Mother of the Homeland

child in bike ring

I have a tremendous amount of words to use under the title of Mother of the Homeland. Get comfy if you are not…this is going to be long.

A little behind-the-scenes info. I have really struggled with the idea of typing this post up for public consumption. The reason for that…I have more questions than answers at this time. I know my obedience moves me a step forward. Got no problems with the obedience part of it…just struggled with the fact I don’t have the answers. That felt wrong…until this morning. I realized this post is really for me…not the reader. If the reader gets something positive from it…great. However, I know when I type this up and hit publish…I will begin to get the answers I desire.

Obedience is the key that opens the doors for me…ALWAYS. If I want something from Him, I have to obey first to get it. Just how it works between Father and I.

That being said, I am publishing this to get the answers to the questions that have plagued me for years. SO MANY QUESTIONS! 🤨

Now that I have that kind of understanding, I feel good about typing this up. The purpose of this post…to me…is to process out loud on this blog…to get the answers when I am done with this task.

I am merely sharing here things Father has spoken to me over the years about myself and also about government. In addition to things He has said, I will be sharing my processing of those things. It is me working to separate the wheat/truth (His spiritual plan) from the tares/weeds (my fleshly thoughts and feelings.) Such an important process that has to be done to follow Him His way. The sorting is necessary.

mother and daughter pose
Love the goofiness!


I always try to use multiple photos to break up the long posts. I think it helps.

Hannah, Esme, and I recently ate a meal at a local restaurant. When walking to the car, I saw this historical building in this pic of Hannah and Esme. I stopped and stood there looking at it. In my mind, I said…I have to take a picture of that building.

Hannah comes up behind me and says…hey…would you mind taking some pictures of Esme and I with that building in the background.

I smiled…well…that was Father. ❤️💙 Now ya know how the photos came to be.


A little backstory. When I was pregnant with my oldest, I entered into the covenant with Jesus Christ. At that moment, I started seeking Father for certain things for my children, my grandchildren, my great-grandchildren, my great-great-grandchildren, etc.

I think in pictures, and I am always thinking about the future…especially the end. My thoughts are eternally minded. I think generationally. Past today and into tomorrow. Coming to the understanding that I was bringing into this world…an eternal soul…radically changed how I lived my life. Changed my thoughts about life.

I could no longer only think about myself. Could no longer think about today. I had to think about the end of life here and what was coming on the other side of that end of life…not just for me…but for my children too.

Also, I knew I wanted Father’s protection for my children…but I didn’t want it to stop there. I wanted it to continue into eternity. This mother wanted certain things for her children…good things…blessings. I wanted those passed down for endless generations out of love for all my seed.

It was at that time in my life, I said to Father…if you will give me a healthy baby, I will serve you all the days of my life and I will teach every child thereafter to serve you as well. It was a multi-generational vow. Into eternity vow. An eternal covenant of motherhood for me between Father and I.

This laid a foundation for how I asked for things from Him regarding my children. I would literally end my requests with these words…on repeat…for many years. I ask this for ALL my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren…ALL my seed…until I no longer have seed on this planet or until Christ returns. This includes ALL future children including those naturally born to me, adopted children, and spiritually born to me. It is all-inclusive to all my seed. All-encompassing protection and blessings.

Battle for My Children

This turned me into a Mama Bear of sorts. I have been fiercely protective of my children. When the enemy comes after my children, you will see Mama Bear rise up. I am firm on many things in this world. One of those things is this…the enemy can’t have my seed. My seed is off-limits to the enemy. I have worked too hard to see the enemy snatch away those that I have worked for and loved.

Sometimes, that means I have had to fight my children for my children. The flesh gets in the way at times, and I have to correct the children and get them back on the right path. That has included my adult children.

Sometimes I have had to battle family members for my children. People I have loved deeply…but who stand in opposition to what Father wants for my seed. Family members who oppose Christ and seek their own selfish desires for my seed.

