
lens ball at beach

I have had this partnership post sitting behind the scenes for over a month now…just waiting on the words to start flowing. I had the title and the pictures…but the words wouldn’t flow. Every single day…all day long and through the night…I am working on puzzles, riddles, crossword puzzles, games, and mathematical story problems in the spirit realm. Multiply that by years. Story of my life. Absolutely exhausts me in every way.

Another exhausting aspect of this journey is trying to share it with someone. What I see in the spirit realm is…one…beyond my ability to comprehend. Two…then I am expected/commanded to convert that into something someone else can understand with my measly explanation. I always use this analogy. Imagine the highest form of mathematics available to man…switch that into spiritual math. I have to work the spiritual math problems and understand them first…then convert them back into a way to explain that to natural man at about a fifth-grade level.

It literally causes me pain…in all three bodies. Spirit, soul, and physical. Indescribable. The fights I have had with Father over this alone would fill volumes. Not kidding. Why He puts up with my mouth…I do not understand. I have said on repeat for years…how did I get here. 🤷‍♀️

Some time ago, He said to me…”don’t fight the current. Just flow with it.” I stopped fighting…just not complaining. Blowing a little steam off helps now and then. Like a pressure cooker building up pressure…instead of blowing my top…I have to release the steam a bit at a time.


Dialect Barrier

The above screenshots are of a convo Hannah and I had once. Father had me pin it…which led me to the conclusion I would be using it in a blog post. I was right. 😜

When she asked me for a recommendation of a Louis L’Amour book, I never had a thought about the way Echo Sackett speaks in the book Ride the River. I have listened to that book MANY times over the years. Hannah’s reaction to the “dialect barrier” was super amusing to me. I love her statement…it was like another language for a minute. That reminds me of prophecy.

Father’s ways are not our ways. The way He speaks…wow…so over my head. Truth, right? It is divine consciousness. The source of truth is outside of man. Above man. Way above man’s head. Above our finite minds and our piddly ability to comprehend.

Can I just sit this right here?

I have a love-hate relationship with prophecy. While I greatly appreciate the fact Father wants to be intimate with me…and communicate with me, I absolutely loathe the fact I haven’t a clue what He is saying to me.

On repeat, I have said to Him…what part of clearly crystal…crystal is clear do you NOT understand???? Speak clearly to me. Why would you speak to me in a language you know I don’t understand?

Universal Translator

Have you ever watched Star Trek?

Any time the crew meets up with aliens…the universal translator allows the crew to communicate with the aliens. MOST of the time.

Holy Spirit is our universal translator who clears up the dialect/language barrier between the spirit realm and the natural realm. MOST of the time. If you keep dogging Him like I do…you will eventually get clarity.

Goodness though…it is work. Takes determination in the extreme land of excessiveness.

I give Him a hard time often for being so difficult to be in a relationship with. 🤨

wooden path in woods
Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven. The Truth is the narrow path that few will find.
woman in front of burnt tree
Huge tree in the mountains of Santa Cruz, California. Signs of a forest fire long ago. Some fairly steep hiking…reminds me of walking with Christ His way. 🤨 Burning your flesh in the fire is a HARD path to walk.


Ya know how I have written blog posts about the Christians who are all claiming to be prophets and apostles? So many people calling themselves prophets…it boggles my mind. Like…mind-blown kind of stuff. 🤯 As if the office of a prophet is so easily attained. All you have to do is hear words from His Spirit and regurgitate them with your fleshly interpretation of them. Let’s mix a little of our flesh in with His Spirit so we get it all good and muddy for the people.

They seem to have missed the scriptures that say in the last days He will pour out His Spirit on all FLESH. The sons and daughters of MAN will prophesy. He doesn’t say…MY sons and daughters will prophesy. He says YOUR sons and daughters. What words He uses are just as important as what words He doesn’t use. What He doesn’t say is just as important as what He does say. You must listen to the words and seek His meanings…not just hear the words and assume you understand what He is saying. Lots of ears to hear…but not hearing. Not perceiving what His Spirit is saying.

