Number Five

man with pinata

Ahnalaya Ann recently celebrated birthday number five. I am constantly amazed by how time seems to fly. Crazy how fast time seems to move.

I remember telling my dad he was going to be a great-grandfather. I was giving him a hard time about how old he sounded. He let me tease him, then he started in on me about being old enough to be a grandmother. Now I have four grandkids and it seems like they all appeared in the blink of an eye. 🤯 Somehow my body has gotten old, yet my mind feels young and ready to conquer the world. Funny how that works.

family outside
Archer is retrieving one of the gifts.
kids outside
Ahnalaya Ann found another present.

Vanessa planned out a scavenger hunt for Ahnalaya Ann to locate her birthday gifts. They were scattered out all over the yard, so the kids drove around in their little vehicle to collect them all.

The kids enjoyed the activity. We adults…followed them around the yard watching the excitement unfold for them both.

Oh the joys of being a child and no responsibilities or cares of this world. 🥰

little girl with birthday presents
All the birthday presents have been located now. The scavenger hunt is completed. 😍
dad and daughter
Ahnalaya Ann opening up the camera I bought for her.


Part of the party, included a dinosaur pinata Vanessa made for Ahnalaya Ann. It was huge.

The best part of the whole thing was watching Donovan destroy the dinosaur. We have video…lots of laughter throughout. The dinosaur was very well made. Sturdy and hard to destroy…but Donovan was up for the challenge and did a fine job of it.

Adults can have fun at parties for children as well. 😜

I am so in love with my kids and grandkids. The last six years of struggles has built a tight knit bond I wouldn’t exchange for any amount of money.

I am a very blessed woman. Full of gratitude for the family I have.

The dinosaur was as big as Ahnalaya Ann. Vanessa out did herself.🤣💙
mom and baby in hammock
Miss Mavis fell asleep during the opening of the presents. Sweet baby! ❤️

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