Father has a plan for my seed…and we will follow that plan. We will be obedient to Him, and we will reap the blessings for our obedience. Those who try to stop Father’s plan…will deal with Father. As long as we are obedient, we are under His blanket of protection. Those who are not obeying have no protection. This is how it works in His Kingdom.

Those who are against Him will pay the price. I take great comfort in His protection for my seed.

Safety and Security

One of the things this mother wants…is for my children to be safe. That is the point of protection, right?

I want my seed to be safe and secure where they live. To be free from control, domination, manipulation, extortion, injury, death, and slavery…by the enemy.

That enemy includes the flesh of man and His ways…along with Satan and his demonic cohorts.

Safe to live FREELY without enslavement in all three bodies. Body, soul, and spirit. It is a long-held dream of mine.

Freedom for me. Freedom for my seed.

My delicious burger. Love me some whipped goat cheese! 😜


I have shared in a previous blog post about a conversation I had with Father years ago when Obama was reelected. I KNEW he was going to be reelected, but I didn’t WANT it to be true. Could barely look at the man. In fact, I rarely did. The night of the election, I turned the TV on for just a few minutes late that night to verify the results.

I turned it off and started sobbing. Crying out to Father for answers. I remember asking Him…what has happened to our nation.

I will never forget His response to that question. He said…judgment is coming to America, and she deserves every bit of it she gets.

Those words were the start of the spiritual conversation regarding America and where she was headed. After that, He would give me visions and words for the future. This radically changed my perspective of Father and also of America.


One aspect of my purpose is to set the captives free. For years, I have been fighting for my own freedom. This comes in layers. It is multifaceted. Very complex. Complicated. Father packs enormous amounts of data in a tiny little package. Crazy how intelligent He is.

I feel like I need to share about freedom from Father’s perspective.

The Bible says somewhere that the truth sets us free. Christ is that truth. Those in Christ are free. This concept is mind-boggling and confusing when you start digging into it. Many times, this concept alone has completely shut down my entire circuit panel. Not just blowing a fuse…but the whole panel blacks out.

Many layers to freedom.

An Example

Years ago, Father told me He wanted me to homeschool our children. Man…I thought that idea was crazy. Didn’t want anything to do with it. BUT…I obeyed. Turned out…it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. No regrets there.

My husband at the time wasn’t sure about it either. I told him…I can do it this year. If we don’t think it is a good fit, we can always put our daughter in kindergarten in the new school when we move. We were currently building a home in a different school district. We both felt good about this plan.

Within that year, we were both sold on homeschooling. Years later, our oldest wanted to attend public high school because most of her friends were attending there. She felt left out. I hesitated to approach her father on this subject. My fear was he would put her in public school. Turns out, I was wrong. He wanted her to stay home. His public school experience led him to that conclusion.

Also…it was Father.

I drove an hour one way to get her into a homeschooling group that had many children her age. It was a wonderful experience for the kids and I. We made many new friends and had great experiences branching out like that. Father’s plan was delicious. I cherish those years with my homeschooling peeps.

A Battle

Fast forward…all Hell breaks loose and we are getting a divorce. He had been having an affair and wasn’t willing to give her up.

Instead of things going amicably, he fought me on everything. Now he wants the kids in public school. We went from rarely seeing the man and him having little involvement in the children’s lives…to wanting to exert control. For a year, I fought for sole custody. I fought for the freedom to continue homeschooling my children as they had always been.

I followed Father step by step to gain our freedom. By appearance, that freedom looked physical only. However, that included body, soul, and spirit. I was determined to gain my freedom to follow Father in how our children were being raised. I made those vows…I had to uphold them.

During that time, I learned something about Father’s Kingdom. Repayments are required. I didn’t want to homeschool when He brought it up. I obeyed…but I argued. Fast forward in life, I was made to fight for that which I originally didn’t want.

He wants us to want what He has for us. When we fight…and later submit…we will be made to fight later for that which we didn’t want to begin with.