With that being said…I have struggled with this in the past. I am sure if you scroll back, you will see the struggles I have shared. LOTS of convos with Father to work through the irritation with it all.

What really baffles me is this. From day one of receiving my first word of prophecy, I struggled. It hurts my brain. The language barrier…never means what you think it does.

To assume you know is foolish. We have a LOT of fools out there arrogantly claiming to be prophets of “God.” They are their god.


I have watched thousands of “prophets” say on repeat…they only say what “God” tells them to say. They are just obedient servants. 🤦‍♀️

Yet their words of prophecy are perverted by their flesh…or worse…the words are only flesh.

THEN…the comments are just as bad. Thousands of Christians also claim obedience. Claiming blessings they haven’t earned.

Blessings come with obedience. Curses…or negative consequences come with choosing death/disobedience.

lens ball at beach
Vanessa graciously and quickly held this lens for me…before the sun started to heat up her hand. 😂


I am always perplexed by this. How is it…that I struggle so damn hard WORKING 24/7 to understand the words He speaks to me? Then these social media “prophets” fly onto their platforms to share prophecy every minute of the day WITHOUT hesitation? No worries about what He means by the words.

I have been living these prophetic words out for years now, and still struggle to understand what it all means while they are sharing the words as if they KNOW what they mean.

How does it work that way? Why is it working that way?

How do these people flippantly call themselves a “prophet” who speaks for Father? How do they care so little to understand what He means by what He says? I am wondering how they don’t doubt. Why are they not questioning what they are hearing and questioning their interpretation of what they are hearing?

I have a thousand questions every single day. The questions never stop. I keep digging to find the truth behind the words. It never stops for me…until I am immovable…which has taken YEARS for certain aspects of this story. Y.E.A.R.S. Not moments…YEARS.

Daily, I see Christians prophesying something they literally just heard. They jump on to post it so they can feed the flesh of man…say what the itching ears want to hear…while I not only heard that same prophecy MANY years ago…I have lived/am living it out…and I am STILL seeking understanding from Father about it. Still digging for the truth. 😳😳😳 Did you catch that? I am walking it out in real-time and STILL wonder what and why daily.

feet on a sandy beach
What are you standing on? The truth…which is the Rock…or lies/deception…which is the sand? It matters where you plant your feet.

Sand or Rock?

I can’t stop asking until I am 100% convinced I am standing on the ROCK…truth…NOT sand…lies and deception.

When you build on the sand…your kingdom will fall. I have to walk by faith which are convictions of His Truth…not by the foolish words of man. Leaning on your own understanding will lead your house to be washed away by the rising tides.

For me, I don’t take ONE step until I am 100% convinced it is TRUTH from Him telling me to move forward. Sometimes that means…I don’t move for a while. I stay still and wait.

It is never wise to get the cart in front of the horse. Patience is key.


On this blog, you will find many things Father has said to me about the future. Some of this stuff I am 100% sold on…rock solid. Some of it…I am still unsure about it. I am doing the best I can with the understanding I currently have while still seeking understanding. I have told Hannah in the past…I need you to allow me to make mistakes while I learn and grow. For me, I see myself as a student. Every day, I sit at my desk while Father, Christ, and Holy Spirit teach me.

I take a lot of tests and a lot of pop quizzes. Sometimes I bomb the whole thing…some days I get an A+. Got them all right.

I celebrate the good days and learn from the bad ones. Mistakes are opportunities to grow.

That being said…when I share ANY prophecy, I do so sheepishly. SUPER hesitant and only do so out of obedience. I prefer to keep it to myself and wait to see how it all plays out. To me, that would be ideal. However, He feels differently about the matter. 🤷‍♀️ He is in charge, so I just do what He says.

Walking in the office of a prophet is the craziest way to live. It is a constant question mark. Very few answers to a gazillion questions. Frustration beyond measure in a multitude of ways.


Remember I did say sometimes I need to let off a little steam???

At times, I get angry about all these people who are claiming to be a prophet…yet have tons of followers and the money to go with their self-appointed title. Getting by with self-elevation while I have been self-demoting.

