Now You’re Messing With

beaver work

Father speaks in themes…a lot. I like that. Frequently, He will download a bunch of information on one topic during a season. Then later, He will add to the foundation of that topic…adding layers upon layers of truth. Very efficient. It feels to me like I am a dry sponge. He pours the water on me and gets me good and saturated…then lets me soak it all in for a while before adding more water. The water is His word…truth. I sit and soak up His truth.

A topic we have been discussing for several years is justice. He keeps adding layers of truth to the foundation He has already laid in me regarding justice.

Over the last few weeks, He has been pouring more truths about justice…into me. As He adds…I just get more and more giddy-like. Giggly. Giddy. Gleeful. The understanding is incredible. Makes so much sense…everything makes so much more sense. All of life. Heaven. Hell. The world. Etc. I keep calling Vanessa to share it all with her. Gotta tell someone. 😍

I want to share it all on this blog…so badly. BUT…it is in His time…not my own. Soon. Hopefully soon.

Controversial Post

I would say this post is going to be controversial for some. Crystal is really good at triggering the religious folk. 😜 I have acquired quite a knack over the years for getting the religious zealots all stirred up. When I asked Father about this post…like…are you sure you want me to type this baby up? Not like He is insecure or anything…but I was thinking…I am going to sound arrogant here. I LOATHE arrogance of all kinds.

As a person gifted with ENORMOUS amounts of humility…my first thought is always the same…I check my heart. Always…I always check the condition of my heart first. Am I in disobedience here? Am I wrong on some level about something? That is my go-to…assume I am wrong. Take it to Father and be corrected first if need be. This is what I have done now for thirty years. My S.O.P.

It is the standard by which I operate. Always assume I have no clue what I am talking about compared to Father. Verify. Fact-check with Him before proceeding any further. Saves me TONS of heartache down the road when I discover I was wrong and now I have to repent while He is cleaning up the mess I made. 😩 OR worse…I get spanked. He has no problem paddling my rear end. I avoid that at all costs. That would be wisdom on my part. See? Learn from my past mistakes. Don’t let the ass pain be in vain. 😳

The Red X

About a month or so ago…I saw a tree. On that tree was painted a red x across it. I KNEW what that meant immediately. I heard the scripture about the axe being at the root of the tree. The tree was dead. Producing no fruit so Christ wanted it cut down. Judgment coming to the tree.

This morning, I saw a man…running to the tree with the axe. It is time to cut the tree down.

As always when I do a post, I said to Him…if you want me to do this post, you gotta give me the pictures to go with it. Instantly…I saw these photos I recently took of some fresh beaver work. Nature fascinates me. I know beavers can be a pain in the rump for those who own bodies of water…but listen…you gotta admit…beavers are cool. The abilities they have are phenomenal. Can you gnaw down a tree with your teeth??? Reminds me of my favorite parts of the book of Job…when Father asks him if he created the horse. I love how He wants Job to take it like a man. Answer Father…did he create the universe? Did he create such majestic animals?

We all need put in our place at times.

The arrogant need taken down and shown who they really are. AND…shown who they are compared to Him.

Just as the beavers can chop down a mighty tree…so can Father.

Time to Pay What is Due

This morning, Father began to sing a song to me… as He serenades me every single day. This is where it gets controversial for some.

He was singing to me…AC/DC’s…Son of a Bitch.

He repeated the chorus over and over and over again. Has been singing it all day. His point? NOW people are going to see who they are messing with. HE IS ONE BADASS. They are going to see Him as a Son of a Bitch.

Debts are owed…and He is going to make them pay. Pay out their nose. Think mummification.

Listen…He isn’t so blind…He can’t see what the enemy has been doing. He is our Accountant. He is our Judge. He has been keeping a tally. Got the ledger on the desk. There is a record of ALL transgressions and debts…the loans are coming due.


I have been seeing and hearing things.

Air strikes

Bombs dropping. I have seen the bombs dropping…along with the explosions and the devastation on land.

I am hearing…wars and rumors of wars.

