
duck with potatoes, asparagus, and sauce

The featured image is a fancy schmancy duck entree I ate at a restaurant in Silicon Valley a few years ago. I believe it was called Nick’s Place. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G meal. I mean that…SUPER delish. 😍 I like my food. 😂

Hannah and I were talking this morning on the phone. We got into a convo about me moving. We agreed…we can live on less…but you can’t take our kitchen equipment from us. The cast iron skillets, food processor, cutting boards, etc…are not optional items…instead…necessary items. Our family likes our food…and the equipment we have accumulated to make and enjoy said food. 😍

I have been camper shopping with Donovan and Vanessa lately. Each camper we step into, I look at how much storage is available for the kitchen equipment. This family can take less clothes…less of everything…can’t skimp on the kitchen stuff. 😜

Let’s switch gears a moment.

I have playing on repeat…Since I Met You Baby by Ivory Joe Hunter. LOVE his voice…especially when he sings the word happy. Father has serenaded me with that song in the past. He is doing it again today. Reminds me of a dream I had once where I was being romanced. It feels like He is doing that to me now. So sweet. Love. Love is in the air.

It is such a crazy wonderful feeling. It feels like I am lighter than air. Bubbly and effervescent. How flipping cool is that? Super cool if you ask me. Like a high. His highs are better than any other. Intoxicating. So so good. I am a happy happy woman!!!! 💙❤️🔥

The Story

SO there is a story behind the duck entree above. I feel led to share. 😆

When traveling, I used to take all my meals with me. Precooked and in the cooler. On this trip, Father told me to eat out for all my meals. I was pretty stoked about this idea because that meant I would actually find places that would accommodate my dietary restrictions. That isn’t easy…unless I eat at higher-end restaurants. Pricier.

I need chefs…not line cooks. Chefs have the ability and the flexibility to change things up with less common ingredients. I have found chefs to be delightful to work with about my food choices.

Also, when traveling, I typically use Trip Advisor to find local places that have great reviews. It is my favorite traveling app. Has been for years.

I found Nick’s Place while Hannah was at her conference. When I picked her up, I told her we were going to eat dinner there. We arrived a bit early…never a problem for me.

The Bar

Since we didn’t have a reservation, we sat down at the bar…directly in front of the female bartender. I was out of my mind thrilled about this. I was going to enjoy the show. She seemed nice and personable…so I started chatting with her.

I always have a ton of questions. 😂

This male waiter comes over to also chat with her. I engage him in conversation as well. Before long, it seems like the three of us are great friends.

I share with them about my dietary restrictions. It was like the three of us were on the same page. We were jiving and gelling. It was WONDERFUL. Our waiter goes back to the kitchen to ask the chef a few questions. When he comes back, he has a plan.

The featured image is the final plan. WOW…what a PLAN! So freaking good. Makes you want to say “bad” words in such a good way.

I can’t do white potatoes, but the chef had these little purple ones. He wanted to know if I could do those…INDEED. SOLD!!!

He made a special sauce for me to avoid the no-no list of ingredients. That food made me fall in love with that man. He was TOPS in my book. Goodness, that meal was good.

I love my food.

woman in car
Here I am waiting for the restaurant to open up. Pretty excited about trying the place out.


I had so much fun sitting there chatting with those two. In my opinion, I think the male waiter had a thing for the female bartender. He was very attentive and kept coming back…often. Now I was fine with this because the two of them had great personalities and made our time there…WONDERFUL.

The food tastes better when you have great company. Don’t ya think? My grandpa always believed food tasted better sitting at the table with the people you love. I think he was on to something there. 😉

By the time the evening was over for Hannah and I, I hated to leave our two new buddies.

Night #2

The next day, I drove Hannah to her conference. All day long, I was thinking about my dinner. I tried to find another restaurant that felt right to me…but I just kept going back to Nick’s Place in my mind. Finally, I decided…it was Father.

I was going back for a second round of that duck meal. 😂

It is typical for me to obey Father…not typical for me to return to the same restaurant two nights in a row…and eat the same meal.

mother and daughter at restaraunt
Loved our photographer! ❤️ Super sweet waiter.


When I picked Hannah up, I told her…I am going back for another round of duck. You have two choices to pick from. One…you can eat at the restaurant with me or two…you can choose a different place for you. If you choose something different, we can get our meals to go…and find a spot to watch the sunset while we eat.

She loved the idea of watching the sunset somewhere. While I was driving, she perused the choices available for her.

When we entered Nick’s Place, she decided to eat with me there instead of getting something else. I asked the hostess if our waiter was working again. He was…so I said…I want him. Seat me at one of his tables.

She did.

The Good Lord

As my dad always said…the good Lord is smiling down on me. I felt that both visits. Our wonderful waiter was glad to see us. (I am a great tipper…besides being fun. 🤩) We were seated at a table outside this time. Our table was right in line with the window so we could see our female bartender. She waved at the two of us when she saw us sitting there.

Two blessings happened that evening for us.

One…the bartender sent Hannah out a non-alcoholic drink on the house. At the time, Hannah was pregnant with our little Esme. It was SUPER sweet of our bartender. Made us feel loved. We had made a sweet connection the evening before. If felt good.

Secondly, our waiter wanted the chef to meet us. He brought the chef out to our table to interact with us. I was thrilled to meet the guy. Happy to get to share with him personally my thoughts and feelings on his food. It was the highlight of our meal.

I was sad to leave the area after I made the connections with the locals. They were sharing with us many different things we should check out while there.

We couldn’t stay any longer. I was in a hurry to get to San Fran. Father had an appointed time with me on The Golden Gate Bridge. I was anxious to see, hear, know, and understand what He had for me there.

I love traveling. Sure hoping Father will let me get back out there in the world again soon. I am ready to go. Ready to leave. Itching to see the sights again. To come out of the darkness where I am hidden and into the light…the spotlight for all to see. I need some SON.

Have a MARVY freaking day!

Planning on it myself. 🥰

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