picture of a necklace

The other morning, Father woke me up serenading me with a song. This is a regular occurrence for us. Many times, I have come in and out of sleep and heard Him singing to me…and me singing back to Him. Sometimes we are just talking in conversation…but I love the singing back and forth. Makes life a bit more fun and spicy I think. On this particular day…He was singing F**kin’ Perfect by P!nk. 😍

I had no idea what He was saying to me. I knew He would eventually clue me in on the mystery. He usually does.

Within minutes, He started singing another song…then another. You get the idea.

I caught on pretty quickly…as this is how we roll.

I pulled up Apple Music and made the playlist He had chosen for my day. You will see a screenshot of that playlist included here. This was the assignment for my day. 😆

Never a dull moment following Him…for REAL! He always keeps me in a state of bewilderment…frustration…and intrigue.

I am quite sure I have said this here on the blog before…you can just call me repeat…won’t hurt my feelings one iota. 🤷‍♀️

playlist screenshot
My playlist for the day.

Default Settings

Computers are a picture in the physical realm of our minds…brains. Our minds have default settings.

Years ago, I saw the light about it, and decided it would be WAY easier for me to change the default settings than to work my hiney off trying to remember to do certain actions. I am all about efficiency. The easier it is…the better for me. Work smarter not harder they say. This is why I have worked so hard to clean up my mind. I want to rest easy at some point in my life.

Around this time of my great epiphany…I had been asking Father each morning…what do you want me to do today. I walk by keeping in step with His Spirit. I walk with the moon under my feet. Each step I take…I take by the direction and guidance of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is my Spirit guide…guiding the steps I take on a daily basis…moment by moment.

I was getting tired of asking repeatedly for Him to guide me. So, I decided to have Him change my default settings. I said to Him…let’s make an agreement between the two of us. I need YOU to change the default setting in my mind for me. Make it so YOU tell me what to do each day. Give me the daily plan. Show me each step to take 24/7…step by step. Sometimes, I would complete a task and then ask…what is the next step. I didn’t want to do that anymore, but I still wanted His guidance.

We changed the default setting so that from then on…He had permission to tell me without me constantly asking Him to tell me. Much more efficient for us both. We have changed many default settings since that day. A much more efficient way for me to live. 😜


My playlist…was His plan for my day. It was how the day was going to play out in advance.


I am telling you…He never ceases to amaze me…both in the negative and positive. No one can amuse me as He can, nor can anyone take me to a level of anger as He can. 🤷‍♀️

I feel led to share a bit about how that day played out.

screenshot photo
A photo I took for Vanessa of a YouTube video I was watching.


Father led me to a video on YT. In this video, a couple were discussing a woman who calls herself a prophet. They spent about an hour explaining why they believed she was a false prophet. This led me to an article written by someone who said this particular prophet has professed she is without sin…and also appears before Father and His throne a few times a week.

After watching a few videos, Father said to me…here is the pink-haired woman who is claimed to have said she is perfect…without sin.

It is why He sang the song…F**kin’ Perfect by P!nk. The first song on the playlist. 🤣

I was HIGHLY amused by this. I LOVE His sense of humor. So great!


The next song was Bones.

After my shower, He had me wear the necklace you see in the featured image. It is an engraved picture of my dad. At his funeral, a friend of ours who owns a jewelry store gave both Tammy and I each this necklace as a gift. A super sweet gesture.

Typically, I am not one to focus on the dead. That is an area of life that can get you into trouble with Father, so I am very careful about following Holy Spirit regarding anything death related. This gift was from Him for certain purposes. When He said…wear it today, I knew there was a purpose behind it.


My video-watching was interrupted by my appointment at the gym. HAVE to add this here. Glenn informed me today I am ready to get back to my old 5-day split workout routine. SUPER STOKED about that. I have put on 5 lbs of muscle weight and gaining strength daily. Ready to step up to the next level. I am leaving tonight for a week in Michigan so when I return, we will be doing 5 days instead of 3. By late July, I should be completely independent in the gym again. WOOHOO!!!! Goodness, I am PUMPED about it. 💪 😜 Look at me GO!

