More Flowers

tree flower blossoms

As I was walking Tonto a few days ago, I noticed some flowers on one of the trees in the nearby woods. Just a few steps into the woods and I informed Tonto we had to go back home and get my camera. I am not sure why, but this dog loves when I pull my camera bag out. He goes ballistic…jumping, prancing, talking, and running to the door. What is even stranger is…while he is waiting on me to take pics…he gets bored and lays in the way. Every…single…time. He is notorious for trampling down the very flowers I am trying to take pictures of. Thankfully, these were on the tree above him instead of on the ground ending up below him.

This is one of my favorite shots. I like the colors in it. It makes me happy putting a smile on my face from my heart.

I know…takes so little to please me. 😂 It is still undetermined if that is a good or bad sign.

Flowers Make Me Feel Happy

For some reason, flowers seem to make my heart happy. Sounds strange…but that is me. It is a form of art. Part of the canvas Father paints on…displaying His creativity. Much like music. Different tones direct your emotions…like colors make you feel different emotions. Nature does the same thing for me…depending on the tones, the colors, the sounds, etc. I love the music water makes. It changes depending on the volume, the movement, and the location.

As I walk Tonto daily, I enjoy watching the flowers open up and process through maturity. It is truly a privilege to have the eyesight to see flowers unfold and display their glory. What is even better…to stop and smell their scents.

Take a break and enjoy the beauty around you. Appreciate nature!

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