See how that works? Pretty crafty He is.

little girl playing in bike rings
I love this shot. She crawled through each of those rings. Also…she ran around them and climbed over them. 😂
woman taking photo of a girl
Hannah snapped this photo. I am always oblivious that I am being watched. Totally lost in my little world. 🤷‍♀️


One aspect of freedom is physical. Having the freedom to move around. Go where you want to go. To do what you want to do. Make decisions for yourself. To sit in a prison cell is slavery, right? Those who live in prison are being held against their will and are policed 24/7. They are enslaved to the rules and regulations of the prison they were placed in.

Same with sex trafficking. Those who are enslaved in this trade are physically made to perform for their masters against their will. They are trapped.

Same for the black nation who were enslaved by the white man in America. They were forced to do their master’s bidding…against their will. Trapped in a situation they wanted freed from.

If we set a person free from being sex trafficked. This person is now free physically. No longer are they forced to perform against their will. However, they are still not free in their soul and their spirit. One, they have tons of baggage in both places because of what they were made to endure. Also, they still have to interact with others who are flippant about sex on this side of their physical freedom. They continually encounter perversion in this world…the same perversion that enslaved them. Different people, different situations but the same spirit of perversion. Constant emotional triggers if they don’t work to get their freedom from them.

The Black Nation

Same with the black nation regarding slavery. The blacks were physically set free from slavery. Men fought for that…both blacks and whites…led by a white man. A white man was called by Father to set the black nation physically free. However, the same mindset of hatred rests within many people today.

That mindset is superiority and hatred. Man looking down on man for whatever reasons they choose…feeling superior to others. Plus hating them.

Many in the black nation are still enslaved to anger and bitterness toward the white man for what happened to their ancestors. This is slavery of soul and spirit. This is not freedom.

Many white men still look down on the black man.


It is found throughout this world in all nations. The black man is not the only one who experiences racism. Many Jews were exterminated in mass because of this issue. BUT…we need to look deeper at the issue. It is hatred.

Bullies will bully anyone for any reason.

One thing I say on repeat is this…the spirit of lust does not discriminate. He lusts after everyone. Like a man who will hump anything and anyone. Doesn’t matter the gender, the age, the location, the color of skin, the physicality of body, etc. The spirit of lust…lusts period. It doesn’t matter who you are and/or what you look like. He will take you if he can. It is perversion.

Same with the spirit of hate. He hates everyone. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is. Doesn’t matter what your age is. Doesn’t matter what gender you are…what class you are in. You can be rich or poor. You can be a child or the elderly. The spirit of hate…hates you and wants to destroy you. He wants you dead in whatever way he can get you there.

Your enemy is not the person who thinks and looks differently than you.

We need to stop hating people and start hating the spirit of hate instead. He is the root of this massive problem in mankind.

Lies and Deception

If you are someone who hates another person…bent on their destruction…then you are enslaved to lies and deception within self. You are not free.

So, if a black man hates the white man for any reason…he is deceived to think he is a free man. Same with the white man.

Both nations need to humble themselves and repent for their own hatred within. They need to be set free from the spirits of hate, pride, arrogance, superiority, selfishness, slander, malice, condemnation, rebellion, disobedience, anger, unforgiveness, etc. There is a LONG list of ugliness in the hearts of man who hates others in mankind. It is murder in Father’s book. If you hate someone in your heart…you have already murdered them in your heart. To Father…you are now guilty of murder.

Do you really want to have that on your list of wrongs when you stand before the Creator of the Universe?

mother daughter
The blue dress and the blue sky…so pretty.


Bondage takes on many forms. Crazy how much bondage man is currently in.

Man hoards bondage. Body, soul, and spirit.

Nations hoard bondage. Body, soul, and spirit. On every level.

The souls of men hoard lies and deception in their hearts and minds. Masses of people have no idea how to remove the weeds in the gardens within them. The world’s ways of coping with emotional trauma…are only management tools. Not tools to set the people free. Only Christ’s truth can set man free here.

