woman cutting cherries

I have so much to say about being moldable…shapeable…changeable. SO much! Super stoked about this post…well…just stoked about life right now. I am GIDDY!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE to share why! Feel compelled to share. 😜

First, let me introduce the photos in this post. Gotta get rid of that distraction immediately.

Recently, I had a craving for Pineapple Upside Down Cake. To my surprise, Hannah brought home the ingredients after a grocery shopping trip.

My thoughts…MARVELOUS!

I baked it in one of her cast iron skillets. This cake is Paleo style which meant I used coconut flour as one of the ingredients. Coconut flour SUCKS liquids like nobody’s business. I added a ton of pineapple juice to the batter to get it to the texture I felt looked right. Once the cake was out of the oven, I decided to use up the rest of the cherries and pineapple by making a Cherry Pineapple Compote for a topping just in case the texture of the cake was too dry.

Man…it hit the spot. Super good. Vanessa wanted to try it, so Hannah and I loaded up and drove over to share with them. Even Donovan liked the cake. This is a good thing because my sons can be a bit on the picky side. I did good! 😜

Good News

Ok…so I have to share the good news BEFORE I talk about moldability. I can hardly sit still I am so excited about my life right now.

I feel free as a f***ing bird. Finally, I got through all the negative, death stuff Father has had me studying for oodles of years. IT IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok…so in my last blog post, I mentioned how I had concerns about the opening of the seven seals…among other things related to punishment, negative consequences, and all things death related. This is a vital part of justice. I KNOW this…but have struggled a bit with that portion of the future.

I am just not a fan of death. Not a fan of negative feelings. Not a fan of seeing people hurting. Seeing people hurt. Etc. I know this is a reality of life…death is part of life. Those are facts. However, I prefer life to be blissful and happy. 🤷‍♀️

After I finished the last post, I began working through the concept of negative consequences on a worldwide scale. Branching out of my little circle of life so to speak. Looking at real-time consequences for people.

First thing yesterday morning, Father and I began pushing through this stuff.


I said something to Him…that made everything click into place in my head and heart. SUPER COOL!!!!!

My sentence started like this…I don’t like to see innocent people. Then I stopped. Instantly…I KNEW the truth. I didn’t even finish the sentence. He does that to me often…interrupts me.

What I was going to say was this…I don’t like to see innocent people suffer…and die.

Here is the powerful truth. No one is innocent. Not one. We have all fallen short of His laws. All of mankind has broken Father’s laws. We are born broken…born into disobedience thanks to Adam and Eve.

I think of the pair often…especially while I am birthing a child. 🤨

I have questions for them both. 🤔

After this glorious little bit of truth was seared into my heart and mind, Father reminded me of the Old Testament. MANY times, He had the Israelites wipe out an entire nation…that included women and children…sometimes even the animals. Multiple reasons for this…all valid. He is righteous in ALL His ways.

Pruning the enemy…is a necessary part of LIFE. If you want death…keep the enemy in your life. 🤷‍♀️ I prefer peace…I prefer life.

sauce on the stove in an iron skillet
My Cherry Pineapple Compote. 😍 Mighty tasty!!!


Here is a truth I finally accepted with every fiber of my being. 100%.

This Earth…has to be cleansed. The people living on it…need to be purified.

Purification is a necessary part of His plan. It just is.

It is what it is.

That means…watching people struggle, suffer, and be in pain. Some of that results in death.

I know that is happening daily. Everyone struggles BECAUSE of their death choices. I get that and have been good with that for oodles of years.

What I haven’t been at peace about was watching people suffer because they are sacrificing for Christ. Choosing to die…to get life.

I know…makes absolutely no sense to me either. Please don’t try to understand me…I have tried myself and still shake my head at my own thoughts and feelings. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Here is the truth. You are going to suffer either way. Going to die either way. Christ is worth suffering for and He is worth dying for.

Servant Leadership

I have come to the realization…in order to get what I want on this Earth…I have to lead people into suffering. My job, in part, is to teach people to lay down their lives and kill their flesh.