Pharoah…Pharoah has not wanted to let the people go. Not wanted to allow the slaves to be set free…HIS PEOPLE. His children. Christ’s Bride.

Pharoah and his army…the plagues are coming for you. You will KNOW who He is when He is done with you. You will KNOW who I AM…when He is done with you. Your arrogance will take you down. He will destroy you. Take everything you held dear to you…away from you.

King Nebuchadnezzar…you will be driven to madness. You will wish you had never been born. You will rue the day of your birth…for eternity. You will become the laughingstock of society. Banished. Driven out. Rejected by all you claimed to love. Your reputation will be destroyed, and you will stand naked before the world as the arrogant monster you are.

As Tattoo on Fantasy Island used to look to the sky and yell De Plane…De Plane…you will look to the Heavens and scream…the PAIN…the PAIN.

beaver work
Fresh beaver work…just outstanding to see.


For years now…I have been saying to Father…you want to win my heart back…I got one word for you. Trump.

You must make it right.

It is time for Father to play His trump card. The Trump card always wins. It trumps all other cards.

Man wants to play games with man…with Father. Father is the Creator of ALL games. You don’t really want to play games with Him. He is the winner. You are the LOSER. Put a big fat L on your forehead. Tattoo it there…for that is who you are for going against Him. NO MORE games.

He is taking names. He KNOWS who has been naughty and nice…and those who have been naughty…your loans are due. WITH interest.

Paybacks are HELL.

His scales of justice…SWEET!


Man has this crazy notion that MAN can bring about justice in this land.

No court system here on Earth…can repay YOU what man has stolen from you. This system…a slap on the wrist for our offenders here.

But let me tell you buddy…His system of justice…KNOWS true justice.

For those of you who have been naughty…not nice…who have been arrogantly disobedient…hiding like cockroaches in the dark…He is getting ready to TURN on the lights. You are going to be exposed. Naked in front of all to see. You are going to be turned over on His knee and spanked in front of the world.

You refused to bow before Him in your bedrooms so He will bring you out for a public trial so ALL can see your rebellion. Your arrogance. Your disobedience.

He has been patient with you…but His patience is now over. He can no longer tolerate your rebellion. Just you wait and see!!!!!

Front Row Seat

I have been asking Father for several years…can I have a front-row seat to this show? Can I have some popcorn to eat while I watch the enemies’ destruction?

He has repeatedly said to me…enjoy the show. It is a horror show. They revel in death. Love their horror movies so they will become the main characters in their own show of horror. Their own haunted house. Death. Destruction. Night sweats. Terrors. Night tremors. Terrified to go to sleep at night. Demonic oppression from the same demons they have consorted with.

Can I just say to you??? I am giddy about this show. I can hardly wait to see Him show them…just who they are messing with…A BIG BAD SON OF A BITCH. I think I am going to make the song an anthem until the show is over.

Power. Glory.


The other day…Father said to me…love as I have loved.

I didn’t understand that. Why would He say that to me when for 30 years I have loved so many people and so deeply? I HAVE loved as He has loved.

Then He explained.

Another truth about justice.

He LOVES man so much…that He gives them what their hearts desire.

When they desire death…He gives them death.

When they desire life…He gives them life.

You want death? He will give you death…and ALL the consequences that go with it. Curses. LOTS of them. He will fill your belly so full you will vomit them up and they will become a stench to your nostrils. You sow death…you reap death.

Death is Here

Death is here. It is time. Time for the scales of justice to prevail. The truth will prevail. It is a promise. Justice will be served up on all those platters of all the people who have considered themselves kings and queens. Royalty…reveling in death. You want death? Death will be served up to you. Like in Egypt when the smell of death filled the country…so death will permeate the death camp. You will be sick of the death you have been serving up and celebrating. You signed your covenants of death and so you will be given what you asked for. You signed up for death…death you will get.

Death. Destruction. Devastation. Disease. Diarrhea and vomiting of the mouth. Darkness. Hatred. Rejection. Madness. Terror. Demonic oppression.

Death is coming for you. The axe is at the root of the tree. YOU will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

Eat it and choke on it…for you are messing with a SON OF A BITCH.

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