The spirits of man hoard disobedience…acts and thoughts against Father and against their fellow man.

The nations do the same thing. They hoard in their soul…lies and deception. Hoarding disobedient acts and beliefs against Father and their fellow man…including other nations.

This is an abomination to Father.

Pollution at toxic levels.

The toxicity in this world overwhelms me. Hard to live here.

My Homeland

Back to America and my desire to understand where Father is taking this nation. I am still missing pieces of this puzzle. Can’t see the whole thing clearly yet. I have invested years trying to understand. I am getting there…slowly.

America is the land I call home…here in the natural realm. Heaven is my eternal home. Excited about getting there. For now, I am residing here.

I want something different for this land. I want her cleansed…body, soul, and spirit. Such an overwhelming task. Just the thought makes me tired.

I want a new nation. A nation like our founding fathers envisioned. A nation free to obey Father…how He determines man does that.

The concept of America the land of the free sticks in my craw. Yes, compared to many countries…we have freedoms others do not. BUT…stop paying your taxes and see how free you are.

Do you really own the land your house is on? What happens if you fail to pay the taxes on your property and/or your house?

Is your money really your own? Do you stop and think about how many times you are taxed daily? Everywhere you go…if you make a purchase…you are being taxed…against your will. You have no choice but to pay those taxes if you operate in this world.

Simba and Nala

I am sure somewhere on this blog, I have mentioned how Satan runs this world. He is the prince of this world currently. Since Father gave him that authority long ago, Satan has turned Christ’s Pride Land into a wasteland. It is the story of the Lion King.

It is time for a changing of the guard. That means the Second Adam…Christ…Simba is coming to reclaim and restore His Pride Land.

As the Second Eve, Christ is giving me the reigns…the authority to rule and clean up the Pride Land…before He returns. I have to get the people and the land cleansed so He can return for a pure Bride. A Bride cleansed and made ready for Him.

As Simba and Nala…Christ and I are partnering together to return His Pride Land to the healthy place it needs to be restored to.

It is THE Kingdom marriage of Christ as King and Father’s Queen…yoking together in unity to get the Bride purified…along with His land.


One way Satan operates in this world…specifically in America…is through systems. I am going to focus on America alone here because this is where I live and what I am seeking truth and clarity about.

As a strategist, Satan is brilliant. Every other way…a fool. His strategy is to conquer by division. Man…he does a great job of it. A really great job.

He has a series of systems, and each system is run by a specific demon. The purpose is the same in all. Divide, conquer, kill, and destroy.

Let’s just take the religious system as an example. It is such a great example. One many can relate to since Christianity is so widespread.

We have two extremes in Christianity. This is ONE branch in the religious system. Only one branch. Religion is divided up into branches. We have Christianity, Buddhism, New Age, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, etc. Then each religion is divided into other divisions. Divisions within divisions. This is what Satan does best.


In Christianity, we have one end of the extreme to the other on the scale. Liberals to conservatives.

We have Baptists, Church of God, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Methodists, etc. The list goes on. Then within that list, we branch off and divide again. We have all kinds of churches under the title of Baptist. Same with them all. They bicker, argue, bitch, and moan about doctrine, and before you know it…they split off into a new branch. They create their own church serving a new god they have built with their own hands. If you don’t like the church you attend…I am sure you can find one that will suit your beliefs for a time. Eventually, you will probably grow weary of that. Don’t like it…start your own. That is what man does. Satan uses lies and deception within man to bring dissension between men.

He is a master at this.

The root is humanism. Man wants to follow man. Man wants to elevate man. They want to be their own god. Satan knows this and uses it to his advantage.


The same applies to the political system. Liberals to conservatives. We have Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, etc.

Division. Separate everyone…have them stand firm on the lies and deception they believe. Let them fight and kill each other. Satan plants the seeds. Man waters them. Fertilizes them. Feeding them so they will grow big and strong. They will defend them to their death. Usually trying to kill the other person.