Grave Sucking

When I returned home, Father had me watch another video. This time it was about grave sucking. “Christians sucking the anointing out of gravesites of dead people.” 😳 🤯 What the what???!!! WTH???

When He sang Bones to me earlier that morning, He also said…dry bones.

This video was related to the song Bones. These grave-sucking Christians think there is magic in those dry bones. Isn’t the way He works so GNARLY MAN??? 🤓 He is so FUNNY and so creative in how He speaks. Spectacular…I didn’t see that coming at all. Ya know…in that format?


It goes back to the photo of my dad.

Listen…let me clue you in on a bit of trivia about me here. I have been following Him for 30-plus years now. Radically obedient in my following of Him. That means…I appear CRAZY to the masses…and sound just as crazy. The things He asks me to do defy man’s logical mind.

That being said…I have heard a gazillion times…by strangers and those I love…that I don’t know “God.” I am hearing from demons. I am crazy, delusional, disobedient, etc.

Listen, I get it.

This is my response.

One…no one has questioned my sanity more than me. That is a fact. If you take Father out of the equation completely…I am completely sane to all people and considered intelligent. When you add Father in…I am delusional to those who don’t know Father’s ways.

Two…how He leads me…leads me into a greater intimacy WITH Him…rather than leading me AWAY from Him. Satan and man’s flesh…will ALWAYS lead you AWAY from Father. Only Holy Spirit will lead you into a greater degree of intimacy with Christ and with Father. Holy Spirit is my Spirit guide. He leads me to Father through Christ. That is a fact. I exude Christ-like character because my obedience has been purifying my fleshly sin out of me. That is how it works.

Three…I KNOW intimately my Father’s voice.

My Father’s Voice

When my dad was alive, he would call me up on the phone. Never once did my dad need to introduce himself to me. Why? Because I was in an intimate relationship with my dad. Had been for years. I knew my dad’s voice intimately.

Just like my children. They never need to introduce themselves to me on the phone…because I KNOW their voices intimately.

Same with my friends. If I am intimate with someone, I am familiar with their voice. No introductions are needed.

The same applies to my Heavenly Father. I have been having conversations with Him for over 30 years now. I KNOW my Father’s voice. His voice never changes…even when His tone changes out of anger, flirtation, or humor…I still recognize His voice.

That is how our brains were designed to work. We have memory space to hold information. Sounds and voice recall live in our mind cloud space.

People think I am an idiot and can’t discern between His voice and other voices.

I am equally acquainted with the enemy’s voice. He isn’t nice. Not a fan of speaking with him. I avoid conversations with him and his crew. I am not deceived…they are NOT my friends. Have no desire to be intimate with my enemies. The only time I am…is when He commands me to be intimate with them. 🤷‍♀️

Songs 3 and 4

The other two songs are a bit more personal in nature. I will share this tidbit that pertains to these two songs.

Later that afternoon, Hannah and I had an appointment with our adoption attorney. The consult went well…just as I expected. No surprises there. After the appointment, I did inner healing with Hannah before she treated me to a ribeye at Outback. Mighty nice of her. 😜

Anyone with any smarticles at all…already knows attorneys cost a pretty penny. Now…I am not a tightwad. I don’t mind spending money. I just haven’t appreciated Father’s spending habits through me over the entire time I lived in the Wilderness. He spends money like He owns everything. Imagine that! 😉

I keep telling Him your outflow and your inflow are whacked here. NO balance whatsoever on my scales. It has been a GREAT source of irritation for me over the last three-plus years. Actually, longer than that, but way worse the last three-plus. I have been harping on Him about my wages. 30 plus years’ worth of no wages on Earth makes for a grumpy girl. I KNOW my account in Heaven is overflowing but Crystal Ann wants Him to SHOW ME THE MONEY here on Earth TOO.

Let’s merge the two realms. Bring them into unity is what I keep saying.

The Conversation

Here is a condensed version of the conversation we had regarding the attorney fees.

I told Him…as always…I will do this if this is what you are asking me to do…BUT…you gotta give me peace about it. 100% peace. No hesitation whatsoever.

I won’t take one step without 100% of His peace. If I am not convinced 100%, I won’t budge. I have to be convinced 100% before I move forward in what He is saying I am supposed to do.

Adopting Hannah…100% peace about it.