Now I am smart enough to know at some point in time, the tables will be turned. Jesus and I are going to bring some correction to the profits and turn their money-making schemes over. We are going to partner up and expose the liars for who they really are. Super stoked about this.

I am ready to educate the world about what a true prophet created, chosen, and sent by Father really looks like. How they truly walk their lives out. Look in the Bible and compare these modern-day prophets/profits to the ones of old. HUGE difference.

This isn’t rocket science folks. Father’s prophets lived HARD lives. Walked a very difficult road. They were set apart…different than everyone else. They spoke harsh truths to the people. Were HATED. NOT popular to the people.

Not a pleasant position to be assigned to. I have said on repeat to Him…I didn’t apply for this position. Didn’t ask for it. Didn’t feel some desperate need for a title. Minding my own business in life…paddling my own canoe. 🛶🤷‍♀️

When I am feeling extra sassy, I tell Him… a lot of people lined up for this job. You can go get one of them…any day of the week.

woman on ground
I have spent the last seven years lowering myself to get down on the Bride of Christ’s level. To become LIKE a prostitute to win the heart of a prostitute. PAINFUL experience.

Multiple Partnerships

Included in this position, I got yoked into multiple partnerships. WAY too complicated to post the complexities of them all here.

One such partnership is Kingdom Marriage… as Kingdom Spouses. That is what the Christian “prophets”/profits are calling my partnership. They are claiming it is something it is not…but they are hearing parts and pieces of my story. The story I have been living out (part of it) for the last seven years. As the Second Eve, Father (along with Christ and Holy Spirit) has been preparing me for my future. One part of my future is to partner with Christ…the Second Adam…as Kingdom spouses…to bring life and blessings to mankind. Father has yoked me with Christ to become like Him…living and dying for mankind.

As a man, He did His part in reversing the curse Adam and Eve placed on mankind. Prior to His death on the cross, He said…it is finished. His work to reverse the curses…was done. His offerings and sacrifices were complete when He breathed the last breath. Christ’s entire life’s work living as a perfect man…paid the price for the guilt offering mankind owes. (Among other things.)

Female Part

As the female counterpart, I have to reverse the curse Eve placed on mankind. The training for this over the last 30-plus years has been brutal. I keep telling them all…my work is greater than. Christ came as perfection…with full knowledge of all truths. Easy to be obedient when you are not triggered by a lie-based belief system. NOT easy to purge that lie-based belief system so you can walk in obedience.

One aspect of my job has been to purge the lie-based belief system so I can walk in obedience…working to perfection. Working to walk in truth 24/7. Keeping in step with His Spirit 24/7. Walking by faith…His convictions of His Truth…the opposite of how Eve walked.

W.O.W. 😳

lens ball at lake
The view inside the lens ball is upside down, compressed, and distorted.
lens ball at beach
Man foolishly builds their kingdoms/houses on the sand. It is upside-down thinking. Compressed without all the information needed…truth…and distorted in view.

Righting the Wrongs

NOT an easy road to walk.


This world has an upside-down…very distorted view of life.

All this data compressed into a tiny little zip file without any clue what any of it means.

My partnership with Christ is not only to right the wrongs…pay the price for the debt mankind owes…do the time for the crimes…but flip the narrative of the story mankind is writing. Invert the view. Create a NEW worldview. Open the eyes of mankind to SEE and KNOW the truth. To KNOW Him. See how it really is. Change the perspective. Make it right.

Part of that training has been serving time in prison while not guilty of the crimes. Think of Joseph. I have spent seven years confined in prison. Another layer of prison is Wilderness training.

This is part of how a true prophet walks. They LIVE out prophetically a story Father has written. Their lives are a picture to the people WHILE they speak Father’s harsh truths. Prophets don’t just speak Father’s words, their actions back those words up. Words and actions line up. They equal out.

All these so-called prophets in the Christian Religious System need to learn something my mentors from the Quilting Guild taught me many years ago as a young mother. Measure twice…cut once. This lines up with…be slow to speak and quick to listen.

You won’t find another human being on this planet who checks and rechecks many times before I speak words of prophecy. The danger is too great. The cost is too high.