I know what this means. For over 30 years, I have lived as a living sacrifice for Christ. I have been hesitant to lead people into a life I have lived. Honestly, I have been unsure if the cost was worth it at times. Choosing to sacrifice your life…is a hard work. 24/7. The mental struggle alone is a battle. The mental exercises it takes to live this way…build ENORMOUS strength within…but it comes at a price.

Servant leadership is putting others before yourself…with pure motives. Christ lived not for Himself, but for His Bride. Every second of His life was lived out for Her. He served Her. Christ is still serving Her. Everything He did…was for Her.

As a leader, He served everyone but Himself. This is how I have lived. This is how He calls us to live. We are called to follow Him. I am to teach mankind…the Bride…to live as we have lived.

Quite a painful way to live…and quite unpopular with the folks out there.

This is why I keep saying the so-called “prophets and apostles” in Christianity are NOT prophets. They are profits and apostates…this would describe them a bit better in my opinion. 🤨 They most certainly are not following Christ’s example…nor His teaching. Instead of teaching His harsh truths, they say what the itching ears want to hear.


Now that I am in full agreement with Father on this part of my job…I feel amazing! Absolutely AMAZING!

It feels like the weight/wait of the world has lifted off my shoulders. It is like I can breathe again.

Bobbi and I were talking on the phone yesterday, I think. Maybe it was the day before, Can’t remember. Pretty sure it was yesterday though. While on the phone, I was sharing with her my thoughts on the last seven years and what I have endured.

She makes me feel so good. 😊 One of the things that amazes her about me is my ability to forgive and forgive so quickly. Bobbilicious was saying…you aren’t bitter. You aren’t angry. You don’t hold onto any of it. That isn’t normal. People don’t live that way.

She is right. Most people hold grudges against people…and/or Father. I just can’t. Can’t live that way. It isn’t healthy. Remember I said earlier…not a fan of negativity? I don’t want it in my life…and most certainly not inside of me.

After seven years of being locked in a dungeon, you would think I would be angry. NOPE…not me.

I see gazillions of purposes to the whole shebang. It transformed my life in ways I still don’t understand. Every moment of it…was worth it. Would NEVER do it again…but super glad I made it through it.

The End Goal

I reached the end. Achieved the goal…to make it to the end of it. I want to see the other side of this thing.

I made it. It is over now. WOW!!!!!! I feel like Wonder Woman…for real. Like I have superpowers…but also, I am a woman in a state of wonder. Wondering what is next for me.

What I am seeing is incredible. Makes me giddy.

Whatever He has planned for me…will be good for me. It will make me super happy. I trust His plan 100%. For me. For the world. No matter what happens…it is what is best for all of us. All of humanity which includes little ole me.

Isn’t that WONDERFUL? I think so!

Hannah took the pictures of the cake. She was super happy with how it turned out.


I had doubts I would make it to the end. Serious doubts on repeat for years. Father told me…the only way out is to follow Christ through it. He was leading me to a place on the other side. Christ was the WAY…the only Way.

Tickled to say…all doubts are gone. ALL doubts are gone! Can I say that one more time?????

ALL DOUBTS ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodness…feels good to say.

I feel like now I can be sassy for fun instead of being sassy because He irritates the shit out of me. 😜

This morning, I checked all the boxes on my list. I have a list of topics I check on repeat to see where I stand regarding them.

EVERY SINGLE ONE…was peaceful and resolved. Good to go. Not one bit of negativity regarding anything.

This is a biggie…the money. It has been a source of contention for me for oodles of years. Over 30 years with NO wages. NONE. Lots of promises with nothing to show for it. On repeat, I have said…show me the money. Put your money where your mouth is…Chief Big Talk…Chief Talks a Lot.

Now…I KNOW the money is coming. He will pay me my wages. My harvest is here.

This mindset and heartset are HUGE!


Me thinks my heart and mind are healed…which is one of the promises He gave me 15 years ago.

Somebody is putting His money where His mouth is. 😍 Look at Him go!!!! Look at US go! WOOHOO!!!


That leads me to the purpose of this post. Let’s talk about being moldable, shapeable, and changeable.

One of my favorite subjects within myself. Actually, it is one of my favorite qualities about myself. 😍 I feel like standing tall. So proud of myself for being so pliable.

