New Story

leather notebook

I may have a lot to say about my new story. Get comfy! 😜 It is a suspicion of mine. I am a wordy girl.

Cool stuff is happening inside me. Feeling like a new person. SUPER COOL!!!!! I am loving the new and improved version of me. Father’s power is CRAZY COOL!!!!

Yesterday was an eventful day for me spiritually and emotionally speaking. Every day is a new adventure in the spirit realm for me. I am absolutely giddy about my future.

I have decided I am going to need a Personal Assistant soon. My life is getting ready to be crazy busy. It is my belief…I am going to need help. Over the last week, I have been mulling over this need. It excites me. FINALLY getting to the other side in this life story.

One of the visions I saw early in the morning yesterday…had a portion I feel led to share. I was in a school gymnasium. It was huge. It had been converted into a cafeteria. The people were waiting to be fed. They had come there to eat. Some were sitting at tables chatting while waiting. Some were standing around in groups or as individuals.

I was the chef. The cook. It was me who was in charge of feeding all the people present and more that were coming. I knew what I was going to feed them. In my head, I had a list of what I was serving up to the people. The menu was set.

In the vision, I walked through the gym and into the kitchen.

The Marriage Feast

Ok…this one is a no-brainer for me to understand. Easy peasy. Crystal clear!

It is the Marriage Feast. Oodles of years ago, He told me three times…Feed My Sheep. It is a picture of Christ telling Peter to Feed His Sheep after Peter had denied Him three times.

Christ’s body is built on Him…the Truth. I must teach/speak/feed the people His truth. Not man’s bullshit that is being taught currently.

One thing that excites me about this is that I was walking into the kitchen to feed the people. GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! Wowser Bowser man…been waiting so long for this to come to pass. 😳

Another aspect of this that gets me all pumped up about this image is this…I KNEW the menu. I knew what I was going to feed the people.


I have things this brings to mind pinned from years past.

Different comments from people that Father spoke through.

One…my spiritual brother Jeff telling me…sis…you will write VOLUMES of books.

Two…a woman telling me she saw a vision of me. I was a walking Bible. It is part of my destiny…to become the word…Truth.

Three…a woman told me once…Father said to her…Crystal has a LOT in her.

Four…MANY words of knowledge an old mentor spoke to me for years. One of those words was this…I know a lot about a lot of things.

This is important to me because it kind of brings me to a conclusion…one I KNEW intimately and intuitively…just finally cognitively became aware of yesterday.

Not only have I been hidden from the people, but I have been also hidden from myself.


I live a very crazy life. So not kidding.

father with daughter on dirt bike
Mitchell is pretty excited about the concept of Little Miss Mavis getting old enough to ride his very first dirt bike. Last fall, I watched a man offer him a stupid amount for the bike. Mitchell told him…it wasn’t for sale. Never will be. 😂 That a boy!!! The fam has always said…don’t ever sell it.

Move Out

After I saw this vision, I was saying to Father…I HAVE to get out of Hannah’s house. Like seriously here. I NEED to physically move out. It is such a strong desire for me to leave.

I was telling Father…I have been working for years on cleaning up my spirit man and my soul man. In that, I have also been co-laboring with Him to bring healing to my physical body. During this convo, I told Him…I NEED you to bring the three bodies into unity here…and now. I NEED the physical realm to match up…be unified…equal out to the spirit realm. I NEED them to come together here and now.

After my monolog, He said very clearly…move out. It is time to move out.

Wow…ok. STOKED!


Part of this conversation included some conclusions I came to some time ago. I feel the need to repeat myself to Him at times. It helps.

I am tired of following. We are talking over 30 years of being told what to do…down to the last detail at times. I am not my own. Bought with a price. It has been a difficult journey being 100% submitted like I have. I haven’t been allowed to make my own decisions. I merely obey.

Instead of following…I want to be followed. I want to lead. Me thinks it is high time for me to be the decision-maker here. 😜🤔🤷‍♀️

Instead of being the servant who obeys…I want to be obeyed.

Instead of being the servant. I want to be served.

This ole gal needs Him to back me up. Back up the words I speak for Him. I am His ambassador…His messenger. Time to be backing this stuff up here on Earth.

Part of this convo, I began to speak about the enemy and my need for the enemy to be taken care of.

This is what He said to me…so clearly…stretch out your hand.

grandmother with grandkids
LOVE my grands. They make life so much better. 😍

Mind Blown

Oh wow…stoked on steroids!!!!!!!

