
friends portrait

Dale and Linda are family and friends…dear friends. I have considered Dale a mentor of mine for well over a decade. There are many things I love about this man. He is really into worldview…and so am I. He loves to use his critical thinking skills, reasoning, logic, and incorporate biblical knowledge formulating conclusions that blend so well with common sense. I have always loved the way his mind works. He is such an intelligent man and nearly has the Bible completely memorized. Unbelievable mind and memory. We have always gotten along quite well.

A few years ago, I realized Dale and I had spoken for over ten hours on the phone in the course of one week. Literally, we can talk for hours…our conversations always stimulate our minds. It is a tremendous blessing to find someone you can have intellectual conversations with based on truth…and walk away encouraged. Dale always does that for me. Always satisfying. 🤩


Before children, Dale and Linda were over-the-road truck drivers. Now Dale drives to Chicago and back every day so he is always available to speak to me on the phone while he is driving his route. He has always called me kiddo and that nickname just thrills me. He always makes me feel special. Dale is generous to me with his time…something I have always appreciated about him.

Generosity of time has been important to me over the years. Quality time is one of my dominant love languages. Spending time with the people I love has always been important to me. It is extra important when involved in a relationship with a mentor. You need that time to learn and grow. Glean from them. With each mentor in my past, I tried to devote as much time as I could with each of them. Something I will never regret. 💙

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