ALWAYS finishes what He has started. He ALWAYS completes the circle…brings it back around.

If you are in a covenant with Satan (which includes the flesh of man)…in his coven (community/family)…then you are in a circle of death. A covenant of death. It is like the hamster in the wheel. He constantly runs in that circle/wheel…getting nowhere. He will run it until he dies…in prison in his little cage. It is a circle of death. You just keep going round and round in circles like a dog chasing his tail but never catching it.

You live in the death camp. Your family and friends…brothers and sisters are all dead. You commune with death. Dead things. Consuming death. You fellowship with death. You are an unclean animal that feasts on death. We are not supposed to eat unclean animals for that reason. They consume death. We are called to consume LIFE…to eat animals that feast on LIFE.

He wants our hearts to be clean. To be a clean nation. A clean people. Christ doesn’t want to marry an unclean defiled woman. He wants His Bride to be clean so He can return for her.

Practically speaking

If you live in the death camp, you get up…go to work…go to the kid’s activities, and go to bed. Same thing the next day. Same shit. Different day. It is waste material. Wallowing in filth. Excrement. You do the same thing day in and day out. Until you die imprisoned in that cage. Running in circles getting nowhere. Miserable existence.

Covenant of LIFE

IF you enter the covenant of LIFE with Father…then the circle spirals upward as you move forward. I always think of a slinky toy. I used to play with them as a kid and I bought one some years ago because it is a reminder to me of this covenant. It moves forward through time and dimensions. It is hard to describe but it is moving forward and upward towards Him. Death spirals downward AWAY from Him.

Think of it like this in musical and lyrical terms…there is a Stairway to Heaven…and a Highway to Hell. The stairway is a climb. A workout. A hard one. The highway is easy…you are DRIVING yourself there by whatever you drive yourself by. Meaning whatever your passions or addictions are that drive you. You are driven to be OUT of pain…driven to whatever makes you FEEL better or good. The highway is YOUR drive…NOT Father’s drive. His passion brings Him back around to LIFE.

He gave us those lyrics/songs to bring awareness to His children. He is ALWAYS speaking if you have the ears to hear Him. Even in the silence, He is still speaking.

Wrapping it Up

Father is saying wrap it up. Ok.

You have to choose whom you will serve. Are you going to serve yourself…which is also serving Satan? You both are going to the same place in the end, so I lump them together. For the demons and the flesh of man…you are going to co-exist on death row in prison working for eternity to pay off debts you can never pay off. Paying for a crime in real-time and never getting out…you will be sentenced to death…slated for execution…spending life…on death row…for eternity. Father created our judicial system as a picture of His judicial system in Heaven. Prison in this realm is a picture of Hell in the spirit realm.

The only way to avoid Hell is through Christ. Christ is NOT chained in prison…nor is He in Hell setting those eternal captives free. Once THE Judge sentences you to prison in the heavenly courtroom…you are sentenced to death row for eternity and there is no WAY out. He IS the WAY.

You must choose Him today. To wait…might cost you more than you wanted to pay. Don’t delay.

Only He can pay our debts…here and there.

LIFE or death? Your choice.

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