Think of Moses at the Red Sea…stretching out his hand to part the waters so the Israelites could cross over on dry land.

It is time for the Second Exodus to bring freedom to His Bride. We are moving out. Departure time has come.

So cool too because the other day, Hannah said to me…I feel like I am out of time or running out of time.

Then later, Father gave me clock visions and said to me…out of time.

I am getting ready to cross over the Jordan to enter the land I was Promised over 20 years ago. The territory I have spent all these years working to purchase. Blood, sweat, and many tears to own this land.

Hannah is getting ready to cross over the Red Sea and enter her time in the Wilderness for the training she needs. That is a picture for the Bride of Christ.

It is also The Marriage Feast. Me…catering this amazing meal so the Bride can sit and eat from the King’s Table.

Coach Crystal

In the afternoon, I got a call from someone wanting my help on a matter. The coach in me kicked in. We spent 40 minutes on the phone together.

When I got off the phone, I had mixed emotions. I was delirious with joy from the experience because seeing the issues and having the solution to fix it…man…that is an incredible feeling for me. Helping people transform their lives in a positive way for eternity makes me giddy inside. The conversation was incredible for me. The knowledge I have about LIFE amazes me. Sometimes shocks me.

It goes back to the list above of things people have said to me in the past. I have it in me. Yet…it is hidden from me most of the time. I have been so busy working on my own negative issues trying to get cleaned up that I forget about all the knowledge, wisdom, discernment, and understanding that lives within me. I fail to stop and look at the positive within at times.

At the end of the phone convo, we had several lists of things Father needed taken care of. I also offered my services for later if they got jammed up while working on the lists. I got super excited about thinking of how this is going to transform both the individuals in the marriage and the marriage itself. The advice on sex alone was priceless in value. I can hardly wait to hear and see how this changes their lives in the future.

It always reminds me of what Vanessa says…you have the fruit. I have ample evidence my teachings work. They transform lives for the better…eternally in Christ.


The other emotion I had after the convo was this…frustration that I am not doing this in mass.

Inside of me…I have the treasures of Heaven…and I am sitting here in hiding.

Now…I get there is a timing and a proper order in Father’s Kingdom. However, I am tired of waiting. I am ready to rock and roll here.

WHICH is why I am super excited He said it is time to move out. We are out of time.

Halle-f***ing-lujah! Can you tell I am out of my mind excited????? I would hate to be unclear about that. 🤨🤩

I am getting ready to Feed His Sheep…the masses. 🤯 The physical realm is getting ready to equal out to the spirit realm. See?

Oh my!!!!!!! I might faint…for real. My heart is doing the racing pitter-patter thing.

If this is His version of foreplay…I am lubed and ready for Him. 😜


Now…I know part of my teaching platform is my blog. Also YouTube. Those are clear to me. Understood.

I feel like there is so much more though. For years, I have been seeking Father for clarity on what all of this looks like.

As I have said before, I am hidden. For purposes. Also…hidden from myself.

If you have read any of my blog posts, you will know…I HATE that part of this walk.

Crystal is clear. Clearly Crystal. I AM Clearly Crystal. Right…what part of that does He not understand? Common statements from me to Him.

mother daughter
While Hannah was stretching, Esme was climbing all over Mom. 😍 She loves her Momma!!


While living in Colorado Springs, Vanessa and I discussed this time of my life…on repeat…many times. I felt like Father gave me some clarity on what it would look like in part. General stuff…not tiny little details.

I know membership is part of that. That is the Bride. The different people becoming members of one body…listening to one voice. His.

I am aware I will share teachings on my platform for people to come and read at their leisure. However, since the coaching call yesterday, He lit a fire in me. Man…burning within.

I want to interact with the people.

When Vanessa and I talked about it in Colorado, we thought about Zoom calls. Me opening up to the people to come on and ask questions. Also to do personal one-on-one coaching there.


Another idea I had…doing live streams on YouTube and/or Rumble. Allowing the people to interact with me there.

Yesterday, I started thinking about Dave Ramsey’s radio talk show. I would like to do that myself.

Have a show where people call in with personal questions and I can answer them on the spot. It is what I do…daily.