My issue was hiring an attorney to get the job done. I just went through the judicial system and did not use an attorney. It was a great experience for me.

When Father said to adopt her, I heard very clearly…under $500. That was the number I was expecting to hear from the attorney when I called and made the appointment.

The quote was much higher. That made me question if I was right or not with using the attorney. I called the courthouse and spoke to those in the know and found out that if I did it myself…it would indeed be under 500.

My question to Father was…do I do this adoption process myself? OR are you wanting me to use the attorney…because I thought you wanted me to use the attorney. I was perplexed.

The Attorney

He had a series of questions for me.

One…do you think this man (attorney) is worth the money? I saw clearly…the difference in what it would cost me to do it myself…my time…versus paying him for his time and business overhead.

I remembered the very first time I encountered this attorney. It was at a two-day trial where I testified as a witness.

The trial was kind of fun for me. I already knew the outcome before the lawsuit even began, my job was simple and straightforward.

This attorney was on the opposing side and he was incredible. I was truly in awe of his abilities. His critical thinking skills impressed me. His ability to think so quickly on his feet as to what questions to ask and how to present his case…remarkable. He was efficient, concise, clear, logical, intelligent, professional, prepared, etc. This guy was good. The other attorney was an embarrassment when up against this man.

Father used that trial to teach me.

During the trial…Father put a pin on this man. Father highlighted him to me…for later reference.

When Hannah came to me again asking me to adopt her…I knew the time was right. She suggested an attorney and right away, I said…no…I know who I am supposed to use.

Father was reminding me of how competent this man is…his skills. His value. His worth.

To answer Father’s question…do you think his time…he is worth the money…I said absolutely. No question there. This man is worth the investment. He is worth the cost.

Next Question

His next question…

Do you believe Hannah is worth the money?

My response…without hesitation…YES. I do believe Hannah is worth the money. She is worth the investment.

His next question…

Since Hannah is a picture to you of the Bride…do you think the Bride is worth the money? Is the Bride worth adopting as your daughter?

My response…without hesitation…YES. I do believe the Bride is worth adopting as my daughter. I have already laid my life down and died for Her. She was worth my life. She is worth the investment of this money.

His next question…

Do you think the judicial system is worth the money? Are you willing to financially invest in the judicial system here on this Earth to get this adoption done?

My response…without hesitation…YES. I do believe even though the judicial system here is flawed…it is still worth the money. It is worth the investment. It is a picture of the judicial system in Heaven…that alone makes it worth the investment. I have learned many truths over the years about Father’s system of justice through the system He created here to show us His ways of justice.

Following those questions and my responses, the matter was settled for me. I had peace at 100%. No more hesitation about spending His money.

In order to mend broken hearts…money has to be spent. His money…His way…for it is His plan of redemption and restoration. In part, it is about investing into the hearts of the people.

The Day

The day was a spectacular one in every way. I am having a ball studying. It is fascinating to see the similarities between the Christian Religious System and the New Age System. Each religious system has similar patterns that are across the board on both sides of the spectrum. You always have the conservatives and the liberals in every system.


Someday I will get to teach what I have learned. Excited to share the truth with everyone.


The TRUTH is AWESOME!!!!! Powerful stuff!

You should NEVER reject the truth… a bad idea. 💩


Signing Off

Well…I need to get some things done.

Hannah sent me a text asking if I was ready to go.

My response…NOPE…haven’t even started packing yet. 😂

We aren’t leaving until little Esme is ready for bed so she can sleep through the drive.

Guess who is going to be up all night long driving? 🙋‍♀️ Yep…yours truly.

We are all excited about spending the week in Michigan. Lots of things are planned. Was hoping Bobbi could go too but she is in Pennsylvania this week. Couldn’t work our schedules out to get it done. Going to just have to go again later in the summer. 😜 🤷‍♀️

HAVE A MARVY DAY!!!! I am planning on it myself!

P.S. I feel like the photo of my dad is a bit blurry…but with my phone…that is the best pic I could get. Not pulling out the Canon right now. Got WAY too many things on my plate tonight. Feeling super proud of getting the blog post done with my schedule today. Just overlook that bit of blur and get the meaning behind it. 🥰

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