It is a battle…on every field. Pride and arrogance of man believing they know what is best…for themselves. For others. The nation. For the world.

The same applies to the medical system. Let’s have specialists for all the different systems in our bodies. Send one patient with many illnesses to many different doctors. Divide and conquer. The patients are given many medications…many times over-medicated. Medications canceling out other medications.

Patients are enslaved to the rules and regulations within the medical system. Enslaved by the insurance companies. The doctors and nurses are enslaved by the masters who write their paychecks. Don’t get their vaccinations…can’t work there. Don’t play by their rules…labeled rebellious.

Same with the Education system. I always tell people who complain to me about the school system…if you don’t like their rules…get out. If you enter their system, you must play by their rules. It is their game. They set the rules. If you don’t like them…don’t complain about them…just get out. Create your own rules in your own home.


The enemy’s agenda is total control…of the masses. He doesn’t discriminate. He wants total domination. World domination of the masses.

His agenda is to bring curses and death upon Father’s children.

I love the song by Poor Man’s Poison…Feed the Machine. It was written as a response to the agenda of governmental enforcement of control upon the masses during the COVID lockdown. I was amazed at how fear affected the masses. It was an incredible lesson for me.

I sometimes wonder what the creators of that virus and other viruses…think about the impact they have on the world. Are they proud of their accomplishments? What are they planning next? Who is funding their work?

I would like to expose them for who they are. Bring light into their hiding places and expose the little cockroaches. I think people should know what they are doing in the dark. They should be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

They should reap what they have sown. I want to personally expose the massive levels of corruption across the board…across this world. I want to shine the light of truth on what is going on in this dark world.

little girl playing cornhole
Esme enjoyed throwing the beanbags. 😍


The corruption in our governments alone is astounding to me. It is at every level. Federal, state, municipalities, etc. I am talking about down to villages and township levels here. Even in our homes and businesses. Leadership is corrupt…everywhere.

It is like yeast that works through the whole batch of dough. On the government level…it is in all three branches. Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Every branch from top to bottom.

I am always keeping tabs on various trials in the judicial system. Love justice. The Young Thug trial has been a circus from day one. I was thrilled to watch Brian Steel stand up to Judge Glanville. That judge needed the boot long ago.

In the Alec Baldwin trial, I was saddened to find out about the corruption of the prosecutors and the detectives in that case. I suspect Hannah Gutierrez-Reed will be released from prison soon and her conviction overturned. There is no justice when man operates in lies and deception. There is a list of people in that situation who refused to accept the blame for Halyna’s death and Joel’s injury.

Even when man doesn’t receive justice here…we receive it in Heaven.


Dad once shared a story with me about a friend of his. They had been friends for years. One day while Dad was at his friend’s house, his friend got the call to be placed in government. Dad told him…don’t let them ruin you when you get in there.

Years later, Dad said to him…they ruined you.

His friend shared a story with him. After voting his conscience one particular time…which was in opposition to the powers in control…he was walking out to his car. A man stopped him and said…you better be careful starting your car.

It scared Dad’s friend. He got the point. It changed how he voted in the future.

This is an example of corruption. Toxicity. Pollution. The hoarding within the souls and spirits in this nation. Again…Federal. State. Municipalities.

I want to expose it…on every level. Show the people the truth. Turn the lights on and see those cockroaches run for cover. Personally, I would like to burn it all to the ground and start over.

Only Father’s power can bring my desires to bear. I tell Him…give me the power and the authority and I will burn it all down. Give me the fire. Ready to go.

Homeland Security

I want to bring true security to this land. To the people. That is painting with a wide brush…and also tiny little brushes…at the same time.

Change must happen. It is time. I am always saying to Father…I am super impressed with your creation of the land. NOT so much with man. We gotta fix that.

I have been seeking Him HOW this is going to play out.

He has set me free from the lies/deception within. Also…set me free from the systems of this world.