Hannah has a #CrystalonDemand thing she has done for years with me. That is her term for…I have a question. Ask Father right now and see what He says. I ask…and relay what He says to her. It works pretty good for us. Kind of fun actually.

grandmother with granddaughter
Love my little chunky monkey!!! It amazes me how quickly that baby fat falls off with the activity of a toddler. 😍


Remember how I call the people in the New Apostolic Division of the Christian Religious System…kingdom people? Ok…so the kingdom people I studied…are always spewing prophecies to the people.

One of the problems I found is they are sharing my story and telling people it is for the masses. Everyone is an Esther, right? Everyone is a Deborah. A Joseph. Everyone is living in the Wilderness and suffering for Christ.

That is bullshit. It is for one person and one only. Me. They are perverting what they are hearing. They are mixing it with their flesh. This is what He meant when He said He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh and man’s sons and daughters would prophesy.

They are mixing flesh with His Spirit. They are building for themselves NOT Christ.

I have been seeking truth on why He would allow this. The other day, He said to me…I am allowing them to mislead the masses because I want to expose their foolishness.

When I begin teaching His Truth…they will be exposed to themselves and the masses for the perverts they are. The world will see their foolishness.


He wants man…to see how foolish they are. These people puff themselves up saying how intimate they are with Father and Christ. They have elevated themselves acting as if they are special to Father. Like they are somebodies in His Kingdom…instead of the nobodies they are.

Meanwhile, I am working my ass off to see that I AM somebody in His Kingdom because I have been a nobody my entire life.

Crystal Ann does have intimacy with Him. I AM special to Him. I AM hearing from Him and listening carefully not to pervert what He is saying.

This is a relationship with Him. A DEEP one. This is NOT Him merely pouring words out and me picking them up and repeating them. I care about what He is saying, what He means, and why He is saying what He is saying.

You should ALWAYS pick the lowest chair farthest from the seat of honor. Let Him elevate you. Don’t assume you are somebody to Father you are not.

YouTube Live

The kingdom people in Christianity will give words to people. Saying they are from Father. Maybe they are. Maybe they are not.

A former mentor of mine had the gift of words of knowledge. He was a super humble man and operated purely in that gifting. He was not a prophet, but he did get words about people when He asked Father for them. Every word He spoke over me, my family, and my friends was 100% accurate every time. It was Father.

I had a friend who also had the same gift. When He spoke only Father’s words, they were 100% accurate. At times, he would mix his flesh with those words so I would have to sort the wheat (truth) from the tares (lies/deception.) I recognized Father’s voice…my Shepherd. Also, I recognized flesh when I heard it. It tastes, smells, feels, sounds, and looks different.

One of the kingdom people I watched during my studies of Christianity was a “life coach, apostle, prophet” who did lives. She would supposedly get words of knowledge for people who watched the lives and commented on the chat. After she was “led by the Spirit” to speak a word over one of the people, they would donate money to her.

Now…I am an open-minded individual. I want to reserve judgment and wait for Father to give me His truth instead of assuming. When I watched the replay of the live, I said to Him…show me the truth about this woman. Does she have the true gift of words of knowledge? Is she speaking words from you to these people?

Only He knows. I don’t know these people, nor do I know this woman claiming Christ.


He said to me…she is performing. Putting on a show for the people. She wants fame and fortune.

Ok…so I start watching to see what He sees. I am using my intuition and logic combined with Father’s Spirit to see what He sees.

I was so disappointed…and disgusted as I watched her “give words from Father” to the people. It was super obvious she was working out of her flesh.

One of the words for a woman was so blatantly bad…I was embarrassed. She told this one woman…Father said she had been having trouble getting pregnant. She wanted children and so He said she was going to get pregnant. The “prophet” saw twins.

The woman commented in the chat…NO! She was past childbearing age. 🤦‍♀️

The false prophet changed gears then and said they were spiritual children. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤨

That sums up very succinctly how bad that live went. A lot of misses.

My conclusion is this…I want to help people by actually telling them the truth. Live and in person…in real-time.

People are hungry to hear from Father…but these shysters are selling a bad product…leading these people to their slaughter.


I want to lead them rightly. The right way. His way. Lead them by truth into truth.

Not steal from the people. Christians are stealing from the poor. I feel like I am Robin Hood. I want to take from the rich and give to the poor.

The world is corrupt. The government is corrupt. Christianity is MORE corrupt.

It is run by thieves stealing from poor people. Making the poor people poorer while they get richer off the backs of those suffering to support their shysterism.

Did I mention I want my enemies taken care of??? Would hate to be unclear about how I feel about the despicable ways within Christianity. Slavery!!!

family selfie
Donovan’s happy little fam.