If you want to be a disciple of Christ…you MUST be moldable. It is A MUST. No getting around this.

It takes a humble submissive heart to allow Father as the Potter to mold and shape you into a usable vessel.

Somewhere on this blog, I shared how at the beginning of my journey with Father I asked for something on repeat…until He gave it to me.

Make me usable and use me.

Make me teachable and teach me.

KEY qualities! KEY. You are up the creek with no paddle if you lack these two qualities. Going to be a hard life for you without them.

He made me moldable, shapeable, changeable, and usable. He made me teachable and taught me.

One Hell of a painful ride, but it is over! Done. Finished. Finalized! 🤩

Somebody better give me a gold star!!! 😂

grandmother and grandson
Archer is my little cuddle buddy. This little boy loves to snuggle with me. Thrills me!!!!


Let me give you a bit more insight here.

Another concept that guides my life is this. Fixability. I LOVE this mindset.

Oodles of years ago, Father helped me understand some things about myself. These truths revolutionized my life.

Although I was an unclean, dirty woman…He could make me clean.

This is my take on it.

I am washable. I can step in the shower every single day…and wash the filth off. WOW!!!! What a relief. I don’t have to STAY dirty in His eyes.

There is More

Not only am I washable when I get dirty…when I am broken…He can fix me.

I am fixable.

See? I don’t have to stay broken forever. He can repair the broken parts and pieces of me.

Although I am impure, He can make me pure. I don’t have to stay impure.

IF I allow Him to mold and shape me…change me from the woman I am to the woman He wants me to be…I can become clean, pure, healed, and whole.

None of those past mistakes, messes I made, death choices I chose…have to define who I am. I don’t have to stay enslaved to my past self…or even my current self.

Father created man with the ability to change. For the good. See?

Somehow, He gave me the ability to see this many years ago. The day I entered into the covenant with Him, I started changing.


It helped me to accept me. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

I knew He was going to take the ugly in me…and make it beautiful. He alone had the ability to turn me around and make something of me. Something good.

That meant living inside of the purification fire…but it worked.

Somehow…can’t explain how…but this helped me to forgive myself for every little wrongdoing I have ever done…as I went along in life. It allowed me to show myself grace and mercy along the way.

When I have failed, I fall back on the concept…I am fixable. I CAN change and I WILL change. I won’t keep making the same mistakes over and over again. This woman will choose better next time because she will learn and grow from her mistakes. He will teach me as I go.

Father did teach me as I went along…BECAUSE I was humble and teachable.


I feel led to share a couple of examples about this concept. One is something I am changing presently. The other happened several years ago. Proof this old dog can learn new tricks. 🐶

I am 53 years old and just now learning I have been chewing with my mouth open…all these years. Something my parents failed to teach me I guess.

Lots of those lessons I missed out on from my childhood. Father made me aware of this issue and we are currently fixing the problem. At first, like always, I was horrified. A bit humiliated. Also…wondering why no one told me during ANY of those years. But…I am reminded I have always told Father…don’t want anyone else correcting me. If I have an issue, I want you to tell me. He has NO PROBLEM pointing out my issues.

The last few days, I realized His timing for fixing this issue…is rather perfect really. All my life, I have been on fast time. Always in a hurry to get somewhere. Super hard for me to slow down in my mind. My goal…was to get to my Promised Land. Couldn’t get there fast enough. Desperate to get there really.

Now that the work is done, I KNOW I am leaving. I FEEL it. Haven’t a clue what that really looks like either in the natural realm or the spirit realm…but I know it is beyond my ability to imagine something so wonderfully blissful. With this understanding, I am calm, peaceful, and mind-bogglingly happy inside. I can now sit still and slowly enjoy my food.

This means I can sit and focus on keeping my mouth closed. Chewing my food thoroughly and swallow before I open my mouth.

I am completely retraining my mind and my body at the same time. We are fixing an issue I have had.

Another Example

Since childhood, I have struggled with TMJ issues. As a teenager, they put braces on my teeth thinking that would fix the issue.

It did not.

Off and on for years, I would try different things hoping it would fix the constant tension I felt in my jaw muscles. Nothing ever seemed to work.