It is common sense…you can’t set someone free if you are not free yourself. Unfortunately, we have a world full of people who believe they are free. Have the solutions to set the masses free. Believe they are called to set the masses free. They are deceived.

One struggle I have had with this concept of leading His children out of slavery…means I am going to have to lead them out of the systems of this world. At least that is my belief today.

He wouldn’t lead me out only for me to tell the people to stay in. A massive undertaking to bring people into that unity.

mother daughter
Love that little smile on Esme’s face.


When Moses led the Israelites into the Wilderness for their 40-year jaunt wandering around that desert, He Instructed them in Father’s law. He formed a government run by Father…not man. It was a Theocracy.

I want to reestablish a Theocracy/Monarchy for Father/Christ/Holy Spirit. In the Wilderness, Father’s children will learn to submit to Christ’s headship. We will come together to form a new nation. His nation. A nation truly under one head. His. The truth. This will set the captives free.

They will learn to love one another in unity instead of fighting to be right out of pride and arrogance. Man will learn to humbly bow before His authority and live Father’s way instead of the ways of man.

Dependency on Father will be on the agenda. My agenda is to establish Christ as the King of His Kingdom here on Earth. A Theocratic Monarchy. Father/Son/Spirit ruling and reigning on Earth.

Revitalizing the Pride Land. Restoring King Jesus’ honor. Christ as the head. The Bride His body.

Concern…if His children come out of the systems…huge implications there. Many questions regarding what this looks like. Separation of the sheep/goats.

Crystal Clear

Some things are Crystal Clear to me. America has gotten too big for her britches. She needs her ass spanked. We have many years of corruption built up within ALL these systems. America is guilty in Father’s eyes of committing many acts of rebellion against Him and humanity. She needs humbled. Reparations are owed.

The people in America who have made this nation an idol…have gotten too big for their britches and they need to be spanked. Correction must come and repayment must be paid. The people of America need to be humbled. They think way too highly of this nation. When you place anything and/or anyone above Father…you have just gotten yourself in trouble. He will fix that issue. Unpleasant payments will be owed.

Father will not spare His children from the rod of His correction. Discipline equals love. The prideful and arrogant must fall. The higher you elevate yourself…the greater the fall. This is why I always say…go as low as you can and stay there. If someone is going to elevate you let it be Him in His time. Any other elevation will only cause you great pain in the end.


Another Crystal Clear issue for me is the idolization of Trump by the people. Wow…this is really bad in America. It seems like people either really hate him…which is morally wrong. OR they idolize him…which is morally wrong.

Many in the NAR division of the Christian Religious System think he is like King David. No.

I do believe Trump will be humbled and bow before Father…but he has never been a man after Father’s heart. He is NOT a picture of King David. Don’t dishonor David in that way.

I have been watching the idolization for years…but after the failed assassination attempt…wow…he entered god-like status with the masses. OUCH! That is sticking in my craw. Not pleased with this development.

Months ago, I saw a vision of a failed assassination attempt. I knew it was going to happen; however, I had no idea how that would impact the people’s perception of him.


I will share some thoughts about the attempt.

It is Crystal Clear to me that those in control behind the scenes wanted Trump dead. They have been attacking him in every way they can to bring him down. Common sense tells anyone that an assassination attempt was going to happen if they couldn’t stop him in other ways. That is a no-brainer, right? They are fully invested in bringing the man down at whatever cost.

No one can convince me our Secret Service is that incompetent. Right? Highly skilled. Highly trained. Intelligent people are hired to be in that agency.

I was scratching my head at why we had short women on the detail as well. One was overweight. What happened to physical fitness? Why would any short person be assigned to guard a high-profile tall person? Why would a woman be chosen to guard a man?

Biology. I hate to break the news to mankind, but it is a biological fact that men are stronger than women. Exceptions…I know. A woman working out in the gym could kick a skinny man’s ass if he is a non-active male. The rule is…testosterone vs estrogen here. Irrefutable science. Although many don’t want to accept this. Are there self-defense tactics for women against men? Sure.

