lake view

Peace. Peacefulness. What a peaceful view. What a peaceful life. I am living an incredibly peaceful life these days. 💙

I took this photo recently while I was working in my new office. 😜 I am thoroughly enjoying my summer. The sunshine is AMAZING! Living the good life. I have become a regular visitor of this spot to soak in the sun…SON.

Vanessa and I were discussing the other day…our desires to be online have disappeared. We are loving our lives and enjoying LOVE and peace. I thought I should do a short post just to keep myself active here. 🤷‍♀️

Here are a few things on my heart this evening.

The Bee Gees can harmonize like no other. 😉 Listening to them sing as I type…loving their harmonies!

When I got home this evening, Bobbi was watching the first Top Gun. I sat down on the arm of the couch and just stared at Tom Cruise. She must have read my thoughts because she laughed and said…he is so young there isn’t he. Ummm…yes!

My response…he looks like a kid. I told her…he is much better looking now than he was then. I was saying how some men look better the older they get. Like George Clooney, Sean Connery, Sam Elliott, etc. I love the salt-and-pepper hair look. So distinguished.

Bobbi’s response was this…unfortunately, women usually don’t. I agreed.

Then I headed back to my room and turned on YouTube. On comes a video of Annie Lennox singing one of Sting’s songs…Fragile…to Sting. At that moment, I decided some women do look better as they age. Annie Lennox…Annie Lennox looks more beautiful as the older version of herself than she did back in the 80’s. She looked fabulous.

The Enemy

I recently had a dream where I got in bed with the enemy. He was a Colonel in Satan’s military. He chose me because I was there to save the women who were being held in captivity as sex slaves.

Father told me later through a friend…the bed is ready. Get in with strength and confidence. Remember my power is with you.

I thought Father had lost His mind…but He assured me…He was going to teach me some stuff.

I got in bed with the enemy. That is happening in a variety of ways. Super strange and I would never have guessed I would be where I am at today. 🤯

Gotta say…I am loving it. Having SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!! I am learning stuff that is BLOWING my mind. Crazy good!!!

Did a Tarot card reading. Lexy told me…I promise you…you will hear something you need to hear.

She wasn’t wrong. Father is teaching me new things about the spirit realm I had no idea were possible. He had me order some cards. Have no idea what He will teach me through them…but excited to learn. I am going to a psychic fair in July. Craziness. Never in my wildest imagination would I have ever thought Father would lead me to do the things I am doing today.

It seems like I am going to get an education in not only black magic but white as well.

The Cards

I have been studying the cards since the reading. She pulled out for me the High Priestess and the Empress. Such cool cards. The whole reading was spot-on accurate about me and my life. Fascinating to me in every possible way.

I was talking to Vanessa about one of the cards today in conjunction with the reading.

In the reading, Rita did the Celtic cross. In it, she said…you are waiting on something to come to completion. You have been working for this…waiting on it.

Oh…honey…you have no idea how spot-on you are. 🤣

Vanessa and I were talking about the completion of it along with one of the things Rita said to me about the completion of it. I said to Vanessa…IF I get the money to travel. She stopped me and said…I don’t know IF you are going but WE ARE going.

It stopped me…dead in my tracks. I corrected immediately…it was a BEAUTIFUL moment for me. I said to her…I am no longer going to say IF I get the money…I am going to say…WHEN I get the money. I AM going to travel with my family. We ARE going…WHEN we get the money. I have worked hard…it is going to happen for us.


Father has been making changes in my heart…my mind…my life. Beautiful changes. I am absolutely head over heels in love with Him. Madly. Happiness isn’t even a word to describe it. The purity of love in my heart feels amazing. So clean. Love it. Such a beautiful fire inside of me. Shining brightly…cleanly.

Excited about the changes He will continue to make as this transformation of the old Crystal into the new Crystal Ann Laura is completed.

Loving the new me.

Going to end it there.

Turn on some Bee Gees and enjoy their harmonies. They make me smile…so peaceful.

Music is wonderful!!!!!

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