A Current Issue

The work began over 30 years ago, and the work continues. I felt led to share briefly an issue I am currently working through.

Father has promised me A LOT over the years. We have been accumulating said promises.

Before I was thrown into Hell, didn’t doubt His words. Hell warped my perspective. We have been working overtime cleaning that mess up inside of my bad self.

While leaving MANY things out, I will share this much. He told me I was His Queen. Didn’t believe Him as I have said before. Worked through that mess. Now, I feel I better be His Queen, or He and I are going to come to blows by this point in time. Five years in Hell changed my attitude about many things. I deserve that position in His bed for I earned that position.

I have spent 53 years being Leah…it is time to be loved as Rachel now. It was a promise He gave me…it is owed to me. He better put His money where His mouth is.

One promise He gave me was a million dollars as a bride price. Not over my lifetime…but a payment as a deposit…the bride price.

Now…I have been scratching my head over this one for years now. That is a pretty tall order to fill. Not for Him…but for my mind to get wrapped around that. HOW is THAT going to happen???

mother daughter
A mother-daughter partnership. Another layer…Mother of the Bride and Christ’s Bride.


We resumed this convo again this morning. I have been struggling with it. Sorting through my issues regarding this.

I know He is perfectly capable of making that happen. Also, I know I am worth it. The work I have done…unparalleled in humanity. Christ did not do the work I have done. This is a greater reign than the former. No human and no deity has walked the road I have walked. Endured the pain I have endured. No one.

On repeat, I have said to Him…sign the title…the deed into my name please, and thank you. I want to own the WHOLE Kingdom…not half. The prenup is ALL…100% or I am ALL out.

I am tired of living in this state. Past tired. Tired of being homeless.


I was telling Him this morning…I feel famished. Like I am starving and dying of thirst. Like I desperately NEED a million dollars. It wouldn’t quench my thirst or satisfy my hunger…it would merely be one bite of an entire meal. The hunger and thirst I feel is all-consuming. I NEED it all to be pacified.

The desire I feel to have a home is unbelievable. I feel the same way about getting a vehicle, paying off the debt, and having money to spend.

I have NEEDS here in this world and I NEED Him to meet them for me. Those feelings are uncomfortable.

As always, He makes me feel everything to the extreme…and then sit in it until I get all the truth He wants me to hear, see, know, and understand.

Such a pleasurable way to live. 🤨

I was saying to Him…again…I need provision. EXTRAVAGANT provision. I need to get a vehicle, a home, pay debt off, have money to furnish the home, etc. Long list of financial needs here in this realm.

My problem has been this. Is He going to give me a real million in this world???? Or is this another spiritual picture that prophetically represents something in Heaven?

You can never tell with Him. Should never assume. Makes an ass out of u and me. 🤔


This is part of our convo this morning. I said to Him…I know you CAN do that. I know I AM worth that…and so much more. Also, I know you are getting ready to do something the world has never seen before. He brought up Secretariat the other night. Feeling it is nearing my time to run my race as the white horse. BUT…are you really going to have this thing…me…cross over the threshold and merge the two realms together. To remove the veil that separates Deity and myself?

REALLY???? Cuz I have been waiting over 20 years for this to happen. Is it really my time to teach?

I said to Him…no one ever gets elevated like this in such a short period of time. I have spent seven years in prison for crimes I did not commit. Paying debt I did not owe. Still carrying said financial debt. I have been living as a homeless nomad in the Wilderness…barely existing. No vehicle. No money. I am completely and totally dependent on you for my very existence. No one gets suddenly elevated and has their life so transformed in such a dramatic and extravagant fashion. No one.

Here was His response. Joseph did.

Wow. Truth bomb.

Along with that…He reminded me of a similar conversation many years ago. He wanted me to share it here.


Years ago, Father led me into a divorce. My first husband gave me an STD while he was having an affair. He wasn’t willing to work on the marriage. Father said it was time to move on. My marriage was my disobedience, not my divorce.

For years, I had been a stay-at-home, homeschooling mother. Father wasn’t changing my position just because I was now single. My calling remained the same. I was to continue educating my children at home without an income.