I struggle to understand the mentality of the world puffing up/feeding the feminist agenda of if a man can do it…then a woman can do it better. I don’t buy into that deception. Women should embrace the male strength. Let men do what they were created to do. Protect and provide. Encourage men to be masculine and applaud it instead of women trying to be tougher, stronger, and more masculine than men. Just another toxic issue in our world. The lines between genders and roles are blurred.

Thoughts about Trump

Father and I have been talking about Trump off and on since before he was elected the first time.

I am 100% convinced Father has plans for Trump and our nation. The reason the enemy failed is because Father intervened. I firmly believe He will win the election. Father has said some things about that. Those are some of the things I am processing and struggling to understand. His communication is clear as mud most of the time.

While I see some really great qualities in Trump, I also see he is a morally bankrupt man. A man who is enslaved to the lies and deception he believes. Just like the rest of mankind, he needs set free. He needs Christ as his Savior.

I found it fascinating when they were taking him off the stage at the rally. He stopped to raise his hand in victory and defiance so the people could see. It was well played for it did what it was intended to do. Stir up the emotions of the people. Like…we will stand and fight. We will not let them break us.

I get that in part. However, that feeds the flesh of man. It feeds the idolatry of Trump. It feeds the pride and arrogance of the people idolizing him. This tactic also feeds the idolatry of America

Making America Great

Here are some of my observations about Trump’s slogan of Making America Great Again.

Who is deciding what makes America great? Whose foundation is that plan laid upon?

Let me answer that for you. It is man. The flesh. The carnal mind. Donald Trump as President would determine by his own definition what and how America would become great.

Father has issues with this. This is man-centered. It is humanism. Man elevating man. See?

Father founded this nation…so shouldn’t He get to decide by His standards where America should be? How she should get there?

If we want a nation that is out of debt and blessed…then the only way we can get there is by doing it His way…not man’s. We must humbly bow and seek His thoughts and opinions on how He wants this nation to be led.

I would have preferred to see Trump humbly bow in front of the world in gratitude to Father for sparing his life, instead of arrogantly raising his arm to feed the flesh of man in our nation.

These photos of the power accessories make me smile. I said the next time I went back, I would snap some pics. Screams Father to me. Artistry. Music. Power. Order. Organization. Science. Communication. Etc.
Again…screams Father. Design. Intelligence. Engineering. Mathematics. Etc. How man can deny His existence is beyond my comprehension at this time. His attributes are plain to see 24/7 everywhere.

Founding Fathers

One of the great qualities I see in Trump reminds me of the founding fathers of our nation. These were men who sacrificed to establish our nation. They cared. Some sacrificed land. Businesses. All to lead because they felt it was their duty to their country.

I appreciate greatly that Trump stepped aside from his business to put America first.

Like our founding fathers, Trump has given to our country instead of taking from it. Most of the politicians in our government are there to take instead of give. They are there to be served not to serve. I appreciate his heart and mind in these areas.

Since I do believe Father is going to humble Trump for Father’s service, I don’t understand how this is going to play out.

We must form a new spiritual nation. A spiritual body…that body will include all of Christ’s followers globally…not just in America.

Currently, I can’t see how this is going to play out. I am missing puzzle pieces here. If we take His people out of the systems…yet He is planting Trump in the seat of President…and humbling Him while there…something isn’t adding up here.

It doesn’t make sense to me…to make a new spiritual nation while the people are enslaved in the systems. If they stay in…they won’t get free.


I am struggling to make sense of it all. 🤷‍♀️

The math is not lining up. Not logical from a spiritual perspective yet.

Well…I am done. This little teapot has been tipped over and poured out fully. My brain is fried, and I am no closer to answers from typing it all up. I feel empty.

Going to hit publish and wait for Him to speak.

I have a granddaughter wanting my attention.

Have a marvy day. If you stuck around to the end of this…congratulations and thanks for sticking with me.

Updates coming soon. I know the truth is coming!

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