One modality that did help alleviate the pain and tension was having my chiropractor stretch the muscle from the inside of my mouth.


I had a love/hate relationship with this stretching. Hurt like a mother while he was doing it…but felt so much better when he was done.

I was getting real tired of having to go through this on a regular basis even though it was the best I had found up to that point.

During our discussion one day following his stretching, he said something that caused me to rethink things. I came home that day and started researching how a person is supposed to hold their teeth together.

girl on bike
Ahnalaya Ann has ALL the safety gear on. 😆

Better Late Than Never

You would think I would have thought of this long before I was in my late 40’s. Nope…this concept of having a proper posture of the jaw and teeth had just entered my mind. 🤷‍♀️

My attitude…better late than never!

While researching proper alignment, I checked how I was holding my lower jaw. To my astonishment, I had been holding my lower jaw improperly ALL THOSE YEARS.

Goodness. 🤦‍♀️ 😳

Again…I am wondering why no one told me this somewhere along the way. Could have saved me endless headaches, muscle tension, and pain. Years!

I was determined to fix the issue. The plan was…going to retrain my mind and ALL the muscles related to my jaws.

WOW!!!! That was a hard work. Killer.

Talk about muscle tension!!! Whew!! The pain got WAY worse for me before it disappeared completely. I fought valiantly to win that battle. Some days, I was so discouraged. Didn’t think I could do it…but I did it. I didn’t quit. Didn’t give up. I kept at it. Several months later…I no longer had to focus on how I was holding my jaws. I changed the default setting to a new one.

Today, no more muscle tension in my face. No more going to the chiro to have my muscles stretched. No more pain.

In no time at all, I won’t even have to focus on keeping my mouth shut while I chew my food. My default setting will have changed in this area too. The past issues will again be behind me…not in front of me.


Don’t ya find that beautiful?

I do.

We are a broken people…but Father made us fixable. He made us changeable. We are dirty but we are washable. He can wash all our filth away and make us clean.

There is something really beautiful about this concept…if you can receive it for yourself and accept it.

The grace shown to self…is priceless.

We make mistakes but we are forgivable. Man can learn to do better. We can DO better. We can BE better.

Man has no excuse to stay stuck in a rut of repeating the same mistakes over and over again. We all were created to change. Created for change.

Crazy crazy good if you ask me.

I can’t encourage you enough…be moldable. Be shapeable. Ask Father to mold you and shape you into the person He created you to be. Be the clay and let the Potter shape you into a beautiful vessel for His use.

boy on glider bike
Archer’s new glider bike. It makes me smile watching the grandkids. Being a grandma is the best.

Engulfed in Flames

Gotta share this funny little tidbit before I go.

I took a break to go to the bathroom. When I sat down on the toilet, Father said to me…engulfed in flames.

Wow…what does that mean? No answer.

I say to Him…I KNOW you can talk in full sentences…not just fragments, phrases, clauses, and keywords.

This concept of “engulfed in flames” could mean a gazillion different things.

Give me some more info here. Help me out man.


He reminds me of the fact before I was chained in Hell back in the fall of 2017, I was a SUPER passionate woman. LIKE FIRE…PASSION. You couldn’t find a more passionate person than I.

It wasn’t long after I was in Hell…the beast doused my passion real good with a water hose. Drowned that fire out completely. Gone.

THEN…Father brings up the vision of Elijah on Mt. Carmel…my favorite story in the Bible. Elijah doused that altar with water. So much water it filled the trench he made for the water.

Father lit that fire from Heaven…a fire so hot…it licked up the water…every bit of it.

I got what He was saying by “engulfed in flames.”

He is going to light my altar on fire and engulf me in flames. Passion. I am going to get my passion back. Like I had before Hell and my Wilderness journey.


I told Him…ok…in total agreement with this idea.

My thoughts…GO BIG OR GO HOME!

Let’s not play around with this. Don’t bring matches, a Bic lighter, or a blow torch. Bring a flame thrower.


If we are going to do this…let’s be extreme and excessive about it. 😍😜🔥


Let’s GO!


*Waving goodbye with a great big cheesy grin on my face.*


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