Missing my Dad

father daughter selfie

I am missing my dad today…something fierce. Grief is a strange thing…how I can be fine one minute then the next minute I am crying. It comes in waves and sometimes I am surprised at what triggers the grief to appear.

For a while last night, Greg who is a friend of mine, hung out with me while I was working. He had been to see his uncle who is dying which led us into a discussion about my dad. It reminded me…Dad died two years ago this month.

Then this morning, I wanted to call my dad and share an experience I had yesterday with a man, but I realized I couldn’t…for he wasn’t here. Instead, I called his wife and cried on her shoulder. We spent three hours on the phone sharing our grief, laughing, reminiscing, and catching up. I shared my experience with her, and she agreed with me…my dad would have been proud.

Hard Nut to Crack

I have this man at work whom I have been trying to build a connection with. This guy fascinates me for some reason. Not sure why. He is very mysterious. A locked box. Completely closed. He speaks very little and smiles even less. A man of very FEW words. BUT…I have discovered he wants to grow…just lacks the equipment to do so. So much depth to the man…not an easy read. Such a challenge. Very intriguing to me.

In my mind, I say to myself…he is a hard nut to crack. Yet, I see a cracked nut with a green sprout.

Yesterday, he came in a second time. He never does that. I was alone when he came in and he started talking to me. He initiated the conversation with me. WAIT…WHAT???

He told me he was doing interviews next week and wanted my resume.

It took me a minute to comprehend what he was saying to me…you want to interview ME…for WHAT?

The Job

The job is in customer service. He was selling it to me…so when he asked for my number…I gave it to him. He is supposed to send me a link. I am waiting.

Whether or not the guy follows through…I was touched. Greatly.

One because he sees my value and worth as greater than. Two…he WANTS me on HIS team.

Turns out he is the branch manager for a local company, and they brought him here from a different state. He has been with the company for seventeen years now.

I was kind of floored actually. For me…I am constantly watching people and reading them. Making observations and seeing what Father reveals. It is a fun hobby of mine…one I thoroughly enjoy. Since I am always busy in my head making notes of the things I am seeing and hearing, I fail to remember people are watching me. Not all…but some.

After he left, I realized HE HAD BEEN WATCHING ME TOO! He was making observations and concluded…I was GOOD at customer service.

Making an Impact

I guess I was making a bigger impact with him than I realized. Hence…I see a cracked nut with a green sprout. I see some life there.

Trying not to get my hopes up on this…waiting to see if he sends me the link tomorrow. BUT…I would love to work with the guy and get to know him a bit better. See what else I can do there. I see his value and worth.

My dad would have been proud to hear that someone else took note of my work ethic, my fun personality, and my natural ability to connect with people…even the ones that have such a hard exterior to get through…he would have had a few things to say to me about the situation. I wish I could have heard those words today.

Every Day

Every day, I have people complimenting me and saying encouraging words to me. My customers are TOPS in my book. We have had some fun moments together.

The other night, Joe came in. We were having an issue at the register. Complicated. I summon my expert Ashley, who is coming over from the back of the store. While Joe and I are waiting for her to make her way to us, I am doing some dance moves to the music playing. Some really good tunes playing in the speakers! If the music is playing…I am dancing. This is normal for me at work. I am good at entertaining the customers for a few laughs and head shakes. Joe was cheering me on which only encouraged me to be crazier in my antics.

When Ashley arrives, she makes a few adjustments and now Joe’s card is not working. Not denied. Not failed…but reading some other error. So Ashley starts giving him a hard time about not cutting up cards that no longer have accounts. Turns out he was trying to use an old card for a closed account.

The funniest thing…Joe says…ok…you want to know what is happening here? It is HER! Crystal! I see her and I get flustered…tongue-tied…I can’t think, etc. While he is speaking, he is turning beat red from the neck up.

NOW I am turning red with embarrassment…and Ashley…Ashley is laughing hysterically at the both of us.

I could have hugged that sweet man, but I was too embarrassed at the time. Tomorrow. Tomorrow night, I am going to hug him and thank him for his honesty and kind words to me that night.

Mixed Feelings

I have mixed feelings about leaving this place for I will miss my customers tons and heaps. I have fallen in love with them. I have one man I will especially miss. He was Mr. Grumpy Pants when I first met him, but he has opened up to me and I can count on a small smile from him each night. THAT is a HUGE accomplishment coming from him. He always looks angry, hard, and like he is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Loosening him up…softening him up…was a labor of love.

Those are a few thoughts from today…the river is flowing…always movement anymore. Love that about my life. Every day is something new and exciting for me. It just keeps getting better, cleaner, purer, sweeter, and richer.

LIFE IS GOOD…beautiful. I AM treasuring each moment. 💙

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