This was a HARD road to walk. I spent MANY hours in convo with Father trying to wrap my head around this concept. I had no idea how this was going to work.

Many arguments over this season of my life as well. 🤷‍♀️ My life is crazy.

woman on path in woods
Will you choose to walk His way? Count the cost. Think about it. The path to follow Him is unclear, blurry, out of focus…a hard path to follow at times.


When the divorce was final, I moved to a different state. Left the country and moved to the city. We walked away from our friends and family to start a new life a couple of hours away. Uprooted my life tremendously. It was all on Father. He was my Husband. Dependency on Him.

Since I am living in a completely different state, I need answers. Direction. 24/7 I was talking to Father. Every decision…He had to make for me. While trying to understand how this was going to work, I said to Him…NO mother gets paid to stay home and raise her children.

His immediate response was this…Moses’ mother did.

WOW…truth bomb. I was stunned.

After that convo, He sent me three more confirmations…repeating Himself so I would KNOW it was Him. Back then, the insecurities would overwhelm me at times. He was lovingly patient with me.

One confirmation came through a devotion I did. The scripture was of Moses being raised by his mother.

The second came that Sunday which happened to be Mother’s Day. Back then, Father had me in the Christian Religious System. The preacher preached a sermon on Moses and how his mother raised him for the Egyptians.

The third confirmation came from my son, Donovan. I had purchased a book for him to read on manhood. Young boys becoming men. He walked into the kitchen while I was sitting at the table. He said…mom…I think you are supposed to read this chapter in this book. Father was speaking to him.

I read it…and the chapter was about when we are living as disciples of Christ…we work for Him…not for man.

I got the picture.


What He had promised me all those years ago…to be my Husband and provide for me…He did.

I caught a lot of shit for that. A lot of people said a lot of bad things about me as a result of my walk with Father. My obedience cost me many relationships. Ruined my reputation.

In spite of the hate, condemnation, and malice against me…I obeyed. I followed.

Because I have been left-brain dominant, I am all about logic, reasoning, and critical thinking skills. At the same time, I think in picture format.

After He spoke about Joseph this morning, along with reminding me of my situation years ago…His word about Moses’ mother…and how that all came to pass just as He said it would…I saw an image.

It is logic. Logical. Mathematical in my mind. Lines up. Adds up.

If He said He would pay me to raise my children like He did for Moses’ mother…and that was a true statement…for it came to pass…

THEN, it must also be equally true when He says He will elevate me like He also elevated Joseph when He put Joseph in a similar situation.

If A is true…then B must also be equally true.

He isn’t a liar. His promises are sure. Security. Surety.

The transactions are the same in His realm. And also in mine.

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A text Bobbi sent to me a bit ago. She hears so very clearly from Father. Love having my ladies in waiting to help me on this journey. They are treasures to me.

Forging Ahead

Although the path is blurry…out of focus most of the time…and I am entering the unknown…I am asking Him to show Himself to me. Think Frozen. 🥶😍

I need Him to lavishly pour out His love upon me. Haven’t a clue how in the world He is going to fulfill His promises, but I do believe Him when He says He will.

Christ…my Kingdom Spouse…partner…my knight in shining armor…will come. With me by His side…and/or under his rear end as the horse…we will restore His Kingdom. His Kingdom will come. He will be restored to His rightful throne. The one He was appointed for all those years ago when He walked this Earth. Like King David waited on Father’s timing to depose Saul…Christ has been waiting for Father’s timing to depose Satan.

As living stones, we have both lived and died for mankind. Offered up the appropriate offerings and sacrifices. Paid the debts. Paid the price.

I believe my work is finished in the Wilderness and it is time for me to crossover. For the two realms to merge together for me. I am beyond ready. Waiting to see what transpires in the days ahead.

I can see the growth in me…years ago as a single, stay-at-home, homeschooling mother, I walked with trembling knees. At times, overwhelmed by fear…He carried me.

Today, Hell can’t shake me. Instead, I will storm the gates of Hell and tear down the enemies’ kingdoms to rightfully restore them to the One True Heir…King Jesus. The Bride must be prepared for Her King’s return.

Stay tuned…

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