
During a weekend trip to Nashville last summer, I snapped this photo at The Parthenon. I love the mood of it.

This guy was just sitting there. To me…he looked peaceful and super chill. Very relaxed and content with the quietness of his space. Kicked his shoes off and was lost in his own little world…population one…there in that public space. It reminded me of me. 😆 He made my heart smile. Such warm fuzzies ya know?

Besides loving every aspect of the guy sitting there so chill…there are many other reasons I like this photo. I love patterns, symmetry, lines, shapes, colors…all the stuff that can make wonderful pieces of art. The patterns, lines, and symmetry in this photo make me happy all over. It feels like the world is in order…organized and everything is exactly where it should be. In their spot. Everybody is singing the same tune and the orchestra is playing good music. A soft, peaceful tone/mood but also a happy one.

I also love the height of the Parthenon…the dimensions. The pillars are ginormous in size and my eyes go to the very top of the photo. I want to see all of the pillars. While I was standing there…I took pleasure in the height and circumference of those babies. They are glorious in height.


This guy looks so small in comparison…love that. Reminds me of how small we are compared to Father. Too many people think they are big…when they are really a tiny portion of one megapixel in a massive-sized image of this world. Man tends to think too highly of himself. Elevates himself up on a pedestal he has no business being on.

I hate being low but I prefer that to being knocked off and having a great big fall. Think Humpty Dumpty…didn’t end well for him. Don’t be Humpty Dumpty. Falls are not fun…especially at 51. They get a bit scarier the older you get. 😂 They hurt more. Do more damage to the body.

Stay low. Low as you can go. I mean be humble if you didn’t get that. 😉 Pride comes BEFORE a fall…that is why you fall. See? He pushes you off that pedestal you built for yourself. If you have built yourself a pedestal…demolish that thing before He does. WAY less painful…not pain-free by any means…but less painful than Him destroying all the pillars you have erected to support your platform.

Pillar of Strength

I think one of the other reasons I love this photo…is…the pillars remind me of His strength and support. How we can feel safe and take refuge in His strength when things around us are chaotic. This particular day, it was raining. Quite heavily at times…like one of those gully washer downpours. I loved the safety and refuge of this building. It was really sweet to sit under the pillars and watch the rain…along with watching the people running around in the rain trying to get out of it and back to their vehicles. I am a people watcher. I find people fascinating.

To me…it feels secure to be able to lean on Father for safety in this world. He is THE pillar in my life. What is even better…is…He doesn’t come crashing down on you.

You know how when someone lies to you…it is like they pull the rug out from under you? Well…that is truth…the belief you were standing on…wasn’t secure.

His truth…is secure. It is rock solid…the concrete foundation that can NOT be pulled out from under you. That is what His pillar of strength feels like to me too. Rock solid. Not going anywhere. I can lean on Him for understanding and strength all day every day and I am secure. All good.

There ya go…some of my thoughts on The Parthenon. I hope you can get some enjoyment out of the picture and the peaceful young man sitting there.

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