Let me give you an explanation of why I included photos of my family in this post. I have been doing A TON of family bonding since my sons are back in Indiana. We are all together again and loving it.

Recently, the fam was hanging out. Hannah, Bobbi, and Vanessa ran to Walmart for an item. Meanwhile, Malia and I had the grands. While we were sitting there watching the kiddos playing, Malia started sharing some stuff with me. Father pinned it.

One of the things she said was this. “I had no idea families actually lived like this. It is like something you would see out of a Hallmark movie…yet it is real.”

We talked about how beautiful our family is. I shared how I worked my ass off to build a family like the one I have.

Past Foundation

The family foundation I had while growing up was radically different.

On my mom’s side of the family, there were eight children. I remember many times going to Grandma’s house to see the family. The siblings had a thing they did. They would sit in the metal lawn chairs in a circle. Their conversations consisted of bashing every person they could think of. Thoroughly bashing people verbally. The local preacher was always shit-talked. They would go through all the neighbors. Also on the list were any and all family members who were not present in the chairs. That included siblings, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc.

I grew up listening to slander, malice, gossip, hate speech, condemnation, lies, etc. ALL negative.

The fruit of this behavior caused constant conflict, drama, trauma, strife, division, etc.

Never so glad to walk away from that chaotic mess. I was used to taking the brunt of the bashing. However, when they started on my children with their lies…I cut ties. Will never go back to that. Christ has a better way for man to live.

A New Story

I want to write a new story. Co-create/give birth to a new family for Father like I did the natural family I co-created with Father in my own home with my children.

(Notice in the featured image my new leather notebook? Hannah gifted it to me. The smell of the leather is delicious. Love sitting and breathing that smell in. The art embellishments are beautiful in my opinion. Excited about the idea of writing my story.)

It is my desire to teach the masses about love. How to really love people.

It isn’t ok to constantly bash people.

If you have a problem with someone…then you need to deal with YOUR heart issues FIRST.

I have always taught my children…you deal with you…no matter what the other person says or does. Your issue is yours. Theirs is theirs.

When the enemy is attacking you…you can’t fix that person…all you can do is deal with your own issues. Your responsibility is you. If you deal with you…then Father will deal with the enemy for you.

Hold your tongue…be kind. Be compassionate. Look in the mirror and deal with the negative stuff within self. When you change…Father will defend you in His time and in His way. Why? Because if you are being obedient to Him…and dealing with your stuff…your enemy is His enemy. He will take care of your situation.


Would you like to become part of my new family I am forming? If so, I am telling you…it will be hard work. I am going to say hard things to you. BUT…big girls do hard things. Big boys do hard things.

It is time for the captives to be set free. Time for weak people to gain strength. It is going to be a mighty workout in His gym. You will gain supernatural strength. Strength you didn’t know you could have.

While Hannah was sweeping the floor last night, she said something that Father pinned. She was saying…you have some workout programs. It would be really cool if our family worked out together. We could even make a fun competition out of it to see who could gain strength faster.

I love this idea. Been chewing on it. It would be so fun for the kids and I to work out together…outside of a gym setting. In our home setting. Traveling together and working out in nature. Almost afraid to tell Donovan. He would love the competition. 😂

I believe that is spiritually profound and prophetic.

Are you interested in doing a workout program I customize for you? Might be fun.


I am going to end this post with probably my all-time favorite YouTube video. I just feel like everyone should see this video and it fits so clearly into this post.

In past posts, I have mentioned I am a bit blown away by Danny MacAskill’s skill on the bike. The dude blows my mind…for real. All of these radical bikers do. Danny just happens to be the one that introduced me to that world.

The video is of Danny’s Gymnasium. His workout. 😜

I have seen some pretty impressive stuff in the gym over the years…but Danny…leaves me speechless. This skinny little man with such incredible strength…full body. His strength, coordination, balance, motor skills, etc…OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!! Uncommon strength built outside of merely lifting weights in the gym like what is common. Awe!

It reminds me of a vision I had a few years ago. It was this guy working out in the gym. The things he was doing took supernatural strength. Like superpower stuff. Christ, right?

Danny’s video makes me think of how Christ as a man has supernatural strength.

If you work out with me…you will develop supernatural strength like Christ.

Check out Danny’s video. It is a stunner. You won’t look at the gym and workouts the same again.

Have a Marvy Day!!!!

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